All about ants

Interesting facts about ants can be listed endlessly. What only are their relationships "in society". Everything is amazing - from life, behavior, to housing, body characteristics. The science of ants involves the study of all aspects of the existence of insects, called myrmecology.

Interesting facts about ant civilization

Ants - the most numerous structure of all insects. They live in a huge colony, all of whose members are biological relatives. Each individual has its own specific smell and is common, characteristic of all residents of one anthill. Due to this, the ants distinguish their kindred from a stranger.

On a note!

Interesting fact regarding the quantity. A large detachment of ants on the planet is estimated by scientists approximately. According to the data obtained, the total weight of all ants is equal to the weight of all people in the world, and individual ant mass negligible. In parallel with us lives another civilization.

Interesting fact about responsibilities. The distribution of powers, responsibilities in the ant society can only be envied by a person. Strict division into clans, each of which contains "professions". A guard, a scout, a warrior, a nanny, a nurse, a midwife, a doilshchik, a builder, a nurse, a food getter, a transporter.

An interesting fact about prestige. In ant society there is such a thing as a prestigious profession. At a young age individuals try themselves in different areas.The lowest caste are slaves. They are destined to be builders, the execution of other works is prohibited. This includes all those who could not realize themselves in other areas. Even when dragging their eggs, transporters quickly take their young. The construction profession of ants is not held in high esteem. Although without it nowhere.

Ant life
Ant life

Between ants often meets the analysis of the relationship:

  • Individuals are trying to strengthen their place in the sun, show their superiority over others.
  • Arrange disassembly, during which they show aggression - bite.
  • Rise on hind legs, show their advantage in growth.
  • Then they drag the vanquished, they throw them in an anthill, demonstrating their superiority to the others.

Interesting fact about housing

You can talk endlessly about anthills. This unique structure affects the size, internal structure, duration of existence. The construction of the house start from birth. Responsibilities are placed on the working class — the most numerous group. Every year the structure increases in size. The largest anthill is recorded in the Tomsk region. The height of the ant house comes to 3 m. The diameter is 5 m.Presumably, the construction of a “multi-storey building” took 25 years.

Ants dwelling
Ants dwelling

The internal structure of the anthill is striking complexity, smoothness, diversity. It is divided into 2 parts - above and below the ground.


In the upper floors ants spend the summer, in the lower - winter. In each of them there are numerous chambers interconnected by passages. Camera for the queens, eggs, larvae, food, aphids, warehouses, tombs, sleeping rooms, etc. The entrance is carefully guarded by soldiers.

Interesting fact from the field of reproduction, development

Amazing and ant breeding process. A young female is fertilized once by a male who dies thereafter within a week. Responsibility for choosing the place of future housing falls on the "female" shoulders. The female lays eggs. After 2 weeks of them there are working ants, proceed to construction. The female becomes the queen. The seminal fluid that once entered her body is enough to reproduce the offspring for the rest of her life. And she lives about 25 years.

Interesting fact - the features of the body

Winter ants safely transferred.With the onset of heat an anthill warms up, its inhabitants move to the upper floors, eventually opening entrances. The body of an ant with a decrease in air temperature goes into a “sleeping mode”. Metabolic processes slow down, the body temperature can drop to -58 degrees Celsius. In this state, the ant does not freeze, but simply waits for adverse days. In humans, a similar condition is characterized as a lethargic sleep. but ants can sleep and in the warm period.

In winter, ants are difficult to meet, but there is no strict ban on leaving the anthill. If the winter is not too harsh, the insects continue to lead an active lifestyle, being poisoned to search for food. The fecundity of the female is somewhat reduced.

Ant civilization
Ant civilization

Ants live in harmony, work as a single mechanism. They do not have a “think tank”, there are no leadership skills. The nervous system of insects is not so harmonious. How they all do it without rebellion, resentment, special training - remains a mystery.

On a note!

The ability of ants to learn leads scientists to delight. Insects pass on their experience to others, showing how things should be done.An experienced ant, who discovered the food, leads along the route of a young member of society, showing how to find food items. Examples are multiple and varied.

An interesting veil from living conditions

In the anthill chamber insects contain aphids on mutually beneficial terms. Provide her with plant food, in return receive a sweet substance that aphid secretes on your body. To make it bigger, ants tickle an insect. For them, such food is a real delicacy.


After the death of a relative, ants, unlike many insects, do not eat it, but are taken to a special chamber - the tomb. In the family of insects care for others, honor, respect is manifested.

Representatives of tropical areas - an interesting fact

Everything about ants from faraway countries cannot be told in one article. Their life causes surprise, admiration and joy that they are not found in our area.

The most aggressive ants live in tropical countries - roving. The body of the uterus reaches the size of 5 cm, the working ants - about 3 cm. Periodically, the millionth colony goes in search of a better life, sweeping away all living things in its path - plants, small insects.They are dangerous for animals and people.

The African villagers, having learned about the movement of stray ants, lock up their homes, take their pets and children with them, go to another place. Rodents, dogs, cats, even goats are devoured to death. The view is terrifying. For man bite and ant poison the ant faces serious health complications.

An interesting fact by birth

Many interesting facts about ants regarding their birth. The eggs are fertilized by the female as they pass through the genital tract. Males are born from unfertilized eggs, fertilized produce females.

Males do not live long; they die within a week after fertilization of a young female. Their fate is predetermined. Females incapable of fertilization are the main part of ant society. From the eggs of the larvae with the same appetite, requests. They are separated in different chambers, providing different care.


The further life of an individual depends on the quality and quantity of food. During this period, the ability to conceive or its absence is formed. Ants themselves regulate the number of workers, males, queens.

Everything about ants cannot be contained in one article, there is so much information that knowledge has been singled out as a separate science. The most interesting facts from the life of ants provide scientists for general surprise.

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