How to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap

With the onset of cold weather in houses, apartments appear small, greyish house micethat you want to get rid of in any way. Old proven tools are traps, mouse cells come first. You can buy a ready-made fixture, or make it yourself. How to catch a mouse in an apartment, you can puzzle for days. Or just take advantage of the experience of other "victims."

Catching pests improvised

When you see a mouse, you shouldn't immediately rush headlong into the store for a trap, you first need to look around. See what you can use as homemade mouse trap. There are several ways to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap.


You will need a bank with a capacity of 1-1.5 l., A coin of 5 kopeks, a small piece of cardboard, a bait. The easiest version of the mousetrap. Place the bait on the carton. Top put the jar upside down. On the one hand, place an edge with an edge, place the edge of the can on it.

The bait should be a little more coin. Catching a mouse in a jar is easy. At the sight of food, the rodent hurries to get behind her - there will be no obstacles in it. But when the mouse begins to carry food with itself, touches the coin, the bank will fall, the mouse will be trapped.

The only option when the mousetrap is capable of not working, if the animal decides to eat everything at once, it will get back itself. To avoid such an event, the trap should be slightly improved.

The bait is glued with tape at a height of 3 cm from the neck. The edge of the can is placed on the side with the bait on the coin.The mouse climbs in, rises, leaning on the jar to get to the food. The coin falls, the mouse is trapped.

On a note!

You can catch a mouse in the house in this way with the help of a flowerpot, a deep bowl, any suitable container. As bait it is better to use smoked sausage, fried lard, chips.

Catching mice without a mousetrap
Catching mice without a mousetrap

Plastic bottle

Catch the mouse in the apartment can be a bottle of mineral water, any drink. At the bottom pour a few spoons of vegetable oil, spread on the sides. Spread the bait in the form of roasted seeds. The smell in the bottle will last a long time, spread throughout the room. Catching mice in a bottle is very convenient, since several pieces can be caught.

The bottle is placed under the slope. Books are good as a basis. You can put 3 books in steps, fix the edge of the bottle with tape. In the event that the trap is not overturned ahead of time, the mouse did not run away.

On the steps the mouse crawls into the bottle on the smell of fragrant bait. Goes inside, eats with pleasure, the slippery vegetable oil does not allow to get out. She is joined by another poor fellow.If you are lucky, it will be caught immediately. 3. You can catch everyone in turn.

On a note!

The trap is placed near the shelf, on the steps. In such a place the mice are caught very quickly. The bottleneck for them is not a hindrance.

With the same purpose using a glass bottle of beer. The aroma of beer yeast attracts mice very much. Placing the trap under a small slope, you can easily catch a mouse without a mousetrap, without killing, without using additional bait.


Bucket Mouse Trap
Bucket Mouse Trap

Catching mice at home with a bucket is the most exciting thing to do. There are several options for successful traps.

  • Cover the bucket with a newspaper, secure the edges with tape. In the center make a cross-cut. Sprinkle the bait. In this case, well suited grain, cereals, flour, seeds. To the bucket substitute a stick, a plate, a ruler, will play the role of a ladder. The mouse easily gets on a ladder, tries to reach a bait, the newspaper is torn, the mouse falls. If you pour water into a bucket, the animal drowns, you do not have to wrestle with what to do with the caught mouse.
  • The bucket is filled with water, not reaching 3 cm to the edge. Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.Sprinkle over husks, straw, dry leaves, so that there is no water. Crumble grain, seeds, cereals. You can lure fragrant bait. Put the stairs. The trap works in a similar way. But the advantages are that you can catch several pests at once. One victim is sinking, the top layer of the trap is quickly restored, followed by the smell of another rodent. So, until the morning comes, the activity of the rodents will decrease.
  • From the plastic bottle cut off the bottom, neck, smeared with vegetable oil. Scotch glue the bait in the center. Thread the stick, set on the edges of a bucket of water. The animal creeps into the bottle, trying to get to the bait, the bottle is spinning, falls with a stick in a bucket.

Another option trap with a bucket, if the mouse likes to crawl on the tables. Put the ruler on the edge of the table, so that most of it hung down. Under it have a bucket. On the edge of the line put bait for mice. The rodent runs to food about nothing, unaware, falls into a bucket. You can kill the mouse yourself or give it to the cat. Many cats eat mice or just catch them.

Complex structures

You can catch the mouse yourself using a special trap,over the invention of which will have to work a little.

  • House for catching mice constructed from the grid. Make an oblong box. The sides are fixed with wire. One side will be the door. Should open from top to bottom. Fastened with a spring. On the opposite side is placed the hook with the bait, it is held on a strong thread that holds the door with the other end. Smoked sausage, lard, chocolate and meat are used as bait. The mouse creeps, tries to pull off the bait, the thread breaks, the door closes.
  • From wooden plates make the box without the top. They have a bridge of small slats. In the center they touch each other, from the other edge are fixed by hinges. Separately make the roof, which is freely placed on top. Windows are made on both sides so that the mouse gets to the bridge, making its way into the hole. On the roof in the center hang the bait. To reach it, the animal must pass over the bridge to the edge. Under the weight of the animal, it overturns, quickly returns to its original position. It is possible to catch all the pests in turn. A living person can be pulled out of a box, fed to a cat.

Difficult mousetraps
Difficult mousetraps

House for mice made from a variety of materials. It is worth only a little imagination, to show the skills of a joiner - and the trap is ready.

Skill catching without a mousetrap

If the location of the pests is known, the mouse can be lured with a strong smell. Contrary to popular belief, cheese for rodents is not in the first place. Pests on smoked foods, nuts, strongly roasted seeds, crackers with seasoning, crisps, lard, burnt with a match, react badly. You can lure out of the shelter with these ingredients.

You can find the mouse in complete silence, twilight. Animals are afraid of loud sounds, do not tolerate bright light. They get used to the smell of a person in the house, so they are not particularly afraid of him.

To catch the mouse should be armed with a towel of medium size. Hiding in the corner, quietly wait until a pest appears from under the cabinet. Quickly throw a towel, squeeze.

This option of rodent hunting is suitable if it is interesting to show your wit, check the reaction rate, or the pest is not caught in another way.

To catch rodents, it is enough to show a little skill, resort to fantasy, figure out where rodents like to fish.

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