How to get rid of mice in the stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling is appreciated for its beauty and ease of installation. It is mounted a couple of centimeters below the "native" ceiling. In the resulting space, rodents may appear. They penetrate through the cracks in the walls and vents. Then the main question becomes what to do with the mouse under the suspended ceiling.

How to lure a mouse

If the mouse was got, then it is simple to cope with it. It is enough to lure her out of the shelter. But it will take a little time.There are two ways to do this quickly:

  • hang a bottle with a piece of treat near the chandelier;
  • hang a tilted board piece in the same place. On the board spread out the bait.

The first method is good because the mouse immediately falls into a trap, from which it is difficult to escape. But not every animal agrees to climb into the bank. The second way increases the chance to lure the rodent, since the board seems to the pest to be safe, but you have to catch the beast on the floor.

On a note!

As bait for mice You should use her favorite foods: sweet fruits, sunflower seeds, bread with odorous oil.

If you set the board to the floor, then at the end of the "mouse path" you can arrange:

The first two devices are designed to kill the animal. Zhivolovka represents trap cagewhich closes if a pest runs in. Then the mouse can be released away from their homes.

Mouse in a suspended ceiling
Mouse in a suspended ceiling

Application of poisons

If the mice run on the stretch ceiling, you can get rid of them with chemicals. But it is worth being careful. The active substance of drugs can poison humans and pets.

On a note!

During work with poisonous preparations it is worth wearing gloves, a kerchief and loose clothing. It is advisable to use a respirator to poison for mice Do not get into the respiratory tract. After the procedure, you should wash your hands and face, and wash your clothes separately from other things.

The most popular drugs are:

The first quickly kills mice. It is used no more than once every two months. The latter are blood anticoagulants. They change the composition of blood and make the rodent crawl into the fresh air.

Poison can be prepared from the fact that there is in any kitchen. If you need to get rid of the mouse in the stretch ceiling, then a simple home method will do:

  1. Take 100 g of flour, 150 g of sugar and 100 g of soda.
  2. Ingredients are mixed with a wooden spatula in a plate.
  3. The composition is displayed in the holes under the lamp.

Soda causes gas in the mouse, which leads to its death.

Fighting mice
Fighting mice

If the animal managed to gnaw through the stretch ceiling, then the poison must be put into this hole.

Application of ultrasonic repeller

There are a lot of mice repellers on the market. According to customer feedback, not all of them work effectively.To choose a quality product? should pay attention to such factors:

  • at what distance waves travel;
  • does it change rodent ultrasonic repeller frequency of work;
  • how long it works without recharging (if the device is battery powered).

The device distributes ultrasound, affecting the nervous system of animals and insects. Pests are in a hurry to leave their homeland and never return. To achieve the effect, the repeller must operate continuously for 2-3 months.


Animals can adapt to ultrasound, if it goes all the time on the same frequency. In this case, the device does not interfere with the mice in the stretch ceiling.

There are devices that also propagate electromagnetic waves. They are more effective because ultrasound does not pass through walls, and for electromagnetic radiation only iron is an obstacle.

Call master

If a single mouse appeared under the ceiling, a second one might appear - the rodents have a loophole in the human house. It is possible to set up mousetraps each time and lay out the poison, but it is easier to solve the problem by dismantling the stretch ceiling.

After the specialist finishes work, it is required to inspect the ceiling for the presence of mouse moves.

On a note!

A qualified master can tell what to do if a mouse has settled in the house.

Any cracks, even the smallest, are carefully sealed. The air vent is closed by a fine grille.

If the suspended ceiling is installed in a wooden house, then you need to check the attic. Often mice make nests there and begin to nibble on the tree from which the floors are made.


In order not to worry about how to get rid of a mouse in a stretch ceiling, you should take care of everything before you begin to stretch the coating:

  • there should be no gaps in the ceiling and walls;
  • the space must be clean and dry;
  • ventilation passages must be closed with a grill.

In this case, the mouse simply can not gnaw through the stretch ceiling.

If it is impossible to get rid of a rodent with the help of baits and poisons, then you should call a specialist in dismantling the suspended ceiling. When a professional removes the canvas, you will need to check the walls and seal all loopholes for mice.

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