How to get mice out of the garage

Mice capture not only houses and apartments. They settle in barns and basements, spoil crops in vegetable gardens and even seize garages. The machine, standing in its "house", is also attacked by animals, which gnaw the wires and seat upholstery. Motorists have to wonder how to get rid of mice in the garage.

Fighting physical methods

If only mouse marks appeared in the garage, then you can try to do without chemicals. To do this, you need to clean there and arrange trap cells.

On a note!

Mousetraps can serve as prevention of the appearance of rodents. If paper and food is stored indoors, then it is worthwhile to put several traps with baits.

Traps come in several forms:

  1. Glue. She represents adhesive for micewhich is applied to a piece of cardboard or wood. The bait is placed near the holes. The mouse will run on the smell of glue and stick to the trap. Get out of it, she can not.
  2. Mousetrap. Wooden construction with fragrant inside bait for mice: a piece of bread with butter, lard, fruit. When the animal climbs for a treat, the device slams and the rodent dies on the spot.
  3. Zhivolovka. It is produced as a cell with a bridge. An edible bait is placed at the end of the bridge. The mouse runs over the bridge, which bends under its weight, enters the cage and cannot get out of it. Man releases the little animal into the wild.

The latter method of struggle allows the mammal to save life. But so that it does not return to the garage, it should be released far away.

Physical methods of struggle can not get rid of the garage room from rodents forever.

Mice in the garage
Mice in the garage

Chemical Fight

Chemistry from mice in the garage is used when the pests have divorced quite a lot. Care must be taken when using venom. It should not be taken with bare hands, laid out near the products and used where there are children or pets.

On a note!

Dead mice are required to burn or bury in the waste ground.

Fighting rodents can be the following means:

  1. Anticoagulants blood - Rat death, Storm, Nutcracker. These drugs are recognized as the most effective for pest control. They change the composition of the animal’s blood, provoke asphyxiation and force it to go out into the fresh air. A person does not have to look for the corpses of mice throughout the garage.
  2. Krysid. Effectively destroys rodents, but has one drawback - the animal organism adapts to the active substance. It can only be used once every two months.
  3. Arsenic compounds. These drugs are extremely toxic and they are forbidden to use in many countries around the world.

In the garage, it is desirable to use poison for micesold in the form of granules or grains. The drug is solid, has a small shape and an attractive smell. It is easy to hide in a small room.But for the destruction of rats such chemicals will not work.

On a note!

It is better not to use powders, gels and liquid baits in the garage. Mice can spread the poison on the paws on all surfaces.

Folk recipes

To bring the mice out of the garage, you can apply the experience of ancestors. Most famous folk remedy for mice is a mixture of gypsum with flour and unrefined oil. The bait is placed near the mouse holes, and next to put a bowl of water. The animal after a meal will want to quench their thirst. Gypsum with water in his stomach will mix and harden. This will lead to the death of the rodent.

Folk remedies for mice
Folk remedies for mice

Mint and chamomile will help to get rid of mice. Dried grass from mice hang around the perimeter of the garage or put in cotton bags. Mice do not tolerate the smell of these plants and cease to encroach on human territory.

If not only rodents appeared in the garage, but also their aroma, then get rid of the smell of mice The following recipes will help:

  1. Dissolve 6 tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water and do a wet cleaning.
  2. Ignite a small piece of cotton wool and leave it to smolder indoors for two hours.
  3. Wipe the floor, shelves soda solution.

Cleaning and airing will help get rid of the smell of mice in the garage.


To prevent mice from becoming frequent guests in the garage, you should use preventive measures:

  1. Do wet cleaning and do not store garbage in the room.
  2. Use the garage only for its intended purpose.
  3. Hang in the corners of bouquets of dried mint and chamomile.
  4. Put a mousetrap or glue traps.

If the garage does not have loopholes for rodents, they will not disturb its owner. To do this, pour concrete over the floor and sew up the walls with iron. Garage doors are made airtight. If there are cracks in the walls, they are treated with sealant.

Before the onset of cold weather, check the protection of the garage. Then you will not have to deal with breeding uninvited guests.

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