How to get mice out of the car

Small gray agile creatures who are always looking for something and nibble, can appear in the most unexpected places. For them, there are no obstacles in the form of locks, doors, floors. The main thing is that in the place where they are going to settle, there is something to eat.

Mice feed seeds, food residues, vegetables and fruits, and if there is no such food, then do not disdain paper, rubber, wires.Therefore, they can be found not only in residential premises, basement, cellar, shed. Uninvited guests will feel great in the garage and even in your favorite car. And then the acute question will arise about how to get rid of the mice in the car.

Causes of rodents in the car

If in the garage there was fine dust from paper, damaged wires, crumb rubber, then know that you have got mice. The most annoying thing is that rodents can settle in all the space and all the objects around, and if a mouse starts in the car, then you really have a problem.

Do not think that it is very easy to cope with this and do not take lightly of the situation. A mouse in a car is a direct threat to your safety, as it is able to damage wiring, gaskets, hoses, which can lead to an accident on the road. There are several reasons why mice appeared in the car:

  • the car is not often put in order; there are food remains in the cabin;
  • moved from the garage in search of food or a warm place;
  • during a stop in the cold season, near the garbage containers, basements, abandoned buildings, rodents are looking for more comfortable conditions;
  • hit the trunk during the transportation of agricultural products or building materials.

Where can I find

Mouse in the car
Mouse in the car

Places where mice can lodge are very diverse. They are not confused with cramped, some inconvenience of existence. Motorists found them everywhere:

  • in the trunk and glove compartment;
  • under the door trim and in their pockets;
  • under the rapids and rugs;
  • near the motor.

Mice under the hood - not such a rarity. They like the heat of the engine, besides there are all sorts of wires, so there is something to profit. But there are very unexpected places where it is hard to even imagine their presence - mice in the roof of cars. Although, Styrofoam and cardboard, which is used for noise insulation, is well suited for the food of an unpretentious animal.

Rodents get into the car in different ways: through windows and doors, if they are kept open, from under the hood, through holes in the floor, which are completely invisible. Smart house mice use any loopholes to get close to the power source. Finding pests, car owners are wondering what to do to get rid of this unpleasant situation.


I quite often found mice in my car under the hood, as I live in the private sector, and these animals live in huge numbers in it.We have to constantly check the hood and expel these annoying creatures.

Sergey, Krasnoyarsk

Ways to fight

The problem of rodents has existed for a long time, so the question of how to get the mice out of the car can stand in front of every motorist. There are various methods of dealing with this scourge. They are similar to those used for these purposes in homes, suburban areas and apartments.

Fighting mice
Fighting mice

The most popular are mousetraps and poison for mice. A mousetrap with a small amount of wheat grains, roasted seeds or pieces of bread is left inside the car. In this way, you can lure the mouse out of its shelter. She smelled bait, will surely appear near the food, but not always the cautious animal will venture to get inside the mousetrap. Catching the mouse in this way is rarely possible, so the method is not entirely effective.

On a note!

Poisoned bait, laid out in the cabin, under the hood and other places, can solve the problem with rodents, but add a headache to you. If the mouse dies in the car, then you need to find the place where it happened and pull it out. If you do not, then get rid of the smell of a dead mouse it will be difficult, it will long poison your own life.

There is a more harmless method: a special glue that is applied to cardboard or plywood. This should be done carefully so as not to stain the casing or the interior of the car. Clear can be, but will have to make an effort. A bait is placed in the center of the substrate. The rodent will try to get close to the food and will stick to glue for mice. True, if you do not want to mess around with a dead mouse or a dead mouse then this method is not for you.

The most environmentally friendly method is the domestic cat. Even if she does not catch these voracious rodents, but simply sleep on the seat, then her presence alone will expel the uninvited lodgers from shelter and force them to leave the inhabited territory.

You can expel mice with special ultrasonic repelleremitting ultrasound. These devices do not harm human health, they cause discomfort in mice, so they will have to leave this place forever. But this method also does not always have a positive effect.

Folk methods

Folk remedies for mice
Folk remedies for mice

Not bad in the fight with mice in the car help folk remedies. To do this, use smells that scare pests.These include essential oils, ammonia and white spirit. It is quite simple to use them and in order to get rid of such annoying guests in the car, it is necessary to soak the unnecessary rags with any of these compositions and leave them overnight in the car. The mice are unable to withstand such a gas attack and run away from their homes. If there is no suitable cloth, ordinary cotton wool will fit, which should be rolled up into a ball, put it on the deflector and turn on the heating. The smell very quickly spread through the cabin of the car.


The smells of the above means can cause an unpleasant headache, nausea, and dizziness. All these symptoms are undesirable for the driver.

Therefore, before using such folk remedies, one should be aware of this, and if it is used, it is necessary to air the vehicle very well.

Some car owners use a hose, one end of which they put in the car, and the other attached to the exhaust pipe. After a few minutes of work, the mouse will die from the intoxication, as the car is filled with exhaust gases.


I like this folk way.And sometimes I leave a napkin soaked in ammonia and essential oil in the cabin. It helps a lot.

Andrei, Rostov-on-Don

Preventive measures

In order not to have problems with rodents, it is necessary to take some precautions. They will help keep your nerves in order. To do this, quite a bit:

  • clean up the garage;
  • not in the car;
  • thoroughly vacuum the cabin, all corners and hard-to-reach places;
  • do not place vehicles near places where mice can be driven;
  • Do not leave food that may attract rodents in the cabin or trunk.

Methods of prevention are quite simple, but if you follow these tips, then you will never encounter many problems and troubles that await negligent vehicle owners.

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