Ultrasonic repeller from rats and mice Clean house
- Ultrasonic repeller from rats and mice Clean house
- Device from rodents
- Device application
Mice and rats are rodents, with which mankind has been fighting since ancient times. The consequence of their appearance in the house are not only spoiled products, but also property. In addition, pests are also dangerous, since mice suffer serious infections. Today the market is replete with a mass of funds intended for the fight against rodents.These are chemical preparations, various mousetraps and baits. However, a more humane, bloodless and safe method of pest control is the Clean House Ultrasonic Repeller against Rats and Mice.
Features of the device
Many people are surprised by the ability of a small plastic box to influence many rat species and mice. As if this did not sound strange, but the scarer of the Clean House copes with this task perfectly: it produces ultrasonic waves that rodents do not tolerate. High-frequency vibrations traumatize the nervous system of pests, forcing them to leave the territory they have chosen.
Otpugivatel Clean house from rodents produces domestic company "Tehnoexport." It is a small device whose case is made of plastic. The device has a standard for this class of repeller scheme that uses the minimum amount of electricity. And the presence of a built-in plug eliminates the possibility of improper connection, which contributes to the most efficient operation of the device.
Bought a grandmother in the house ultrasonic repeller Clean house, because house mice managed to spoil not only the products. It got to the point that pests walked on the bed. At first, Granny did not believe in the operation of this invention. However, I was very surprised by the result of the miracle device, when there were no mice in the house at all.
Alevtina, Kostanay
Those who managed to evaluate the quality of the device, leave positive feedback about the ultrasonic repeller Clean house. And this is understandable, because the device has a lot of advantages:
- Main advantage rodent ultrasonic repeller - this is his safety. Generating ultrasounds are dangerous only for small rodents, the human ear as well as pets does not perceive them. The only exception may be decorative mice, rats, hamsters, and also guinea pigs.
- The effectiveness of the repeller is to provide protection from mice and rats for 24 hours. For maximum results, it is necessary that the device operates continuously for 15-20 days.
- The possibility of use in rooms of different types. Otpugivatel Clean house can be used not only in private homes or city apartments. The device will clean the cottage, barn, small warehouse or store from rodents.The device is also used in medical institutions or catering establishments.
- Compactness. Dimensions of the device are similar to the size of a mobile phone.
- Affordable cost. The price varies depending on the region and the seller’s markup, on average it is 700-900 rubles.
- Humane method of struggle. Using ultrasound from mice, dwellers do not have to endure animal carcasses, as when using poison for mice and rats. Install the same mechanical or glue traps It often turns out that animals do not die instantly, but as a long, painful death. And still some time the plaintive squeak of a rodent can be heard.
- Ease of use. Repeller Clean house does not need to be customized, it does not require additional accessories. You just need to get it out of the package and connect it to the electrical outlet through the socket of the socket.
- Efficiency. For the week of operation of the device consumes slightly more than 1 kW.
- Silent operation of this invention does not create discomfort to the inhabitants of housing.
- Repeller Clean house is not addictive in animals. Generated sound generator periodically changes its frequency.
Otpugivatel Clean house - superfunds. Neither extra movements nor extra investments are required. Turned on the device and wait for the result. Recommend! Cool thing.
Sergey, Krasnoyarsk
In the first days of the work of the repeller, the mice that lost their fear rushed almost to their feet. Starting to be disappointed in this device, I began to search the Internet for reviews of people who had encountered such a problem. However, after 10-12 days, the rodents became significantly smaller, after which they disappeared completely. We were very pleased with the result: no need to mess with poisoned animals or reload mousetraps. I recommend the ultrasonic repeller Clean House, as one of the most effective means of fighting the mouse army.
Lydia, Arkhangelsk
However, there are some drawbacks to the scarer clean house:
- Small area of action, which does not exceed 150 square meters. The larger house requires the installation of at least two devices.
- Lack of long time effect. The result becomes apparent only after 2-3 weeks.
Otpugivatel Clean house - completely useless thing.Having established it in the house, I wait for results already throughout the whole month.
Egor, Nikolaev
It takes a lot of time to clean the house of pests with the help of a scarer clean house. At first, the number of mice increased by an order of magnitude. They literally dangled back and forth, as announced. However, by the end of 4 weeks they were significantly reduced. After 1.5 months, they disappeared completely.
Yaroslav, Moscow
Most often, the low result of the work of the repeller is observed with improper use of the device. So in a large building requires the installation of several such devices, the number of which is calculated depending on the area of the territory. It is advisable to install them in the corners or in different rooms.
Rules of application
Repeller rats and mice Clean house will give an effective result while respecting the rules of its use.
- The device is installed in a place that has a free space in diameter of at least 2-3 m. There should not be sound-absorbing materials (curtains or carpets).
- It is necessary to turn on the device in the socket located not lower than 0.2 m from the floor level.
- When you press the switch, the indicator lights up, indicating that the device has started working.
On a note!
In the first few days of the repeller's work, a more active movement of rodents may be observed. This is because the animals are under great stress and anxiety, trying to leave the room as soon as possible.
Security measures
The repeller will last a long time if you do not violate the security measures during its operation and storage.
- Do not wash the device with water or various solvents. To clean it, it is preferable to use a slightly soaked piece of cloth. When carrying out such manipulations, the device must be disconnected from the mains without fail.
- Do not throw or drop the device or exert excessive force on its body.
- When storing the device, observe the temperature conditions. The ambient temperature should be within 0-40 degrees.
You can buy an ultrasonic repeller in many hardware stores or order it online.