Ultrasonic repeller rats and mice with their own hands

If you can not use poison for mice, and the influx of pests is such that traps and glue bait Can not cope, it is necessary to purchase an ultrasound generator. The stores lack foreign and domestic models. But you can make an ultrasonic repeller of rats and mice with your own hands.

What parts to use

The device can be assembled on a ne555 or ne556n timer. Microchips P416 and KT315 will make the signal, which is responsible for scaring rodents and insects away from home, stronger.

Before you start the assembly you need to get the necessary details:

  • capacitors C1, C2, C3 - one by one;
  • 2 resistors R1 and R2;
  • 1 resistors R3, R4, R5;
  • transistors KT361, GT404, GT402 - 1pc .;
  • battery 5 V - 1pc .;
  • dynamic head - 1pc.

Details can be removed from unnecessary or old electronic boards or search for components of the chip and the market.

On a note!

The speaker should be selected based on the area of ​​the room. A power of 0.5 W will allow the ultrasound to be distributed over a distance of a thousand meters.

Variable resistors (R1 and R2) help to set the level of the output of ultrasonic waves. Simple resistors (R3, R4, R5) reduce the voltage in the mains.

Capacitors and transistors allow you to make a frequency circuit.

Repeller do it yourself
Repeller do it yourself

You will also need the following components:

  • diode - protects the device if it is incorrectly connected to the network;
  • piezo emitter - produces an ultrasonic signal;
  • toggle switch - turns the device on and off.

You will need to buy a soldering iron. Without it, the repeller circuit of rats and mice will remain unassembled.

How to assemble

Before assembling the parts, you must check the drawing and arrange the wiring. Their ends are required to be stripped and treated with rosin and tin.

The scheme of the ultrasonic rodent repeller is assembled on a PCB. But if it is not, then you can just solder all the wiring. Two long wires are separately output to the power and to the speaker.


All parts of the ultrasonic repeller are soldered gradually. In this case, you should not hurry, because you can overheat the transistors and the repeller of rats and mice will not be able to work.

After assembly, the power supply is connected to the device and the device is tested. The speaker should make a small squeak.

Ultrasonic repeller rats and mice is placed in the enclosure. For this purpose, take the appropriate box. Even cardboard packaging for sweets or a cigarette pack will fit.

Make a needle in the box a few holes on the side of the speaker. Homemade device will make unpleasant sounds for mice and rats

Principle of operation of the device

Mouse device
Mouse device

Rodent Ultrasonic Repeller makes high-frequency sounds from 30 to 70 kHz. The human ear does not perceive this frequency, and many types of mice and rats, cockroaches and other pests begin to feel discomfort.

Some devices emit in addition to ultrasound electromagnetic waves.The latter penetrate even through walls and allow scaring animals away from them at a greater distance. Ultrasound waves, meeting with an obstacle - a wall or furniture - are reflected from it.

On a note!

The frequency of scaring mice should change from time to time. In this case, the rodents will not be able to adapt to the device.

When creating or buying a device, you should consider where it will work:

  1. If there is no heating in the room, and the temperature drops below zero, it is worth using a mains powered device.
  2. For heated rooms suitable battery repellents.

The device will not start to scare the animals immediately after the start of work. To get rid of rats and mice, take time. Faster, they will leave the rooms in which access to food is limited - in 2-3 weeks. The real effect is achieved in two or three months of continuous operation of the device - the mice will leave the place with the stocks of food.

To use an ultrasonic repeller for prevention does not make sense. Rodents adapt to the waves and stop responding to them.

Now you know how to make a do-it-yourself mouse scarer.A homemade machine will work no worse than the factory, if properly assemble it. So it will save money and get rid of unwanted living creatures for a long time. If there is no free time, but get rid of mice in the apartment or private house you need as soon as possible, you can buy ready-made devices:

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