Folk remedies for mice
- Plants from rodents
- Strong odor products
- Mice repeller
Mice in their activities are guided by smell. They find food by smell, identify the enemy, orient themselves in space, and look for a couple to breed. The smell attracts rodents or scares. This property is used against them by man, if it is decided to wage war by popular means. In addition to the smell of the mouse is also afraid of sound. If you understand all these subtleties, you can get rid of pests in a short period of time, to prevent them from returning to their old places. What are afraid of the mouse?
Rodent unpleasant aroma
What kind of smell afraid of the mouse, people identified by observation, by trial and error. During the tests it became known that rodents do not tolerate sharp odors. Frighten mice with pharmacy drugs, plants, essential oils, flammable liquids.
Scorched wool
If the mice in the house have settled for a long time, are not going to move out, you can use one effective, not very humane way. Catch the mouse, set fire to the tail, let go. Frightened animal will run into the mink to his relatives. Rodents do not tolerate the smell of scorched wool. The mouse itself will drive away the relatives.
It scares off the rodents even more smell of cat's burnt hair. Lightly trim your pet, make a nightmare for rodents. If there is no animal in the house, you can set fire to an old wool product, or a ball of thread, put it in a hole.
On a note!
Than to scare away mice, if there is a cat in the house, even the most lazy, the question should not arise. Cat urine from mice is the best repeller. Its sharp smell does not tolerate anyone, especially rodents. Also a cat can eat a mouseif caught.
Some plants do not just scare off rodents by smell, but also affect their well-being. Folk remedies for mice can be much more effective professional.
- Sagebrush.From the grass comes a strong smell, which can not tolerate the mouse. Sprigs of fresh plants are laid out in places where rodents have been seen, in burrows, if the location is known. The result is more efficient if the room is fumigated with grass. Set fire to the branches of wormwood walk around the apartment. Smoke sneaks into the smallest crevices, gets rodents anywhere. Instead of wormwood, you can use tansy. The effect is similar.
- Peppermint from mice is one of the most effective ways to fight rodents. For a person - a safe and even useful tool. Rip off the fresh leaves of the plant, spread out around the perimeter of the room. If the mice in the apartment have settled, you can create an aura of persistent mint smell using essential oil. Mint oil is dripping on the candle, lit. Pleasant aroma will smell sweet all over the room, smell for a long time, make mice crazy.
- Bulbs grouse. The root of the flower has an unpleasant smell of onions, which causes fear in rodents.
- Chernokoreny. Affects the nervous system of rodents. Mice hear it for a few meters, trying to quickly hide. Contact with this plant is fraught with a strong violation of the psyche.The smell pursues the pest everywhere, gradually driving him insane.
- Marsh wild rosemary. As part of poisonous oils. After contact with the plant, the mice receive a lethal dose. The rest of the individuals flee from him, wherever they look.
- Chamomile. Pyrethrum is an effective remedy for many pests, safe for humans. Tincture can be used. According to reviews, the effect is even better.
If you can not find grass from mice, you can buy a fee or an extract in a pharmacy, will also work. But should be scattered in large quantities.
In addition to plants, you can use fruit - orange. Persistent orange aroma of zest lasts a long time, but does not cause discomfort to a person. Scatter around the room peel. You can also put garlic cloves.
Strong odor liquids
You can scare away mice effective means with a strong, pungent odor.
- Ammonia. Poured into a saucer, put about mink, rubbed plinths, floor, places where rodents were seen. Prepare a solution. For 1 liter of water pour 10 ml of the drug. Rub furniture. These smells do not like mice, try to keep aside.
- Vinegar from mice - one of the most effective, affordable tools. The farm is always there, and if not, you can buy it at the nearest grocery store. Poured into a saucer, as in the case of liquid ammonia, or diluted in water. An intolerable acetic solution is used for cleaning floors and processing furniture. Concentration does not matter. The main thing is to smell persistent. The repellent helps only in this case.
- They are afraid of mice smell of tar. But it is better to use it in a non-residential house, at a dacha, or, when you can spend the night in another place. Moist rag, put in places where they like to be a mouse. The same effect from the smell of kerosene, gasoline, solvent, engine oil.
- Chlorine and chlorine odor drives all pests away. Wash the floors several times a week. Suitable detergents with its contents.
On a note!
Boric acid from mice does not smell, and this is dangerous for rodents. The poisonous substance is scattered on the floor surface. Upon contact with poison, the animal stains wool. Tries to get rid of contamination language. The poison enters the stomach. To speed up this process, boric acid is mixed into the food - they make baits.Use flour, grain, cereals, seeds, sausage, fried lard, smoked sausage, a crust of bread. This method of rodent control does not involve scaring, but attracting them to poisonous food.
Can be used to scare pepper. Crumble in places where pests love to run. Pepper on the skin of the legs causes a burning sensation. Lime possesses the same property.
Scare sounds
On the question of what kind of sound are afraid of the mouse, you can immediately answer - loud. Animals crawl out of hiding with complete silence. The slightest rustling of their alarming, they are hiding in a shelter. To scare off rodents in the garden, use windmills, cans, knock a stick on a tin. In the house, apartment, such an event is not so effective.
There is another answer to the same question - they are afraid of extremely quiet sounds. The action is based on it. rodent ultrasonic repeller. The device emits waves of different frequencies that people do not catch, but they are heard by rodents. Constant stay in this state makes mice and even rats flee.
It is recommended to use several scarers in the house, as the walls do not let the sound throughinterferes with furniture, carpets on the wall. The effect is not immediately felt. Take out a sound repeller pests can about a month. Periodically change the frequency of ultrasound, so that animals do not get addicted. The mouse scarer is on sale in Moscow in a specialized shop, in online stores.
Scaring is one of the surest ways to remove pests from your home. Then you should take care that they do not have the opportunity to return to it.