Poison from mice

Rodents often interfere with man. They spoil his property and products, lead to the death of trees, carry serious infections. Not always the cat can cope with the invasion of mice and rats. Rodent Ultrasonic Repellers are expensive, and their effectiveness is now questioned. The most reliable means of struggle is poison for mice.

Blood anticoagulants

Effective poison from mice and rats.It affects the composition of the blood of the rodent and causes hemorrhage. It does not act immediately, but the pest crawls out to die in the air. The corpse will not need to look in the walls or under the floor.

On a note!

Wild rats wary of unfamiliar delicacy. If they notice that the kinsman died from the product, then no one from the population will eat the poison. Substances with a long-lasting effect do not arouse their suspicions, therefore such preparations allow to get rid of pests better.

Active substances anticoagulants:

  • coumarin;
  • warfarin;
  • brodifacoum;
  • bromodiolone.

Distinguish poison for mice of the first and second generation. They are all equally effective. The second-generation drug acts a little faster: for 3-5 days.

Poison from mice
Poison from mice

Rat death

Easy to use. It is made in the form of dough, each piece of which is packed in filter paper. The composition includes natural ingredients:

  • butter;
  • flour;
  • flavors;
  • sugar.

The poison also includes an antimicrobial component that keeps the bait fresh for a long time. The person does not have to contact the bait, which makes it as safe as possible.


Reviews say it is the strongest poison.But when buying a drug, you need to be careful not to run into a fake. It may not poison the mice.


Mouse poison, which is used by fighter rats and mice. The drug causes blood clotting, the rat loses sanity and becomes safe for humans. To die she goes out into the fresh air.

If the animal dies in an inaccessible place, then its body will not cause the owners of the room to be disturbed and will not have to get rid of the smell of the mouse. Mummification occurs, so that no stench spreads around.


Briquette poison that kills rats and mice that are immune to other poisons. Causes death from bleeding at 3-10 day after eating.

On a note!

Replace bait preferably every 7-10 days. They should be located under shelters, near holes and on mouse trails, so that the substance is not eaten by pets or birds.

Poison for mice Storm is considered to be a fairly effective drug that causes the death of absolutely all rodents.

Other Organic Poisons

Murine poison
Murine poison

The most famous poison from this group is Krysid.It causes respiratory arrest and causes the rodent to crawl into the fresh air. It is used mainly for the destruction of rats. It does not act so much on mice.

On a note!

The next generation of animals can develop immunity to the active substance. Therefore, it is not recommended to use poison more often once every two months.

Available in ready grain bait, powder and gel. Can be used to make liquid baits.

Gardeners recommend another tool Ratibor. They are processed fruit trees, the bark of which they love to nibble mice. Ratibor helps save apple trees from mice, insects and other rodents.

Inorganic poison

These drugs act roughly and harm the environment. They are quite effective in the fight against rats, because they kill a rodent quickly.

The composition of the poison from mice contains the following substances:

  • phosphide;
  • arsenide;
  • zinc, aluminum and other metal compounds;
  • thallium and lead salts.

To kill a rodent requires a large dosage.

On a note!

In Moscow or another big city you can find inorganic poison. But it should be applied carefully.It is extremely poisonous for animals and people.

These drugs are used less and less. Usually they are used to combat large numbers of mice, or when the pest has developed immunity to other poisons.

Release form

The most popular is the sea for mice, which has an attractive smell. A person does not have to look for ways to make bait. The drug can be used immediately.

Manufacturers produced:

  1. Tablets for mice Storm, Tsunami.
  2. Grain Krysid, Alto, Baktrodentsid.
  3. Poison bags, with which you do not need to additionally interact, Rat deathThe Nutcracker.

It also produces poison in the form of powders, gels, and liquid solutions. Sold usually in packages. There are aerosols. The active substance gets on the skin of the mouse. The animal eats a poison during washing.

House poison

House poison
House poison

If it is not possible to use store chemistry, then you can poison the mice with homemade food.

On a note!

Those who are faced with rodents are concerned about how to make a poison yourself and whether it will be effective. With a large population, the tool can not copebut it is successfully used in apartments and private homes.

There are several recipes for house poison:

  1. Mix lime and sugar in equal amounts. Lime will burn the animal's esophagus and cause its death.
  2. Flour and gypsum mix 1: 1. Milk is added to the mixture. Poison should be like a dough. The substance will harden in the stomach and cause the death of the mouse.
  3. Mix crushed grain or flour with alabaster, next to put a container of water. After eating the rodent will drink water. Alabaster mixes with liquid and hardens.
  4. Cork powder is mixed with flour. Put the composition next to the water. The cork from moisture swells and causes the death of the pest. This method is quite effective.

Poison cooked with his own hands, is less powerful than commercial chemistry. But using it is safer for humans and pets. And it will cost much less than a store product.

Terms of use

You need to know not only what to poison the mice, but also how to do it correctly. Only in this case will it be possible to kill all the rodents in the house.

Here are some simple rules for the use of chemicals:

  1. Indoors, you should use poisons that mummify the animal.
  2. All mouse passages and gaps in the walls, floor, ceiling carefully close up.
  3. If the drug from rodents could not poison the rodents, then try to use another tool.
  4. Before using poison should consult with disinsectors.
  5. Location poison baits constantly changing.
  6. If the rodents do not touch the chemistry, then it is mixed with sugar or pounded grain.

Wear gloves and a hat while working with rodenticides. The poisonous medicine is laid out in places inaccessible to children and animals. The room is checked for the presence of corpses. Dead animals are buried in the wasteland or burned.

So as not to have to use toxic substances, prevention should be carried out. It is necessary to do the cleaning, to close up the gaps, not to leave access of the rodents to the water, to set up mousetraps.

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