Do cats and cats eat mice?

The cat became the first animal that was tamed by man in primitive times. Her developed hunting instinct did not go unnoticed. Regularly caught rodents in the territory of the house, land holdings. Animal for man has become a friend, companion, family member, weapon against mice, rats. The question, whether cats eat mice or just catch them, is asked by many owners after unusual finds in the house. The hunter brings caught prey to the owners, boasts a trophy, leaves it in a prominent place.

Interesting process of catching rodents

Sweet, furry, sweet creature is a natural enemy field and house micerats. Pests do not tolerate even the smell of felines, bypass their possession of the party, fear for their lives.

In a cat, the hunter's instinct is laid genetically. Even being fed, she will not miss the moment to chase the mouse that suddenly seemed. Pleasure is the process itself - to catch, not to miss. But to kill, to eat or not depends on other factors.


In the US, a study was conducted. Credited thoroughbred cats and yard with one cat. Kittens after their birth changed their places. Purebred brought up yard cats. As a result, it turned out - hunting skills are developed in all. Mothers brought small rodents to kittens regularly. But further actions were different. Yard killed in cold blood, showing how it should be done to kittens, gave to eat. Purebred limited game. The conclusion followed - that the kittens began to catch mice, eat them, you need an example. One instinct is not enough, skills are also required.

Causes of eating rodents

Cat and mouse
Cat and mouse

When asked why cats eat mice, there is always an answer - because of hunger.The situation when a skinny cat sees a dead rodent is not in a hurry to touch it, dispelled this myth. Then why does a cat eat a mouse?

Nature laid the inextricable link cats with rodents. In the mouse skin there are a lot of useful microelements, especially sulfur. They are necessary for the full development of the body of the cat, well-being. Sulfur is an integral part of cystine, mithionine. The components are responsible for the health, beautiful wool, the mood of the cat. Meat should be included in the daily diet. In the absence of it, pets begin to get their own food.

On a note!

Cats will not gnaw mice, because the supply of sulfur to them comes with vitamins, which are constantly supplied to them by the owner. There is no feeling of hunger and access to food is unlimited. Therefore, to see how a cat eats a mouse, it is possible on the street among the yard "inhabitants".

The negative side of eating rodents

Mouse hunt
Mouse hunt

Can the cat eat mice, it sounds weird. These are two components of one chain. Cats should eat rodents in the wild, live in a house, but often be on the street. In modern times there are several risks from which pets should be protected.

  • Do not allow cats to eat mice, if there is a chance of poisoning. If neighbors use poison to fight rodents, the cat gets a dose. poison for mice.
  • The hunter should regularly receive drugs against worms, fleas, ticks. Rodents are the main distributors of parasites. Pet must be protected.
  • It is necessary to do all the planned vaccinations. Mice spread many terrible diseases.. Some of them are transmitted to humans through pets, after contact with a mouse.

The cat brings prey to the house for several reasons - to boast of an achievement in front of the owners, “feed up” them, hide them from the yard cats, eat later, in reserve for a rainy day.

Cats eat mice, but not all. This requires not only hunting instincts, but also certain living conditions. Domestic kittens are able to conduct the most severe hunting of rodents already at 5 months of age.

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