Hedgehogs eat mice

Hedgehogs and mice
Hedgehogs and mice

Among people there was an opinion that hedgehogs hunt mice better than cats. Animals are specially tamed, placed in a hen house, so that at night the animals fight against mice and rats. The science of life, the behavior of animals knows a lot, like the fact whether hedgehogs eat mice.

Peculiarities of animal nutrition

In nature, there are 19 species of hedgehogs. In our places, the hedgehog is more common. He lives in the forest, in the fields. The body is covered with keratinous hair, which is called needles. In an adult individual, there are about 6 thousand.

The animal belongs to the family of mammals, is a predator.Regarding food - it seems that hedgehogs are omnivores. Their diet includes:

Contrary to popular belief, animals do not eat mushrooms, berries, remain indifferent to apples. The main diet consists of insects, occasionally hedgehog catches mice, especially voles. Forest and house mice can also be his dinner.


On the body of the animal, under a layer of thorns often infest pincers. The animal cannot get them on its own. Steals up to berries, apples, pricks on prickles. Sour smell, juice scares ticks. In this way, the animal gets rid of parasites, does not drag apples in kilograms to make stocks for the winter.

The nutritional characteristics of mammals are often people use for their own purposes. In the fight against pests, all means are good, but natural enemies are especially valued, among which they include thorny little animals. The question is whether hedgehogs eat mice, does not give rest. It is very convenient to settle in the area a couple of prickly little animals, forget about the rodents in the garden, in the gardens, chicken coops forever. At night, the animal will slowly engage in the use of pests without creating much noise.

Hunting instincts

What hedgehogs eat mice, it became known long ago.This is evidenced by the statements of scientists, the animals were seen for such occupation by eyewitnesses.

On a note!

Villagers are trying to cajole the animal with milk so that he stays near the house. According to scientific data, this product is contraindicated. A hedgehog has a terrible eating disorder, as a result of which the animal risks dying.

How hedgehogs catch mice is a mystery to many. They do not differ flexibility, speed, quiet behavior. They constantly snort, rustle with prickles. Hedgehog hunts only at night, includes the organ of smell. It is very interesting to watch the animal catch prey.

Hunting options are several:

  • Looks for holes, waits until the mouse appears on exit. Quickly grabs the sharp teeth of the neck, causes a deadly bite.
  • He hears the rustle of mice, while hiding in the grass, a dark place. Hardly prey will seem on the horizon, tries to catch food.

Small prickly clumsy animal is not able to chase rodents, in hunting instincts it is much inferior to cats. It prefers a vole, an ordinary gray mouse. The rats, moles, other small rodents practically does not eat.


That the hedgehog feeds on mice does not give grounds to use the animal as a natural weapon in the fight against rodents. The animal will always give preference to bugs, worms, shrewsuzham The mouse is like a delicacy for him - occasionally, if possible. No animal can replace cats in the fight against domestic pests.

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