The lifespan of mice

Small mice can be the most dangerous pests that a person can get rid of by all means, by all means, or by funny pets that you don’t want to part with. How many mice live at home, in the wild, with and without food, absolutely everyone is interested. For a pet you want to create the most favorable conditions for pests - the worst.

Factors affecting the life of rodents

The peculiarity of the digestive system of mice is such that the animals do not tolerate hunger, eat 5 times a day, every day they need to drink at least 15 ml of water.Such a "brutal" appetite of a small creature is associated with an accelerated metabolism. This factor is genetically engineered and affects life expectancy. Under the most favorable conditions, the mouse can not live longer than 5 years. The following factors reduce this duration:

  • Nutrition. The pet is provided with regular, good nutrition by its owner. In the wild, a little mouse takes care of itself. And it is not always possible to get a balanced feed. Malnutrition shortens the lifespan of mice. In the wild, in a relatively favorable environment, the animal reaches the age of 3 years.
  • Reproduction of offspring. The mouse becomes a mature individual 20 days after its birth. Pregnancy lasts about the same. In each litter from 3 to 11 cubs. 18 days after giving birth, the female is ready for fertilization again. However, the life cycle of the animal is affected by the number of pregnancies per year, the number of calves, and the state of health of the female. In the wild for a year, the mouse reproduces a maximum of 3 offspring. The process is activated in the summer. An increase in this indicator significantly weakens the health of the mouse.
  • Living conditionsMice adapt well to any environment, are relatively well tolerated in heat, cold, live everywhere. All this thanks to the accelerated metabolism. However, the period of life in nature is influenced by climatic factors, the ability to equip a comfortable home.
  • Threats and risks. A small rodent has many enemies in the wild - birds, foxes, wolves, dogs, hedgehogs eat mice. No less danger in a man’s house is a cat, poison for mice, trap cells, traps. Weather disasters threaten life - flood, fire, frost, early frosts.
Mouse lifestyle
Mouse lifestyle

Taking into account all factors, scientists have established a lifespan - 5 years live mice in a domestic environment as a pet, 3 years in the wild. Since favorable conditions in the natural habitat are rarely established, the average lifespan of mice is only 1 year.

Power Effect

A pet is recommended to give ready balanced feed. Since the mouse must eat a day:

  • greens - 6 g;
  • grain - 12 g;
  • succulent feed - 3 g;
  • cereals - 3 g;
  • flour, including bone flour - 0.3 g;
  • fish oil - 0.1 g;
  • milk - 10 g;
  • salt - 0.1 g;
  • bread - 1.8 g;
  • feed yeast - 0.2 g

Nuts, seeds give periodically. Abuse of these products leads to obesity.

Mouse food
Mouse food

The mouse is called an omnivore. Leaving it without food is almost impossible. To replenish your energy, mice eat everythingthat can nibble. With the threat of hunger in the wild, rodents move closer to the house of man. There you can always find food. If we assume that the most unfavorable conditions have arisen, the mouse can live without food for about 10 days.


Much more dangerous for the animal to be without water. In the absence of fluid in the wild, the mouse eats the juicy parts of the plant. A pet in a cage, deprived of drinking, is in much worse conditions. How long a small animal can exist without liquid is also interesting. The mouse lives without food and water for no more than 3 days.

Threat of life

To catch pests, a person resorts to different methods, methods. Traps are ready to kill the mouse immediately or badly crippled. As a result, the animal dies within 24 hours. Traps leave mice unscathed if it does not touch the modern glue base.

On a note!

Recently, such traps from glue for mice are very popular.Easy to use, inexpensive, non-toxic. To be in a deadly trap, just touch the glue with one foot. The animal tries to get out, makes different maneuvers, but even more sticks.

Caught in the glue trap, the mouse makes a terrible scream that I absolutely do not want to listen to. Many are interested in the question of how many glued mice live. About 3 days.

In the wild, the animal is at risk daily. Life expectancy in nature is much lower than artificial conditions. To live to 3 years, few people can. In the home cage with good nutrition, favorable living conditions, the ability to actively move, reproduction no more than 2 times a year, life expectancy is from 3 to 5 years.

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