Other insects
How to get rid of caterpillars on an apple tree
An integrated approach using folk, plant and chemical agents will help fight the caterpillars on the apple tree using all available methods and get ...
How to spray roses from caterpillars and aphids
It is possible to process roses in a bed of caterpillars with professional preparations, folk remedies.Spraying for the prevention of infection is recommended in early spring ....
How to get rid of caterpillars in the garden
The fight against caterpillars in the garden and the garden is a combination of preventive and destructive measures. To affect pests in various ways.
How to deal with silkworm
How to deal with unpaired silkworm on its own plot, the choice is individual. Apply chemical preparations, biological, national methods. To improve efficiency, combine ...
How to deal with leaflets on a pear
The sheet worm is wound up on a pear imperceptibly for humans, but even the first larvae are capable of damaging the buds with leaves. The infected tree develops poorly, ...
How to get rid of moths on currants
You can fight on your own with a moth on a currant with the help of folk remedies, insecticides. It is necessary to take into account the vegetation period of the plant, observe the frequency of processing.
How to get rid of butterflies and cabbage caterpillars
How to deal with butterfly cabbage in the garden, there are several methods. Apply folk remedies, biological products, insecticides, as well as physical methods of destruction ....
Description and photo of a caterpillar and butterfly of the Siberian silkworm
Siberian silkworm lives on the territory of Siberia, the Urals. With a large number of caterpillars causing enormous damage to forestry. The development of larvae lasts a few ...
Shaggy caterpillars (fluffy)
The hairy caterpillar attracts with its appearance, fascinates with its unusual coloring. But often touching it is dangerously strong allergic reaction, deteriorating health, temporary ...
Description and photo of the caterpillar and butterfly Hawthorn how to fight
What is a butterfly haws. What is it dangerous for gardeners. Lifestyle and habitat. Is it possible to reduce the number of haws ...
How to get rid of caterpillars on the cabbage folk remedies
Natural, chemical and folk remedies for caterpillars on cabbage. How can you protect yourself without the use of chemicals? Table salt - how ...
Description and photos of dangerous poisonous caterpillars
Where poisonous caterpillars live. Can they kill a man. Why it is better not to touch the tracks with your hands. What kind of poisonous species live in ...
How and what to process pine from caterpillars
There are many popular and chemical means that will allow gardeners to deal with caterpillars on the pine. They will help save the trees from destruction ...
How to deal with leafworm on fruit trees
Gardeners have to struggle with the leafwrap on apple for almost the entire season. The use of folk and store goods will help destroy the pest tracks and ...
Description and photo of butterflies and caterpillars scoops how to fight
How the caterpillars look and what they eat, what folk and chemical means are capable of destroying them - information for gardeners and ...
How to get rid of caterpillars on currants
Before you fight the caterpillars on the currants, you need to know which pests attack the garden. Their destruction will help save the landing ...
Nettle Caterpillars - Black Caterpillars on Nettle
Urticaria caterpillar: how it looks and where it can be found. Nutrition features of the nettle caterpillar. Stages of development.
How to process gooseberries from caterpillars
Not everyone knows how to deal with caterpillars on gooseberries. Using simple recipes, it is quite easy to kill pests. If you do not, ...
Description of caterpillars, their food and structure
What the caterpillars eat, the characteristics of their vital activity, buildings, habitat - all these questions interest not only the lovers of the fauna, but also ...
How to get rid of caterpillars on strawberries
How to deal with caterpillars on strawberries: chemicals and folk remedies. What are the most frequent pests affect berry bushes. How to determine ...
Description and photo of the caterpillar of the Machaon butterfly
Machaon caterpillar: description, development, nutrition. How do caterpillars change at different stages of maturation? What love to eat. Features breeding at home.
Description and photo caterpillar dipper Kaya
Bear Caterpillar: description, external features. What do the caterpillars of various species eat and what harm they cause.
Turning a caterpillar into a butterfly
As an unattractive caterpillar turns into a butterfly of beautiful color, it interests many. I want to know what is happening inside the cocoon. The process of turning caterpillars into ...
How to get rid of caterpillars on raspberries
Caterpillars on raspberries: the danger of occurrence and how to detect them. Chemicals and folk remedies. When is it better to process bushes ...
Description and photo of the caterpillar of the peacock eye
The caterpillar is a black peacock eye, with long spikes in the form of thorns all over its body. Develops about 6 weeks on the nettle, ...
Description and photo of caterpillar and silkworm butterfly
The silkworm is a domesticated butterfly, which is used to produce silk. They create favorable conditions for them, get from this economic ...
Description and photo of butterfly and caterpillars
Zlatoguzka: description of the species, features, harm caused. What is dangerous caterpillar goldtails for humans. Food, stages of development of an insect, methods of struggle.
Description and photos of caterpillars and cabbage butterflies
Cabbage butterfly is one of the most common in Russia. It can be seen in almost every garden throughout the summer season ....
Description and photo of caterpillar wine hawk moth
The hawk caterpillar is known for its bright and unusual colors. The adult individual in the form of a butterfly also has an original appearance. In Russia...
How to get rid of caterpillars on Kalina
There are several ways to deal with caterpillars on Kalina. Inspection of plant bushes throughout the year and their timely processing will help ...
Description, name and photo of various types of caterpillars
In the summer season, caterpillars dominate on different plants. They are a form of insect development - butterflies.A wide variety of tracks ...
Description and photo of the caterpillar of the Gypsy Moth
Gypsy moth is a pest. This insect is very gluttonous. Caterpillars, spreading in large quantities on a tree, are able to completely destroy it ...
What is the difference between the hornet and the wasp
Wasp and hornet belong to the same genus. The hornet is the largest member of the family. There are some differences in appearance, behavior, ...
European Hornet
The common hornet is a huge wasp. Insects live in the wild, often settled near the property of man. Do not differ aggressive behavior, poison ...
What is dangerous for man hornet
What and how dangerous is the hornet. What to do if an insect stung. Do hornets bite for no reason and where they hide their ...
Description and photos of hornets
Who is the hornet and how its real name. What types of hornets are most common in Russia. What is different from each other ...
Homemade traps for hornets and wasps
A hornet or wasp trap is one of the safest and most effective ways of dealing with stinging insects. Special designs can be purchased ...
Great Hornets: Giant Asian and Black Hornets
Information for those traveling to tropical countries: what the giant Asian hornet looks like and how to avoid its bites. And...
How to remove the hornet's nest
Tips and tricks: what to do if a nest of hornets is found in the attic of a house or on the territory of a plot and as from it ...
What to do if bitten by a hornet
How to treat a hornet bite, first aid to victims of stinging insects, when to see a doctor and how to avoid such situations –...
What is the difference between wasp, bee, bumblebee, hornet
The question is, what is the difference between wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornet, many people who have experienced the attack of insects are perplexed. The most painful are the bumblebee bites and ...
Giant japanese hornet
A huge Japanese hornet is an aggressive-minded insect, the bite of which can cause a lethal outcome. Every year in Japan from attacks ...
How to deal with hornets
The question of how to get rid of the hornets, is faced not only by summer residents, but also by residents of multi-storey buildings. For this you can use chemical ...
Description and photos of banana cricket
Banana cricket: photo and description.External features, nutrition, conditions of detention.
Description and photos of the Crimean cricket
Crimean cricket: description and photo. Nutrition, reproduction and lifestyle of stem cricket or trumpeter.
Description and photo of field cricket
Field cricket: description and photo. External features, mode of feeding, reproduction, behavior, area of ​​distribution.
Differences cricket and cicada
What is the difference between crickets and cicadas: appearance, reproduction, chattering. The main differences between crickets and cicadas are rooted in singing characteristics.
What do crickets do and how they sing
Crickets chirp: how it happens and why. At what time of day you can hear the trills.
Differences cricket and grasshopper
What distinguishes a cricket from a grasshopper: external differences, dietary and reproduction characteristics.
Description and photo of the city bumblebee
The city bumblebee is a very common insect with a bright color. Nests above the ground in hollows of trees, nesting boxes or wooden buildings.
Purple (blue) bumblebee carpenter
Quite often a black bumblebee began to appear in country houses and apiaries. The purple bumblebee carpenter has alternative names: woodcutter, xylokop or tree nest.
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Other insects

Insects are the most numerous class on Earth. Only entomologists can talk with enthusiasm and enthusiasm for hours about the ideal body structure, amazing fitness and adaptation of insects. Simple inhabitants when meeting with arthropods are asked two questions: "What is dangerous insect and how to get rid of it?"
Butterflies - these are not always cute, airy, fluttering creatures. Their larvae eat plants, food, or damage to bee colonies. No less harmful and weevils. Meeting with them in the kitchen foreshadows a serious revision of all provisions in search of posterity spoiling food stocks. On the fields, beetles from the weevil family infect cereals, legumes, and beet crops.
The bark beetle attempts on furniture and wood. There are 750 species of insects that feed on deciduous, coniferous plantations, floor coverings, wooden frames.
In the rubric you will find descriptions of all common insect pests that are always nearby and are ready to enter your home at the slightest opportunity.

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