How to spray roses from caterpillars and aphids
- Caterpillar Chemicals
- Folk remedies against caterpillars
Caterpillars on roses feed on the pulp of leaves, buds, as well as buds. At the site of parasitization remain holes, which subsequently lead to deformation, death of foliage due to insufficient filling with nutrients. The caterpillars fold the leaf, weaving it with cobwebs, form a refuge for themselves from the enemies. During flowering in the same way envelop rose petals.
How to treat roses from caterpillars: professional tools
The sheetworm lays eggs in the fall under the bark of trees, a layer of leaves, old stumps.In early spring, larvae appear from them - caterpillars with green-brown color. In one clutch there are about 200 eggs, therefore the extent of infection of the flowerbed is very substantial.
On a note!
The larvae of the moths undergo several stages of development, the whole growing cycle Lasts about 2 months. The threat of infection of flowers appears in early spring, the peak of sabotage occurs in May-June. By the middle of summer, the caterpillars pupate and, over time, turn into butterflies.
There are different ways fighting caterpillars in the gardens. There are broad-spectrum chemical agents on the market that easily destroy the larvae and resist re-infection. It is recommended to spray roses from aphids and caterpillars in dry weather early in the morning or in the evening.
- Nitrofen. To get rid of caterpillars on roses at the initial stage of their infection, to prevent significant damage to plants, spray the culture with Nitrofen solution in early spring. Fungicide effectively destroys the larvae at the initial stage of their development, protects the plant from re-attack for about 60 days. One treatment is enough to provide the culture with excellent flowering throughout the season. In 10 liters of cold water diluted with 300 ml of the drug.Splashing roses should be using a watering can, a spray bottle or a spray bottle.
- Aktara. Insecticide broad-spectrum. You can get rid of caterpillars on roses in just one treatment. The drug of systemic action penetrates the sheet plate, the poison is not washed off by rain, does not lose its effectiveness at high temperatures. Poisonous properties are present for about 30 days. This is quite enough to save the entire flowerbed from aphids and caterpillars. Dilute the drug in warm water. For 10 liters of fluid requires 8 g of the drug. It is allowed to re-process roses from the leaf-maker in a month, if necessary.
- Actellic. Professional chemical remedy for the destruction of garden, indoor pests. The plant is allowed to spray in any vegetation period. For the prevention of infection should be treated roses in May, early June. Toxic properties persist for about a month. The maximum effect is observed during the first 2 hours, when the pests receive a dose of poison by contact, they die within a few minutes. Further poisoning of the caterpillars occurs during feeding. To prepare the solution in 2 liters of cold water dissolve 2 ml of the drug.
You can fight with green caterpillars on roses with the help of biological preparations. The active components gradually disrupt vital processes in the body of the caterpillars, kill within 10 days. It is necessary to spray a plant twice a month while there is a threat of infection.
On a note!
It is possible to treat roses from aphids and caterpillars with such preparations as Intavir, Iskra bio, Fitoverm.
Folk remedies
If the caterpillars eat the rose, you need to act quickly. A large colony of pests can destroy a flower bed in a few months. Treating roses from caterpillars folk remedies can be in any period of the growing season of the plant.
- Mustard powder. Sprinkle the tracks on the flowerbed, and use mustard to prepare the solution. Add water to the water, a little laundry soap. Spray the leaves. Properties persist for several days in dry weather. If pests are again found, repeat spraying every 3 days.
- Ash. The fight against black caterpillars on roses is not complete without wood ash. The same remedy saves flowers from aphids, leafworm larvae and many other pests. Ashes sprinkle the soil in a flower bed, watered abundantly.The active ingredients penetrate the sap of the plant, make it bitter, unattractive for caterpillars. A solution with the addition of soap, ash spray leaves. The tool irritates the skin of the larvae, forcing them to leave the plant.
- Sagebrush. The poisonous plant not only scares off the larvae with a persistent odor, but also leads to death. 1 kg of wormwood pour 3 liters of water, boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Allow to infuse for at least 2 hours. Spray the bush, water the soil.
To fight with folk remedies with the tracks you need to systematically. With a strong infection of the flowerbeds once will not be enough. Methods of popular struggle are the same for vegetables, shrubs and trees. Recipes for the destruction of pests on cabbage, plum or roses are the same.
To reduce the number of larvae they are collected by hand. They frighten off with a solution of table vinegar, ammonia, boric acid, tobacco, garlic tincture, ordinary soapy water with salt, baking soda. You can get rid of pests by living plants by planting calendula, marigolds, and peppermint next to it.