How to deal with silkworm
- Gypsy moth
- Biological preparations against silkworm
- Folk Pest Control
How to deal with the silkworm at the dacha, there are several ways - folk remedies, insecticides, biologics, physical methods, biological, agrotechnical. Control measures selected on the basis of personal gardener's preferences, the degree of infection and the type of pest. Always need to remember about preventive measures.
Pest description
Insect is widespread, affects about 300 species of plants, prefers garden trees, oak, poplar. During the season only one generation grows up, the larvae cause the greatest damage. Caterpillars evolve for 50 days, they actively feed on leaf sap, and then on the plates themselves.
On a note!
Butterfly unpaired silkworm lives only 10 days, does not eat anything, is busy reproducing offspring. At a time, it lays about 300 eggs. Years of young females, males begin at the end of June, the larvae remain in the eggs to winter. The female lays under the bark on the bottom of the tree, old stumps, in the forest floor.
Eggs with dense shells are able to withstand cold weather, high humidity. Intensive development continues in early spring - in April. The massive revival of the pest is initially carried out on the oak. In 50 days, the larvae molt 5-6 times, increasing in size up to 75 mm. The caterpillar of the Gypsy moth is brown, the body is covered with hairs, warts or processes.
At the final stage of development, pupation occurs without the formation of a cocoon. The larva envelops itself with cobwebs, clings to the leaves, twigs, bark. A few days later there are butterflies.The wingspan is up to 75 mm, the body is massive, covered with hairs, of brown color. In the photo you can clearly see what the silkworm looks like.
Tips for effective pest control
Fighting the silkworm at the dacha should be comprehensive. Caterpillars in one season can destroy young garden trees, significantly reducing the yield on already formed plants.
- On young trees, the caterpillars can be harvested by hand, then destroyed. Laying eggs scraped off the bark, trampled or burned.
- Attract natural agrarian silkworm-birds to your site. Cuckoo, woodpecker, chaffinches, oriole, jays, titmouses help to fight against caterpillars of an unpaired silkworm. Build feeders, hung on the trees.
- In March, as soon as the snow melts, treat the tree trunks with lime or impose adhesive belts. Such an obstacle prevents the growth of caterpillars of the Gypsy Moth up to the crown, does not allow pests to develop. For the manufacture of belts use oil, resin, machine oil, adhesive tape, special preparations in the form of a gel consistency from harmful insects.
- At the beginning of the migration of the caterpillars to the crown of the trees, in April, even before bud break, the apple tree and other trees are treated with biologics or insecticides. During flowering, folk methods are used to control the unpaired silkworm on apple, pear, plum and other garden plants.
You can get rid of the silk moth at your summer cottage in one season, if you make maximum efforts to this, combine several methods of exposure.
On a note!
A sign of infection of trees is the presence of small holes on the leaves or significant deformation, as well as a cobweb.
Other types of silkworms are also common on the territory of Russia:
- Siberian;
- marching pine;
- marching oak.
Caterpillars of all these types of silkworm protected by bristles and can cause skin irritation when collecting them with bare hands.
Biological products
It is advisable to fight with the silkworm in the summer cottage where fruit trees grow, with biological preparations. The active components of the funds are bacteria that affect the work of internal organs, systems or waste products of microorganisms.
The drug starts the destructive process immediately, but the result can be seen within 7-10 days. The action lasts about 14 days. Torrential rains reduce the effectiveness of the remedy for the gypsy moth. It is allowed to use at any stage of the growing season of the plant, except for the flowering period.
On a note!
Spray an apple tree from an unpaired silkworm for prevention should be once a month, to fight - twice in 30 days. Effective remedies - Fitoverm, Lepidotsid, Spark bio, Entobacterin, Bitoxibacilin, Dendrobatsilin.
Chemical control methods allow you to get the desired result in a few days. A broad-spectrum poison destroys butterflies during the first 2 hours after spraying the plants, the caterpillars - up to 30 days. Initially, the poison penetrates the body through contact through chitinous cover. It affects the work of the nervous system, causes muscle paralysis, death.
Sv 2 hours, the active toxic substance enters the plant sap, silkworm caterpillars on the apple tree, other plants die during feeding. Mass death occurs within a few days.
Insecticidal agent for silkworm e is recommended to be used on fruit trees twice per season. Single treatment in early spring is allowed.Spraying the stem in the fall is ineffective because the eggs do not affect the eggs.
When working with insecticides, you need to comply with safety measures - to protect the respiratory tract, mouth, eyes, and skin. Otherwise, an allergic reaction, intoxication of varying severity.
Gardeners call the best drugs Actellic, Aktar, Karbofos, Fufnon. Poison is used in exceptional cases, if other methods of struggle do not help.
The effectiveness of folk remedies
It is possible to fight with caterpillars of an unpaired silkworm with the help of decoctions of plants with a strong smell, household soap of spices, wood ash, table vinegar, ammonia.
On a note!
Soap base is needed to keep the active ingredients on the leaves, as well as to create a thin film, which complicates the process of nutrition. Natural laundry soap is added to any folk remedy.
Spray the leaves:
- Table vinegar. For 1 liter of water 200 ml of the product.
- Liquid ammonia. On 1 l of water 10 ml of ammonia.
- Garlic tincture. For 1 cup chopped garlic 1000 ml of water.
- Wood ash.Ash, water is added to the water, mixed thoroughly.
To achieve the desired result, you need to combine several methods of struggle, always remember about prevention. To fight the pest all year round. It is much easier to cut the laying of eggs on the trunk in the autumn than to poison the larvae, chasing the caterpillars through the garden in spring. To get rid of pests with chemicals you need to properly, so as not to harm yourself and the environment.