How to get rid of moths on currants

It is necessary to begin to fight with a moth on a currant in the late autumn after harvesting, or in the early spring, before the leaves bloom. During the growing season it is allowed to use chemicals no later than 25 days before harvesting.During the flowering apply exclusively popular methods of struggle.

The appearance of the pest

Butterflies - butterflies, including about 1 thousand genera and more than 10 thousand species. Spread across the world hit apple trees and other garden crops. Currant also suffers from the attack of pests.

The butterfly or moth is an adult. It looks like a mole. Wingspan not more than 25 mm, folded horizontally. Coloring in gray-brown tones with divorces on the front wings. The moth lives a short life, the main task is to lay eggs, give birth to a new generation. The butterfly does not harm the plant, because it does not feed.

On a note!

The main enemy is the moth larva - caterpillar. The body is bare, yellowish or greenish. The head is clearly distinguished brown, almost red. 16 legs allow the pest to keep well on the leaves, branches, crawling along the crown in any direction.

Feed the caterpillars leaves with a huge appetite. About 2 mm in size appear on the light, but already in 20 days of development they reach a length of 2 cm. The larva twists the leaf, entangles it with cobwebs, forms a kind of house where it hides from enemies, the sun's rays. A photo of a currant leaflet on currants is presented below.

One caterpillar will not cause much harm to currants, but given their mass birth and “brutal” appetite, the scale of harm is not difficult to guess. Damaged leaves curl, blacken, fall, flowers do not develop, fruits do not form. A young bush may simply dry out.

On a note!

In nature there are moths that feed on the currant stems, even the root system, being in the upper soil layer. Examine the affected shrub with great care, despite the fact that in most cases it affects the fruit moth that feeds on the leaves.

Sheet wrench
Sheet wrench

Folk remedies

Fighting a moth on a currant will lead to the desired result, if you treat the bush systematically, constantly monitor its condition. A small amount of pests can be removed with his hands, to destroy, the affected foliage gently pick. Caterpillars can be knocked down with ordinary cold water under pressure. Or they prepare special means that frighten off pests by smell, create unfavorable conditions of existence for caterpillars.

Soap solution

If the question arises, how to deal with the leaflet on the currant with folk remedies,You can use soap. Dissolve initially in warm water, add cold. The soap covers the leaves with a film, makes feeding difficult for the caterpillars, and also helps the leaves recover from an attack by pests.

  • The laundry soap is added to any solution in order to increase the effectiveness of a folk remedy - it keeps the active ingredients on the leaves.
  • Tar soap additionally protects the plant from diseases, helps to recover faster, scares leafworm moths with a specific smell.
  • Green soap is a natural insecticide that kills caterpillars within 10 days.

Wood ash

If a moth emerges on currants, you can use wood ash, which is highly effective in combating many garden pests. The solution is sprayed with currants or watered. In the first case, the active ingredients remain on the surface of the leaves, causing contact with the body of the caterpillar to cause irritation. In the second - the active components of the ash fall into the currant juice. This does not affect the taste of the berries, but the juice in the leaves becomes bitter, unappetizing for the leafworm larvae.

To prepare the solution in water, dilute the soap, add ash. If the product will be used for irrigation, soap is not required, and the water must be hot. It is recommended to spray a bush 1 time in 7 days, to water once in the late autumn, in the early spring, after having dug up the ground around the bush.

Folk ways to deal with the leaflet
Folk ways to deal with the leaflet

Substances with a pungent odor

To get rid of moth on currants, you can with the help of substances with a sharp, persistent odor. For spraying the bush using a solution with the addition of vinegar, ammonia. Calcium or vinegar, laundry soap is poured into cold water. On 10 l of water 200 ml of table vinegar, 10 ml of ammoniac alcohol leave. It is allowed to process a plant during any period of vegetation, but not more than once in 2 weeks.

Broths, tinctures

To process a currant from a leaf-maker it is possible broth or tincture. Prepared on the basis of plants, their seeds, fruits. The cooking process is extremely simple:

  1. The selected active ingredient is poured cold or hot water, insist from several hours to 3 days.
  2. Filter, add soap.
  3. Pour into a household spray bottle or spray bottle. Decoction, tincture is used for spraying the bush.

On a note!

The active ingredients used are calendula, garlic, onion peel, tobacco, cigarette butts, tansy, wormwood, elderberry, tomato tops. Currants should be processed twice to actively combat the caterpillars, butterflies, butterflies, once a week for prevention.

Professional tools for moth on currants

Professional tools for moth on currants
Professional tools for moth on currants

Fight insecticidal pests much easier, faster. One minus - toxic substances that can penetrate into the leaves, root system, fruit. The period of complete elimination of the poison, according to the manufacturers, is about 25 days, in the soil - up to 60. This feature significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug, but also requires precise instructions.

  • It is forbidden to process a bush during or on the eve of flowering. Poison will affect beneficial insects that carry out pollination of flowers. With poor pollination yield will suffer.
  • Do not spray currants less than 25 days before harvest.
  • The shrub should be treated in early spring before bud break or in autumn after picking the berries.
  • Re-processing is carried out in case of urgent need, be sure to take into account all the above recommendations.
  • Working with insecticides is necessary in personal protective equipment. After work, immediately wash your hands with soap and water. The procedure is carried out early in the morning, late in the evening in dry weather.

Modern tools from the moth are identical. Initially kill the caterpillars by contact on apple trees and pears, currants and other berry bushes. Within 2 hours, penetrate the leaves, kill during feeding. Mass mortality of pests occurs within a week. Active substances disrupt the work of the nervous system, instantly paralyze.


The effectiveness of the chemical drug is not affected by drought, heavy rain. The tool does not degrade the quality of the berries, does not affect the growing season of the bush. Currant garden can be saved from the pest, if you respond to the problem in a timely manner.

Effective drugs Karbofos, Aktar, Aktellik, Alatar, Fkfanon, Ditox, Landing. You can buy a suitable tool in a specialized store, ordered online.The average price of 100 rubles. Before use, you need to prepare a solution according to the instructions.

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