Gooseberry firing pin
- Gooseberry firing pin
- Gooseberry firing pin
- Remedies for gooseberry firing
Gooseberry firing pin - a dangerous pest of gardens. It is capable of destroying a carefully grown crop of berries and causing irreparable harm to greenery. A dangerous insect is ubiquitous in the middle belt and in the north of Russia, where gooseberries and currants are massively grown.A small nondescript butterfly belonging to ognevkam, reaches a length of 12-14 mm. The wingspan of the insect is 24-30 cm. Gooseberry moth is classified as a lepidoptera. The color of the butterfly is gray-brown. On the wings there are horizontal dark zigzags and dark jagged lines along the outer edge, and in the middle - a brown spot of rounded shape. The forehead of the burrowing is convex, has a conical shape due to numerous scales. On the head of gooseberry butterfly threadlike antennae are placed.
Pest life cycle
Pupae of the gooseberry fritter winter in the upper layers or in the cracks of the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm under the gooseberry or currant bushes in cocoons of cobwebs. In the spring, during the formation of buds on the berry bushes and the beginning of flowering, there is a massive departure of the gooseberry moth, which lasts for a whole month. Females start laying tiny, oval-shaped, white eggs in flowers, buds and even on the ovary. The laying of one adult reaches 200 pieces. Egg ripening lasts approximately one week. Hatching caterpillars, up to three millimeters long, have a white and yellow color.In each ovary, only one individual remains, the rest are moved to other flowers.
Voracious caterpillars of the gooseberry moth begin to destroy the seeds and juicy berries, entangling them with cobwebs. One pest is able to eat about fifteen currants, or from five to seven gooseberry fruits. Adult caterpillars of the moth are distinguished by their green color and black head. Their length can vary from 8 to 14 mm, and on the sides there are round black spots. Gooseberry moth on the photo presented on the site will allow you to familiarize yourself with all stages of insect development.
During the season, only one generation is fully developed. The duration of the stay of the moth in the caterpillar stage before pupation depends largely on weather conditions and the type of food. On the gooseberry the individual develops more intensively. For black currants, this period can last a week and a half longer and is about a month. Before pupation, the gooseberry caterpillar on a cobweb descends to the ground and goes deeper into it by no more than five centimeters. Here is the change in its state. The pupae are arranged in small groups, 5-7 each.
Gooseberry moth inflicts tremendous harm on the currant and gooseberry bushes. Spiderweb bushes and damaged brown berries have an unsightly look. Carefully inspecting the fruits of gooseberry or currant can be seen on them small holes, of which to the neighboring berries are cobwebs. If you do not take measures in time and do not begin to fight the pest, the harm can take a catastrophic scale.
Methods of fighting the fire on the currants and gooseberries
Gardeners to protect their charges apply a variety of methods and techniques. There are such basic measures to combat gooseberry nezhnevka:
- agrotechnical techniques;
- folk recipes;
- chemical methods.
Agrotechnical receptions
Possessing information that the gooseberry pupae of the pest overwinter in a cocoon, which is located in the top layer of soil directly under the currant bush or gooseberry, it is necessary to carry out such activities:
- dig up the land under the bushes throughout the season, and closer to the autumn to hold a deep hilling of plantings to a depth of 12 cm;
- breaking up the treated plants after flowering;
- plant tomatoes and mint near the berry bushes;
- timely thinning plantings of gooseberries and currants to ensure ventilation and availability of sunlight;
- when damaged fruits and foliage are found, remove them, preferably with caterpillars;
- attract natural enemies of the gooseberry bush to the site, which destroy the caterpillars and pupae. These include ground beetles and horsemen of the braconid family.
These techniques will help to significantly reduce the number of pests.
Folk methods
You can fight with gooseberry ovnegka using popular recipes. These techniques will be effective if the situation is not in an advanced stage. Popular wisdom recommends:
- during the flowering berry bushes stick in their middle branches with blossoming elderberry blossoms;
- apply dusting powder to the ground under bushes;
- spray plants with mustard tincture, pine extract, tincture of tomato tops and ash;
- in the flowering phase, cultivate plantings with tobacco and wormwood broths;
- To destroy the gooseberry larvae, use a solution of green soap.
If all of these methods did not give the desired result, then you should proceed to the chemical preparations.
For ardent opponents of chemistry, the use of light traps is recommended. This method of accounting for insects has become particularly popular in recent times. It allows you to determine the periods of the spread of parasites. The device can be made of brightly colored cardboard, mostly yellow and orange. The surface is covered with a special long-drying glue. After a while the whole trap will be covered with butterflies.
Among the widely used insecticides are:
- «Kinmiks". The drug is effective against caterpillars and butterflies.
- «Spark". Tablet release form, requiring preparation of the working solution.
- «Karate". It has a wide range of actions, kills pests at all stages of development - from the caterpillar to the imago.
The use of potent drugs requires compliance with basic safety rules.