Ambar weevil how to fight
- Granary weevil
- Barnela larvae
- Granary weevil in the house
Those who wanted to feast on the fruits of human labor appeared on the same day when a person first made stocks of products. It is known that ancient Rome and Egypt suffered from the invasion of granary beetles, spoiling the grain reserves. Centuries have passed, but humanity still cannot get rid of such a parasite as an ordinary granary weevil.
To immediately recognize the parasite in the product, you should study its description and characteristics. And in order to understand how to deal with it more effectively, it is necessary to find out the methods of reproduction, preferred conditions and other information.
The granary weevil is called otherwise cereal. This is an insect whose body does not exceed 5 mm. The size of the bug depends on the food it consumed during the developmental period. The shape of the body resembles a slightly narrowed cylinder, the surface glitters. The color of the wide hob depends on its age. So, young individuals are painted in a light brown color, whereas adults have an almost black color.
Head weevil very small, stretched forward into the rostrum, at the end of which there is an oral apparatus with which a grain weevil nibbles its food. Antennae located on head, curved. The insect has wings: elytra with deep longitudinal furrows, wings webbed.
Despite the fact that the granary weevil is “supplied” with wings, it moves only with the help of legs, since the development of the wings does not allow them to be used for these purposes.
Life cycle
The barn weevil absorbs a lot of food, it is ready to use a variety of products: rice, beans, wheat, peas, oats, buckwheat and much more.
The greatest harm is done by the larva of the barn beetle. This light worm does not exceed 4 mm per din. In front of him there are legs and a head with mandibles.
The female lays the clutches inside the grain, smearing the outlet. The laying is rather large: laying a egg, one female can spoil about 300 grains. The eggs develop about 2 weeks, after which the larvae appear. The young growth continues to develop in the same grain, completely gnawing it from the inside. The transformation into a pupa occurs here. The granary weevil leaves the grain only after it becomes a mature adult.
Due to the fact that the development of the beetle occurs inside the grain, it is very difficult to fight it.
The speed of development depends on the ambient temperature:
- At 17 degrees, the beetle will come out of the grain after 80 days;
- At 20 degrees - after 70;
- At 25, after 34 days;
- At 28 - in 30 days.
Features of the barn weevil
The granary weevil prefers certain conditions for a comfortable life: the humidity of the air should be 75-95%, the humidity of the croup up to 15%. Air temperature from 10 to 30 degrees.
Among insect pests, the barn or grain weevil is a long-liver: under favorable conditions, it can live and harm for more than a year. If the air temperature drops below 10 degrees, but does not reach +5, the beetle will stop eating. At a temperature of about +3 degrees, the colony will become numb with cold. And only if the temperature drops, will adult beetles die.
The granary weevil is highly adaptable to environmental changes. He is able to tolerate not only serious changes in air temperature, but also its humidity, because almost the entire life of an insect passes inside the grain. Dry air will kill the bug.
For the year, beetles can lay 2-3 times. In addition to the grains, life adversities bugs can wait out in the cracks, crevices and other parts.
Between the granaries and our housing this granary bug moves inside the product, on the inventory, or even on the clothing of the staff.
Methods of dealing with barn weevil
To get rid of the weevil in the grain in the kitchen should be immediately, because it can infect other products. If a package is found with the grain in which the granary weevil lives, such a product should be discarded.Immediately after this, in order to avoid contamination of other products, it is necessary to put into practice the knowledge of how to deal with the bug at home.
Home Products Protection
“Room” barnish weevil in the photo looks quite peaceful, but in fact it can ruin all the products in the house. Most of all he loves rice, but wheat flavor will also attract him. To get rid of the insectThere are several ways based on the characteristics and preferences of the beetle.
Before struggling with a granary weevil in grain, it is necessary to sort out all the bulk materials that are in the closet.
Carefully review the need not only cereals, but also other products: sugar, tea / coffee, animal feed, flour, cocoa, pasta.
If a weevil is found in a package, it must be discarded because the larvae secrete a substance that can cause poisoning.
- Knowing at what temperature the weevil dies, you can destroy them with frost. To do this, those cereals that were close to the damaged packaging should be put in the freezer for 48 hours (in winter, you can throw them on the balcony).
- Weevil will not be able to survive at temperatures above 50 degrees, so grain and other products can be heated in the oven by setting the temperature to 60 degrees.
Warming up / chilling food early to stop. Further control measures will be as follows:
- Place food in hermetically sealed containers, keep tightly closed. Knowing what foods weevil likes, it is easy to understand what smells attract this insect. Therefore, rice, buckwheat and wheat should be packaged very carefully;
- Place a clove of garlic (peeled) in the container with the grain - this smell does not like the parasite;
- In the lockers to place a bay leaf or a lavender - the weevil also does not tolerate;
- Regularly wash the cabinets, the walls of the headset, shelves with soapy water. Dry surfaces are treated with slightly diluted vinegar.
It is important not to make large stocks of products, because a large amount of grain can be hit immediately. Yes, and destroy the insect in large quantities will be much more difficult.
Insecticides are not used at home against a granary weevil, as these products are harmful to the products, and poison may not be available to the insect.
Protection of grain at work
Get rid of the pest at home is not so difficult, but here for the destruction of it in barns and warehouses use chemical means from the barn weevil. The only reliable tool in our days remains disinfection (aerosol or gas). Only organizations that have the necessary permission, equipment and preparations can poison the weevil.
In order to poison the beetle are often used pills: "Photooxin", "Magtoxin", "Phallus" and the like. Such processing of premises should be regular - once every 6-8 months. In this case, getting rid of the beetle will be quick and easy.