Grain ground beetle in the apartment and house
- Grain ground beetle
- Insect breeding
- Destruction of beetles in the house
Many agrarians are familiar with the grain ground beetle, the pest of cereals. Quite often, the hostess face and the hostess in their kitchens, detecting spoiled food stocks. The appearance of such a problem requires urgent action. As the ground beetle gets into the apartment, how to get rid of it - you will find the answers to these and other questions in this article.
Grain ground beetle is one of the most common representatives of the order of beetles of insects, constituting the largest family of beetles (about 50,000 species):
- adults grow up to 2.5 cm;
- have a convex oval shape, painted black with a slightly pronounced metallic sheen;
- surface of the abdominal part of the beetle brown shade.
The insect has resinous black whiskers and 5-segmented limbs. On convex elytra, there are relatively deep punctate grooves. The beetle has strong and at the same time blunt jaws at the ends. Ground beetle on the photo below.
Lifestyle & Habitat
The ground beetle is nocturnal, hiding in its daytime in its shelter (under the snags, stones or tree roots). If the ground beetle has settled in the house, then there she usually hides in the joints of old furniture.
In nature, the favorite habitat of ground beetle grain is the field of winter wheat, rye, barley, oats, and even corn.
On a note!
The pest gnaws the scales of the spike, damaging the buds of the kernels and the already ripening grain.In the absence of grain crops, the beetle can satisfy hunger even with leeks.
In the presence of favorable conditions of heat and humidity, bread ground beetles begin to actively mate, after which the females lay eggs in the soil (from 50 to 250 pieces). Dry weather reduces fertility ground beetles.
After 10-15 days, the larvae are born, which remain in the soil until frosts occur. In the same place they winter, constructing for themselves a shelter in the form of a hole. They resume feeding on winter crops before the pupation period. The formation of the pupa takes about 3 weeks. For the year there is one generation of beetles.
Where do bugs come from
The ground beetle in the apartment is capable of the following ways:
- beetle larvae can be brought into the house on the shoes;
- with products: with cereals, flour or potatoes;
- with wood for firing up a fireplace or stove;
- attract the attention of insects can unpleasant odor and the remnants of animal feed in the cage of a pet;
- Considering that beetles always fly into the light, they enter the house through windows that are not protected by mosquito nets.
With the arrival of the night, the pest crawling into the house goes in search of food, which can serve as cereals, as well as crumbs left on the table and leftover food. His rustling beetle deprives sleep and rest, often falling from the ceiling to the bed. If the attempt to get food to the insect is successful, then this is a favorable signal for reproduction. Therefore, when the ground beetle appeared in the house, it is necessary to take urgent measures to combat it.
How to get rid of bugs in the apartment
Destroying the malicious pest of fields is quite simple.
- Before you get rid of the ground beetle in the apartment, you first need to find the place of its settlement. After that, do a general cleaning, placing all bulk products in airtight containers.
- For processing the habitat of bread beetles, you can use acetic acid or soda solution, or use insecticides such as Dichlorvos, Karbofos or Fufanon.
- When infected with cereal or flour ground beetle, it is preferable to get rid of them completely. If this is not possible, the products should be ignited in the oven for 20-30 minutes.
- It is possible to fight with bread beetles with the help of ultraviolet rays, warming the infected products in the sun for 6 hours.
- No worse effect on pests and cold. Destructive for insects is the air temperature below 15 degrees.
- Use bait based on boric acid.
- Plants with a strong aroma can also fight with an uninvited guest. These are cloves, garlic, bay leaf.
How to protect the crop on the field
The following methods will help to get rid of the ground beetle on the acreage:
- Follow the rules of crop rotation.
- Harvesting crops in the early stages of ripening. And you should immediately remove the straw from the field and plow the soil to a depth of at least 20 cm.
- Attract natural enemies: various parasitic and predatory insects.
- Use pickled seeds for sowing. Timely spray young crops with insecticidal preparations.
- Use insecticides Aktara, Eforia, Kruiser during the period of active feeding of the larvae.