How to deal with gadflies
- The destruction of gadflies
- Homemade insect traps
- Insecticidal products
One of the most pressing issues in the warm season is how to get rid of horseflies on the plot. The owners of summer cottages located near water bodies and forests suffer from the invasion of harmful insects. Their bites are dangerous to humans and animals. With the wrong approach, the fight against horseflies turns into a “war with windmills.” If everything is done correctly, there will be no dangerous, annoying insects in the country.
Attractive cottage
If at the cottage there are favorable conditions for the life of insects, they will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to settle next:
- Go blind feed on the blood of horses, cows, less often pigs, goats, sheep, dogs. If in the immediate vicinity there are such animals, you will have to fight constantly.
- Blindly addicted to water. Always live near water. If the cottage has a swimming pool, there are containers filled with liquid, the puddle does not dry out, insects will always be nearby. If possible, remove the water, then the problem will be solved by itself.
- In the grass, insects lay eggs. If you are engaged in breeding gadflies, but leave thickets around the dacha, the effect will not come soon.
To finally get rid of annoying, dangerous creatures, you need to create in their summer cottage unfavorable conditions for them. Reduce the number of pests will help insecticides, traps.
Extermination of insects in the country
You can fight the gadflies with ordinary traps without insecticide, toxic substances.
Light traps
Modern devices have high efficiency.Work from a source of a city electric network, the accumulator, is rare on batteries. The trap attracts horseflies with bright light. But, being on the metal rods of the device, the pest receives an electric shock.
On a note!
Trap acts not only on gadflies, attracts many harmful insects - mosquitoes, flies, gadflies. In one fell swoop, you can clear the cottage possession of many annoying pests. Means for catching pests are placed in any convenient place - under the roof, shed, in the veranda, on the terrace, in the courtyard.
Fly paper
The simplest, primitive trap. On a paper put a sticky basis. Suspended under the roof of the house, indoors. An option for those who want to get rid of horseflies in the country, but not on the land. Large-scale transformations with such a tool will not work.
Trap bags
Special devices for catching flying insects, especially flies. In a convenient place the package is suspended. Inside is a lure and a hole for entry. Inside the gadflies get easily, but units get out.
Homemade traps
You can get rid of horseflies in the country with the help of your own designs. There is a need for minimal knowledge of what the blind are afraid of, what they love, a bit of patience.
Complex construction
In the place where most gadflies, erect a special trap:
- Hang a stool or chair as high as possible.
- A dark-colored ball is tied to it with a rope.
- The lower part of the stool is smeared with sticky glue, or double-sided tape is attached.
The ball movement and dark color attracts horseflies. Insects fly to the ball, find that there is nothing edible, go up, stick tight. Periodically update the sticky layer of the trap.
Artificial puddles
Blind funny drink water. They immediately rush into a puddle, collect liquid in a special bag, quickly go up, continue on their way. This can be used to your advantage. Pour into a small container of kerosene, gasoline. Blind on the fly dive into the oil means that clogs spiracles, glues the wings. The pest dies.
Bottle traps
One of the easiest options. You can make a large number, hang in any convenient place:
- Cut off the neck.
- Wall greased with vegetable oil.
- Pour the bait - sugar syrup, honey, jam, any attractive tool.
- Turn the cut neck over, insert it inside the bottle, fix with tape, thread the rope.
Insecticidal products
Traps help reduce the number of harmful insects, but are not able to cope with them completely. If the situation is difficult, it is recommended to treat the area with special preparations from the group of pyrethroids, organophosphates, organochlorine chemicals.
Effective means:
- Dichlorvos;
- Kumaphos;
- Malathion;
- Methoxychlor;
- Cypermethrin;
- Tetramethrin;
- Sumitrin;
- Lindane.
Insecticidal agents are allowed to handle the premises, ponds, open areas. But it should be remembered that they all have a wide spectrum of action. Together with gadflies, many useful, harmless bugs and bees are killed from the toxic substance. A person may suffer.
Insecticidal agent is used in severe cases. The action on the open area lasts about 1 month. If necessary, re-process.