How to deal with earrings in a private house and garden
- Earwig
- Pest control
- Chemicals from earwigs
Meet in your life with earwig accounted for many gardeners lovers. Awesome looking insects prefer to dwell in humid environments. They settle in the neighborhood with agricultural land and summer plots, causing great damage to cultural plantings. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how to get rid of earwigs in a private house, garden or vegetable garden.
Special features
Quite often, earwigs are called dvukhostok. However, these are completely different insects: dvuhvosti are representatives of the order of the mandibular six-legged, earwig same refers to the order of the leather-winged. These creatures generalize the presence of characteristic “forceps” located at the end of the abdomen. The photo and description of the earwig are presented below.
Earwig - an insect that is the owner of an elongated body:
- sizes range from 1.5 to 2.5 cm, but there are instances reaching 8 cm;
- brown color body consists of several segments;
- on a heart-shaped head there are long, filamentary whiskers and very small eyes;
- pronotum between head and torso.
The earwigs have wings: the anterior ones are short and have no venation, the posterior ones are larger and have radially arranged veins. However, their insect is rarely used, preferring to move on the ground.
The abdomen ends with cerci — hard appendages resembling mites or forceps, which is why the pest is called a “pinch”. With their help, the insect can not only hold food, but also to defend itself.
Causes of
The question is where the earwigs come from, not only garden work lovers are bewildered, but also residents of high-rise buildings. At the dacha pests are attracted by the abundance of food that is freely available. Often there are earwigs in the house, along with brought fruits, vegetables or a festive bouquet of flowers. These creatures can easily settle down if there is dampness in the room. In apartments of high-rise buildings, tweezers fall from damp basements, penetrating through cracks and cracks.
Is it dangerous?
Many people are interested in what is dangerous earwig. In the garden, she harms ornamental plants, damaging their leaves, eats shoots and nibbles flowers. Especially fond of dahlias, poppies, asters and phloxes. The presence of garden pests in the house causes not only disgust at its inhabitants.
On a note!
In case of accidental contact, the pest is able to bite. However, the assertion that a pinch emit a poisonous substance during a bite that can cause death of a person is a myth. Insects do excrete a liquid that has a sharp, specific odor. However, it is intended to scare the enemy.
In addition, adults may not feel the bite, but in children it can cause pain. As a result, in a person suffering from allergies, the damaged area may turn red and swollen, often swelling and blistering. Therefore, finding two-tailed insects in the house, it is necessary to take urgent measures to combat them.
We rid the house of pests
In private houses, earwigs are much more common than in apartments. After all, it is easy for pests to get into the house from the garden. In addition, in private buildings more wet rooms.
- Before you start to deal with earwigs in a private house, you need to get rid of the existing blockages and dry the damp rooms by checking all the drain pipes for leaks.
- It should not be overlooked and houseplants growing in the house, because insects often live in their excessively wet soil.
- To get rid of earwigs in an apartment or house, it is necessary to limit the ways of their penetration, repairing all the cracks and crevices, as well as using mosquito nets on the windows.
- Pick up an effective remedy for earwigs in the sanitary epidemiological station.Usually used ready-made poison or in the form of baits on the basis of yolk and bran.
- Boric acid will help to quickly get rid of pests in the house. It can be scattered on the floor or form balls, mixed with egg yolk. The application of this method requires restricting the access of insects to water. Otherwise, to achieve a positive result will not succeed.
- You can also crush the tweezers with the help of the famous chalk Masha. They rub all skirting boards in the house or apartment, and also apply the agent in places where insects appear.
We rid the garden of pests
To get rid of earwigs in the garden without harm to the crop in the following ways.
- To free the garden or garden from woodlice and earwigs, it is first necessary to restore order in it. It is necessary to get rid of damp places littered with various wastes, as well as compost heaps and fallen trees. After all, it is there most often live pests.
- The fight against earwigs will be effective even with deep digging of the earth in late autumn.
- You can destroy earwigs with the help of a trap. As it is used abundantly moistened cloth,Used can or old watering hose. Having found out under one or another subject of nippers, they should be filled in with boiling water.
- Effectively poison earwigs with poisons. For spraying contaminated plantations, you can use Fufaon, Intavir or Spark. A good result is also obtained from biopreparations like Lepidocide or Bitoxibacillin.
- Derive earhook can folk remedies. To do this, many use the method of scaring off plants that have insecticidal properties. Wormwood, yarrow, tansy, or basil are what earwigs are afraid of. Of them make a tincture, which add detergent or laundry soap. Such a solution is used to treat damaged plants.
About the benefits
However, not all reviews about tweezers are negative. Finding an insect in the garden or garden, you should not rush to its destruction. In single quantities, the pest does not pose a great threat to plants. And even the opposite: is a destroyer tracks, spider mites, fliesslug and aphids. Fighting earwigs should be when their number becomes excessively large.