How to deal with scolopendry in the house
- Scolopendra in the house
- Preventive actions
- Destruction of harmful insects
The sight of a small centipede in the house plunges many people into shock. This is about scolopendre. This unpleasant insect causes much greater aversion and resentment than a cockroach. And to find someone who wants to live under one roof with such a creation is very difficult. Therefore, every person faced with such a situation wonders how to get rid of Scolopendra in a private house.
Special features
Externally, the scolopendra resembles a worm, which has many developed limbs, as well as centipedes. Moreover, the first pair of legs performs the function of mites, which the insect uses to capture prey. At the end of each leg there are thorns soaked in poison. The body length of individuals can reach up to 10 cm. The color of a segmented body varies from light to brownish-black.
Centipedes are inhabited by warm, damp places, from which they are selected to search for food only at night. Mowed grass, a pile of fallen leaves or debris are the favorite places for scolopendra.
On a note!
Similar shelters are looking for skolopendry and in the house, preferring wet places: bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. Insects penetrate there through open doors and windows, as well as through cracks and crevices of the ventilation and sewer systems.
What attracts the centipede in the house
The following conditions favor the appearance of scolopendra in the house:
- high humidity in the room - the most important factor in the presence of insects in the house;
- the presence of food - in its quality can serve other domestic insects that live in the house;
- comfortable air temperature.
About danger
The bite of scolopendra that lives in the house is not dangerous to human life. The centipede bites only in cases of self-defense. The poison in the wound becomes the cause of redness, swelling, burning, pain. After 1-2 days, the symptoms of indisposition disappear.
Preventive actions
Before dealing with Scolopendra in the house, it is necessary to create unfavorable conditions for her to live.
- Get rid of moisture. The lack of moisture is what scolopendra fears. The easiest and global method is to dry the room, because where dry, clean and light insects do not start. Therefore, you should regularly air the apartment. It is also necessary to eliminate all leaks of plumbing fixtures caused by stagnant moisture under the sink or bathroom.
- Insulation. Equally important is the incorporation of small gaps, cracks, crevices and voids through which millipedes can penetrate the house.
- Protecting windows with mosquito nets is the next step in the fight against scolopendry.
- To fight against domestic insects, which include cockroaches, fleas, ants, as they are the food for the millipedes.
- Cleaning the local area from various deposits of debris and fallen leaves, which serve as a shelter for skolopendr.
Methods of struggle
You should not try to kill Scolopendra with a sneaker or other improvised means. To achieve this is almost impossible due to the fact that her body covers a very dense shell. In addition, the insect dodge should be taken into account, which greatly hinders to perform an aiming strike. It is preferable to catch skolopendra using a scoop, brush and rubber gloves. Then take it as far away from home as possible.
You can withdraw skolopendr in the house with the use of chemicals. To combat using a broad-spectrum drugs designed to destroy various malicious insects. These include:
- Dichlorvos;
- Medilis Cyper;
- Henkel Combat;
- Raid;
- Starex.
When using data of insecticidal preparations, it is necessary to have personal protective equipment: respirator, rubber gloves and the most closed clothing.
Folk remedies
However, it is not always possible to use chemicals to combat scolopendra in the house. Therefore, many people resort to more benign methods of struggle, using time-tested folk recipes. Some sources recommend for this purpose to use boric acid, which is used against many domestic insects. However, one should not forget that skolopendra is a predator, and boron powder baits are unlikely to attract its attention.
Another method to get rid of Scolopendra in the house. It is enough just to arrange sticky traps in the places of appearance of centipedes. The result of their struggle will be obvious very soon.
Specialized Services
With a large number of centipedes, it is preferable to contact a specialized service, whose employees use professional tools to solve this problem.