Moth insect

One of the most numerous families included in the “gnus complex” is the biting midge family. Systematics of these bloodsuckers is not defined until now. Constantly discovering new species belonging to this family. In general, biting midges are small two-winged insects living around the globe, except Antarctica. They are one of the two main components of the "gnus complex".

On a note!

In the "complex of the nasal" includes all diptera blood-sucking insects up to flies tsetse. The most numerous components of this composition are biting midges and midges.

General description of the family

Total biting midges there are 1,800 species. Their appearance is very similar to mosquito look. Because of this appearance, confusion often arises and members of a completely different family are often called “little mosquitoes”. But these insects have no relation to mosquitoes:

  • biting midges - very small insects, the maximum size of which is not more than 4 mm, in most cases the size of a representative of this family does not exceed 1 mm;
  • at such sizes it is difficult to consider the gray-spotted chest and spotted wings of the bloodsucker;
  • Biting midge has 3 pairs of legs;
  • piercing and sucking mouth apparatus;
  • the wings, like those of a mosquito, are folded parallel to each other and the body of an insect.

It is possible to examine in detail what a snapper looks like, only in a photograph with a multiple magnification of the image.


In Russia, the most common and abundant species of brat is spotted. This insect in the Far East makes up 98% of the total mass of nest.The dimensions of the bloodsucker allow him to easily penetrate the body through clothes. This type of insect is spread everywhere, where there is enough moisture for the development of the larvae. You can meet spotted bumblebee not only in the Siberian taiga, but also in Karelian forests. This type of midge is absent only in the tundra, dry steppes and semi-deserts. Spotted mokrets on the photo below.
Spotted sputum
Spotted sputum

Lifestyle and Nutrition

The name directly indicates that insects like wet places. Indeed, all phases of development of a bumblebee, except for adults, take place either in reservoirs or in very moist soil.

On a note!

Representatives of this family of bloodsucking do not like running water.

They prefer to breed in reservoirs with standing or low-flowing water. Although the river and the chances to meet with these insects are quite high, as in the river there are always quiet small backwaters, where the flow is very weak.

Like any representative of the “complex of the midges”, the mokrets have 4 phases of development: eggs, larva, pupa, imago. Egg development takes 3-6 days, larvae 2-3 weeks, pupae 3-7 days. Larvae of various species of this family can be predators or saprofagi.

On a note!

Saprofag is an insect that feeds on decaying organic matter.

In accordance with their eating habits, the larvae live either in reservoirs or in richly moistened soil. If the summer is warm and long, a moth insect can produce 5 generations of new bloodsuckers.

Hunting techniques and victims of biting midges

The main hunting time for biting midges is in the evening and morning. At this time, they are actively looking for prey. At other times they have a waiting tactic. Insects sit on the leaves, waiting for prey. When a victim appears, some of the bloodsuckers take off and pursue a source of food, the other part tries to crawl down the legs.

The midge is a cannibal to some extent. Insects drink blood not only in mammals, but also in birds, lizards, snakes and butterflies (hemolymph serves as food). Not all types of “micro-mosquitoes” attack mosquitoes and mosquitoes. Those who have adapted to “rob the kinsmen” drink fresh blood directly from the stomach of other bloodsuckers. When attacking a person, the taiga midge, which includes biting midges, can kill its victim overnight.

On a note!

In the taiga, the number of blood suckers attacking a person can reach 10,000 individuals in 5 minutes.

Danger to humans

Bite bite
Bite bite

Moths carry infectious diseases that are dangerous to humans, starting with anthrax and ending with human filariasis. In the southern regions, these insects carry Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever. Bloodsuckers are also dangerous for livestock, being carriers of animal-specific diseases. Often become the cause of the disease of rabbits viral hemorrhagic disease.

The bite of the midge is very painful and can cause an allergic reaction or a disease of ceratopogonidiasis in a person. Blood suckers sprinkle poisonous saliva at the bite, causing local inflammation, burning and prolonged itching. Even in the absence of allergy after an insect bite, the site of the puncture site often becomes contaminated and ulcers appear. In people who are sensitive to bites, itching lasts for 10 days.


Bites of biting midges are favorite places - neck and face. This factor must be taken into account when planning a trip to the taiga, as in ordinary life, people do not pay attention that their faces and neck are open.

Protection against biting midges

Insect protection
Insect protection

The most effective remedy for midge brat is not to go to the taiga.In cities where there are not enough reservoirs for breeding, these insects are rarely found. If the trip to the forest or the taiga is inevitable, you will have to take care of the repellents. To move through the forest, you can apply insect repellent cream or spray on the body.

On a note!

Repellent preparations act as long as the person does not sweat properly.

At the sites you can use the spiral-fumigator or the same creams and sprays. If you plan to spend the night near the reservoir, it is better to stock up with a mosquito net for the tent. As an additional measure against midges, the mixture is applied to the mesh: 2 parts of tar per 1 part of caustic soda. Use the grid can only be after drying in the shade.

From mechanical personal protective equipment it is better to acquire a suit that prevents the penetration of “micro-mosquitoes” to the body through clothing. Particular attention should be paid to the mosquito net, protecting the face and neck. The selected grid should have the smallest possible cell size. To minimize the number of blood suckers, which must be taken under the clothes, the cuffs of the sleeves should be fitted with elastic bands. The legs are better to fill in the boots.At the same time, such clothing will save ticks from attack.

If insects got to the body

Means for mitigating bites
Means for mitigating bites

The effects of bites soften:

  • a mixture of ammonia and water: 50/50;
  • a solution of baking soda: 1/2 teaspoon per glass of pure water;
  • onion juice;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • lemon juice;
  • well mashed parsley, bird cherry, mint or plantain leaves.

Tampons moistened with folk remedies, applied to the affected places for about 10 minutes.

An urban person has little chance of meeting these small but rather dangerous insects. Beware of midges is necessary for people going into the forests with a large number of reservoirs, in which the bulk of all representatives of the "midge complex" reproduces.

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Bed bugs

