Remedy for gadflies and horseflies for humans
- Sprays of gadfly and gadflies
- Folk remedies for gadflies and gadflies
- Lemon-mint cocktail to protect the territory from pests
Gadflies bite and gadflies for a person it is characterized by strong pain, as well as a local reaction at the site of injury. These insects give a lot of inconvenience especially to people who in summer are often forced to be near pastures. Also, the need to apply protective measures faced lovers of fishing or just living near water bodies.To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should know how to choose an effective remedy for gadflies and gadflies for a person.
The remedy for gadfly and gadfly is a kind of analogue anti mosquito drugs, midges and other blood-sucking pests. The only difference is in the concentration of the active substance. All drugs based on the substance DET have proven themselves well. It contains almost all popular means. Choosing to smear from gadfly, you need to pay attention to the content of this substance.
On a note!
All creams and aerosols in which DETA less than 20% are ineffective and will not be able to provide full protection from gadflies and gadflies.
Chemical repellent, the main task of which is reduced to the protection of nature from gadflies and gadflies. Available in aerosol form in a can of 125 ml. Before use, the product must be shaken. Apply to clothing and human skin. Provides scaring away gadflies, gadflies within 2-3 hours after processing. Do not use more often 2 times a day. Price from 150 rubles.
Means line Picnic use the whole family.Excellent help and provide a comfortable outdoor recreation. For the whole summer 2 cans are enough and always remain without bites. I like the wide spectrum of the drug's action, as it provides protection against mosquitoes, black flies and ticks.
Olga, Ivanovo
Repellent against fleas, midges, cockroaches, gadflies, mosquitoes, gadflies, mosquitoes and biting midges. The active substance is DEET. In the series you can also purchase aerosols and spirals. The average cost per 100 ml of spray from 90 rubles.
How to protect yourself from gadflies and gadflies:
- Shake the spray can.
- Direct the flow to exposed areas of the body and clothing.
- Protection provided at least 4 hours.
On a note!
During processing, it should be borne in mind that the substance remains on the clothes much longer and can last up to 20 days after application.
Popular remedy for gadfly and gadfly helps immediately after application. Protects from flying bloodsucking insects, as well as ticks. The active ingredient is diethyltoluamide in a content of 30%. A clear advantage is the ability to purchase a tool in any shopping center, specialty store or on the Internet. Price from 250 rubles.
I like the whole line of OFF drugs. Saved every year from mosquitoes in the country. Most often bought creams. But this summer faced a more serious problem. There were gadflies in large numbers and bitten animals and people. There was nothing else at home, and I tried OFF. The result is amazing, helped get rid of gadflies , only lasted no more than an hour.
Oksana, Voronezh
Folk remedies
If there is no ready preparation on hand, and there is no way to get to the store, folk remedies for gadflies and gadflies will always come to the rescue. Their main principle is to repel insects with specific odors. Active components in most cases similar to those with which a person can protect against mosquitoes and blackflies. The difference is only in the concentration and duration of action.
The old proven remedy for gadfly and gadflies. It is inexpensive, has a very specific and rich flavor. If to use oil solution, then long action is provided. The substance is very difficult to wash off human skin.It can only be wiped off by very thorough washing in hot water or visiting a bath.
Apply the product to open skin areas. With a long stay on the street, it is necessary to update the protective layer every 2-3 hours.
The tar rescued more than once in the attack of mosquitoes and midges. Against gadflies and horseflies, he was ineffective. But friends suggested that it can be mixed with the drug DETA, then the effect lasts a very long time. This mixture is enough for a long time and you can not be afraid of being bitten.
Andrey, Sevastopol
Vishnevsky ointment
This tool perfectly protects the hands from the bites of gadflies and gadflies. The basis of the drug is birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. The substance is very oily, therefore during use it is necessary to protect clothing.
On a note!
The smell of this ointment is very unpleasant, even for humans, so the insects, too, try not to approach it. To use it is necessary to prepare a gauze bracelet to the size of the brush. After that, gauze generously smeared with liniment.
To protect the territory
If bloodsuckers are overcome and at home, then you can treat the territory with the help of the prepared solution.You will need lemon ammonia, mint mouthwash and lemon-scented soap. The ingredients are mixed to get a liquid substance, to treat the territory.
I admit that lemon and mint could scare away gadflies or gadflies, but only the concentration of the agent should be prohibitive. Otherwise, the efficiency is almost absent. Or use in conjunction with special anti-mosquito coils. But just a lemon-mint cocktail was ineffective.
Alina, Vladivostok
Site protection
Some cultures can also scare away the gadfly and horseflies from the dacha. They are planted between beds with ordinary plants or along the perimeter. For these purposes, you can use:
- Dalmatian daisy;
- tomatoes;
- carnation;
- basil;
- bird cherry;
- anise.
When considering the question that scares gadflies and gadflies, it is necessary to indicate coniferous aromas. Spruce needles make infusions or simply lay them on the territory. Also, before going to the habitats of gadflies and gadflies, you should carefully consider the form of clothing.It should be as dense as the temperature conditions of the terrain allow. Some experts suggest putting on sweaters and trousers made of thick fabric so that the thickness of the material exceeds the length of the bloodsucker's proboscis.
On a note!
Additional protection will provide and the lack of clothing in black, since it attracts insects.
Thus, it is very difficult to fight gadflies or gadflies. They are resistant to many poisons and endure even unpleasant odors. Therefore, in order to rely on full protection, you should approach the issue only in a comprehensive manner. The simultaneous use of chemicals and the correct form of clothing at times increase the chances of being left without bites. Also in the fight will help trapsthat you can do yourself.