
How to treat a cow from gadflies and gadflies at home

Cow and gadfly
Folk remedies deterring gadflies and gadflies
Special insect drugs

Gadflies, gadflies and many other blood-sucking insects bring not only discomfort to cattle, but also can cause infection with many dangerous diseases. They are carriers of brucellosis, anthrax, hypodermatosis, teliosis and many other diseases.Save the livestock will help only properly selected means of gadflies and gadflies for cows. There are many drugs, but not all of them provide positive results.

What they are

There are many types of tools that will help if gadflies bite a cow. All of them can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Repellent. These are special substances that are applied to the body of the animal. Repellents are based on the action of specific odors that scare various insects. They do not kill gadflies, gadflies and other pests, but only scare them away. Most of the agents act on the strong sense of smell of an insect and disorient it. To repellents include folk remedies, as well as chemical drugs. They are safer, but can not guarantee long-term and full protection.
  2. Insecticides. To substances began to act, it is necessary to apply the agent on the skin of cattle. Insecticides can have intestinal, contact or systemic effects. They are characterized by long-term preservation of action and high efficiency.

On a note!

Elementary rules of hygiene will help to strengthen the protection and prevent the attack of gadflies and gadflies on animals.Insects identify the victim by smell, so the cows should be bathed regularly and kept as clean as possible.

Cow and gadfly
Cow and gadfly

Special preparations

Manufacturers offer a wide range of remedies against gadflies bites and gadflies. They are based on the action of chemical insecticides, which not only deter pests, but also are able to completely destroy them.


An effective way to protect a cow from gadflies and gadflies.

  • It can be used as a means of control or as a preventive measure.
  • The active substance is cyfluthrin, which belongs to the group of synthetic pyrethroids. Effective against gadflies, gadflies, midges and mosquitoes. It has a contact and repellent effect.
  • It is better to entrust the treatment to a veterinarian or a qualified specialist.
  • The cost of a bottle with a dispenser is about 450 rubles. Protects 1-1.5 months.


I heard a lot about the drug positive reviews. Decided to Digununit treat the cow from gadflies and gadflies at home. The expert was not invited. Cows grazed, without changing the schedule, all day in the heat. Actions lasted for 3 weeks.During this time there were frequent and heavy precipitations that could reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Olga, Lipetsk region


Special emulsion that protects against ectoparasites. The drug must be spread on a cow from gadflies and gadflies. Apply Sebacil only on the clean skin of the animal. The active substance is foxim. It has a contact action. Long stored on the surface of the body and provides reliable protection of the cattle. Sold in veterinary clinics. 1 bottle must be diluted in a bucket of water and processed animal.


Effective remedy that has a pronounced contact action. At observance of precautionary measures and strict following of the instruction for use does not make negative impact on people and animals. 100 ml of the product costs about 500 rubles.

The active ingredient is aversectin C - a complex that protects even if a subcutaneous gadfly appears in cattle and will also scare away flying bloodsucking insects. It can be used as a prophylactic during spring processing of cows.

Special insect drugs
Special insect drugs


Treatment of cows from hypodermic gadfly is carried out regularly in our region.Paramedics use only Aversect. The treatment helps not only to heal the animal from hypodermatosis, but also to prevent further infection.

Epifantsev, Pskov

Sanoflax, Butox, Extrazol, Centaurus and some other drugs also have good efficacy. You can also choose a convenient form of release. For the treatment of cows from gadflies and gadflies, emulsions or sprays are produced.

Folk remedies

The use of chemicals can not guarantee full security for humans and the animal itself, so there is the use of simple recipes for home remedies. In order to save the cows, it is not necessary to buy expensive drugs, you can do with available means at hand.


Proven old product that can be bought at a pharmacy or a specialty store. Apply an oil or water solution. To start the agent, sprinkle the cow from the gadfly with a solution from a container with sprayers. You can also bathe animals with tar soap. The cost of 1 bottle is about 60 rubles. The use of tar can adversely affect the taste of milk, so this way to get rid of the bites of gadflies and horseflies is used very rarely.


If there is only one or two cows in the farm, then the tar can be considered effective, but for a larger herd it will be necessary to look for methods more extensive. After treatment, the action lasts no more than 3-4 hours. This is the maximum, provided there is no contact with water.

Anatoly, Zvenigorod

Folk remedies deterring gadflies and gadflies
Folk remedies deterring gadflies and gadflies

Soap and vegetable oil

Per liter of water, you need to dissolve 1 bar of soap and add 100-150 ml of ordinary vegetable oil. Prepared means to spray the body of cows. The oil covers the skin with a protective film and reduces the spread of odor.

Diesel fuel

Effective folk remedy for cows from gadflies and gadflies due to a strong obsessive smell. The cow also feels it, so with frequent use the animal will feel discomfort. Diesel need to coat those areas of the body, which lacks a cow's tail. In nature, the animal itself drives off biting insects with its help.


Tried a lot of folk remedies to protect cows from gadflies and gadflies. Herbs saved, but not for long. Then they tried diesel. Rubbed udder, neck, areas behind the ears.The first 2 hours, bloodsuckers did not even fly. Then gradually reopened their hunt. I can conclude that diesel fuel really scares gadflies and gadflies, but not for long.

Arseny, Petrovsk

Herbal infusions

Disposal of gadfly and gadfly using infusions of herbs is completely safe and does not affect the quality of milk. In order to prepare them, you can use any kind of plants individually or in combination. Laurel, tansy, mint or wormwood will help scare away the blood-sucking pests.

Thus, in order to find the ideal remedy for cattle from gadflies and gadflies, you will have to try various options. The problem cannot be ignored, since the attack of pests will affect not only the general condition of the cows, but also the quality and quantity of milk yield.

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