Allergic reaction to bee sting, what to do
- Bee sting and allergy to it
- Bee sting
- First aid for bee sting
A bee sting allergy appears as a reaction to insect venom. An allergic reaction is characterized by swelling at the site. bite, redness, pain, burning sensation. If the immune system is strong, the symptoms disappear within a few days without special treatment. In people prone to allergies, there may be a strong reaction, which is not limited to the typical redness, swelling.
Risk of occurrence
A bee sting allergy occurs under certain circumstances:
- The body is weakened after chronic, severe illnesses. The immune system is not able to counteract the poison.
- The amount of bee venom exceeds 2 mg. This situation occurs when the bites of several bees, after the attack swarm. From one insect 0.3 mg enters the human body.
- Bees bite several times with a small time interval. Allergy occurs as a response to a foreign toxic substance.
- In the presence of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, it is problematic to predict the reaction of the organism, the probability of an allergic reaction increases several times.
Can there be an allergy in a healthy person - yes, if the above circumstances contributed to that.
ICD code 10 W57 bite or sting by non-venomous insects and other arthropods. Allergy to bees from the normal reaction to insect bites is characterized by complexity of symptoms, slow recovery.
Identification of non-standard response of the body before the bite
Find out if there is wasp sting allergy or bees, it is possible in special laboratories, clinics. Antibodies to bee venom, special immunoglobulins are produced in humans after two or three bee stings, but not all.Antibodies are completely absent in infants, persons who have never been bitten by striped insects.
How the body reacts to an attack depends on the individual, the strength of the immune system. The detection algorithm involves several steps:
- Obtaining information, careful collection of anamnesis. The patient tells how the unpleasant symptoms appear, how the body reacted to the bites of bees, wasps of blood relatives. It turns out genetic predisposition.
- Conduct special tests for blood analysis, with the identification of antibodies to bee venom. If you are allergic to bees, the risk category includes all bee products - honey, wax.
- Additionally, tests for the presence of worms, viral diseases, fungal infections.
Skin tests with an allergen involve contact or internal introduction of an allergen under the skin in order to provoke an allergy. A minimum dose of poison, not dangerous to humans, is introduced. But, if an allergic reaction to a bee sting is present, external symptoms will appear - itching, redness, rash, and burning.
On a note!
The analysis period is about 10 days, the cost is within 680 rubles.
Any person has certain symptoms after an attack with an insect:
- burning pain;
- edema;
- redness;
- burning;
- swelling;
- fever in the sore spot;
- after a few hours, the pain gives way to itching.
The discomfort is felt the first few hours. When rendering first aid, the symptoms are smoothed out. The very next day a person feels better. Even without special treatment, the skin is fully restored in a week.
In the presence of an allergic reaction, the symptoms are much more complicated, more unpleasant, more dangerous.
Edema is observed not only at the site of the bite, but throughout the entire part of the body, where the bee stung. Arm, leg, neck, face, forearm swells.
- there is severe pain, burning, additional rash;
- body temperature rises;
- vomiting;
- nausea;
- dizziness;
- headache;
- diarrhea;
- convulsions;
- weakness;
- loss of consciousness;
- lowering blood pressure;
- difficulty breathing;
- general malaise;
- stomachache;
- lack of coordination of movements;
- edema spreads within 48 hours, painful symptoms disappear after 10 days or more.
As a result of anaphylactic shock, an allergic person may die if medical care is not provided promptly.
On a note!
Complications after a bite develop within 20 minutes.If nothing serious has happened, the immune system is able to cope on its own with poison. To speed up the restoration of the skin, use folk remedies, drugs of local action.
First aid
Bee sting allergy treatment begins with emergency care. The action algorithm for all cases is the same.
- Insect leaves a sting in the human body, which itself squeezes the muscles, releases poison into the blood. The first thing you need to remove it. To do this, use tweezers, pull out slowly.
- The wound should be disinfected. Experts recommend medical, ammonia alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, any alcohol tincture. If these drugs are not available, they prepare a slurry of baking soda, salt, and lightly dilute with water. It is allowed to wash the wound with soap.
- To relieve swelling, reduce pain, apply a cold compress, ice cubes wrapped in gauze, pour cold water over the affected area.
After rendering first aid to speed up the healing of wounds, it is allowed to use folk remedies in the form of decoctions of medicinal herbs, juices of vegetables.Or use special pharmaceutical preparations - balm Asterisk, Fenistil gel, Beinval, Bepanten,
Allergic Therapy
Immediately after the attack of the insect you need to drink an antihistamine drug. Use tablets Diazolin, L-Cet, Eden, drops Fenistil. With a complication of breathing, swelling of the larynx should call an ambulance. Antihistamine drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. In case of anaphylactic shock, the patient is injected with 2 ml of Cordiamine in the arm, 2 ml of Tavegil or Suprastin in the buttock, intramuscularly 1 ml of Dexazone, 2 ml of Prenisolone. All these drugs are injected one after the other, typing separately into a syringe, can not be mixed. Additionally injected with 0.1 ml of adrenaline.
If the situation is not so critical, the victim should drink 2 tablets of Dimedrol, the same amount of activated carbon. Removes muscle spasm, improves breathing soothing tinctures - Valerian, Motherwort, Glod. Mix 10 drops. It is necessary to accept three times a day before full normalization of health.
The victim should be sheltered, put warmers in the bed. Provide plenty of drink. Further treatment of symptomatic bee allergy.They give painkillers for headaches, Smektu for diarrhea, activated carbon or Enterol for removing toxins, after strong vomiting Regidron.