How to remove wood bees from a wooden house
- Bee carpenter
- Carpenters bee traps
- Chemical preparations for fighting bees
How to get rid of wood bees, many owners of private houses, summer cottages are puzzled. Bee sting carpenter is extremely poisonous, slightly inferior in strength bumblebee. The attack of the whole family is dangerous to the life of an adult, not to mention the child. For the fight against insects used folk remedies, professional preparations, devices, traps.
Brief description of the form
Wood bees have several names - carpenters, purple bees, xylokops. Externally, the insect resembles a bumblebee. The body is rounded, with villi, but unlike the bumblebee, it is metallic in color, not striped.
On a note!
A characteristic feature of the insect are purple wings that shimmer beautifully in the sun. The size of the tree bee does not exceed 3 cm.
Unlike their relatives, the family does not wear honey to the queen, does not serve her. They live in couples, but in the same house and a large family. Females obtain food, reproduce offspring, males guard the nest. They build houses in old trees, hollows, thickets, wooden buildings, country houses.
Harm to man:
- Males do not have stingtherefore, they are absolutely safe for health, human life, which cannot be said about females. The females are very aggressive, while being bitten they leave a sting with poison in the human body. Toxic substance causes allergic reaction varying degrees of intensity.
- The destructive activity of the bee family is especially dangerous for wooden buildings. The younger generation of bees prefers to continue the activities of predecessors,settled in old nests. They do not eat wood, but use it as a building material.
- Attracting woodpeckers. One female lays about 6 eggs for the entire warm season. The larvae attract woodpeckers, which further destroy the wood.
To get rid of wood bees in a wooden house, on the territory of the summer cottage is somewhat more difficult. Insects do not stray into groups, they have to destroy almost one at a time.
To get rid of the carpenter bee in the house, you can use a special trap. For its manufacture will need wooden planks of conifers.
- Bring down the box, make a roof separately.
- A hole is drilled in the floor, a plastic bottle with a cut neck is passed through there.
- Bend the edges inside the house with petals, stick with tape.
- Several holes are drilled in the house to attract bees.
- The roof is attached with hooks, screws, so that it can be removed at any time.
- A bottle of soapy water is poured into the bottle.
- Suspended construction near the house where they settled bees. Necessarily on the sunny side, in the shade carpenters never base their nests.
The trap is extremely effective, it is possible to get rid of wood bees at home within 2 weeks. Periodically it is necessary to empty the bottle, fill it with new water.
On a note!
There are special traps for insects, especially mosquitoes, black flies, and flies. But in the case of woody bees, the device also works. It is a lamp with ultraviolet rays. A current passes through the metal grid. The insect is approaching a trap, sits on a trellis, gets a lethal ular shock. Works trap from electricity, battery, batteries, gas cylinder. Price from 100 rubles. up to a few thousand.
Folk remedies
You can remove wood bees from a wooden house by cardinal methods:
- In the nest found poured diesel, gasoline, soap means. The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night or in the early morning when the whole family is assembled. Insects die instantly.
- Carburetor cleaner or engine oil is drawn into a syringe, poured into the slots of a bee house. The tool does not kill insects, but creates unfavorable conditions for living. Individuals soon leave the nest, the larvae die.
- Tree bees do not tolerate loud noises, noise. One of the most humane and simplest methods is to install or hang on the wall where the carpenters of the music center live. Turn on loud music. A person enjoys his favorite compositions, carpenters are slowly leaving their place of residence. Such a folk remedy is also an effective method of prevention.
- The wood, the board where the carpenters settled, is treated with a spray with a strong smell of herbs, essential oils, citrus. With the daily processing of decoctions of mint, lavender, thyme, onion tincture, you can drive out wood bees in a matter of days.
Purple bees tend to hover in the air without movement. At this moment they are easy to catch, swat. We must act quickly, preferably in gloves. If no method helps, the entrances to the socket are filled with foam.
On a note!
As preventive measures, in order to exclude the re-settlement of insects, it is recommended to treat the wood with varnish and paint.
Professional methods
The remedy for wood bees is a broad-spectrum insecticidal drug.
- Pesticides in powder form are often used. Suitable for the destruction of wood bees boric acid powder. The drug is poured into the holes of the socket, but do not block the entrances and exits. Otherwise, the insects will be forced to build new moves, will be able to avoid contact with the poison.
- Spraying nests spend any solution. The executioner, Tetrix, Geth, Cucaracha, Karbofos has high efficiency. The maximum effect of poison is 2 hours; it does not lose its properties within a month. Re-processing can be carried out after 14 days. While working with the drug, rubber gloves and a respirator should be used. The cost of funds an average of 500 rubles.
Carpenters are fished by primitive traps with water in a basin. You can fight with poison baits. In honey, jam, fruit syrup, mixed with boric acid, any insecticidal substance. Pest poison gradually. After successfully getting rid of tree bees, you should always remember about prevention. Otherwise, the removal of carpenters will continue for years.