How to get the bees out of the wooden house and other places

How to get rid of bees, there are several proven methods. The situation is complicated by the fact that bees are not considered harmful insects, poison poison, ruthlessly exterminate at least inhumane. The situation is somewhat different with wild bees, which justify the nests under the roof of the house, in the shed, garage, on the land plot.The remedy for bees and wasps is a broad-spectrum insecticide, but the drug is used in special cases.

Getting Rid of Neighborhood Bees

Not all beekeepers conscientiously follow all the rules, worry about the welfare of their neighbors. Insects not only fly in the neighboring area, pollinating trees and plants, but also periodically bitethat is not very pleasant and even life threatening.

How to get rid of the bees in this case, there are only a few options - to agree with a neighbor to put a high fence, protect the apiary or take out the hive to the fields, or scare off insects.

A high fence of at least 2 m is a prerequisite for beekeepers. Bees fly over a high fence, rush into trees, fields, without landing on the territory of a neighbor. From a theoretical point of view, such protection should act, with practical - does not help. It remains the second option - to scare.

On a note!

Get rid of the bees of a neighbor can be "fence from the plants." Flowering shrubs are planted around the perimeter - bird cherry, lilac, jasmine. Insects will live on these plants, not moving further to the land of a neighbor.

Bees in a wooden house
Bees in a wooden house

Destruction of wild bees at their summer cottage

They find bees in the country under the roof, in outbuildings, on a tree, in the bushes. Such a neighborhood is dangerously strong bites, attacks on humans, so you need to do everything to keep the bees away from their site.


It should be understood that the struggle with individuals will not bring proper results. As long as the queen is in the nest, the family will be replenished with new members very quickly. To completely get rid of them, you need to look for a nest, destroy the uterus. In this case, the family falls apart, the working individuals fly away in different directions.

It is easiest to get rid of wild bees in the country in early spring if you can find a new nest. Initially, it resembles a roll of wax, chopsticks, the size of a walnut. The uterus periodically flies out to get building material. It should trample the bee house or throw into the water. The uterus, not finding a nest, will fly away from the unfavorable territory away.

Bees in a wooden house
Bees in a wooden house

Bees in a country house are cleaned in several ways:

  • In the early morning, when the whole family is assembled, they are still going to take off, you need to do the following.To put on a jacket, a helmet on the head or a beekeeper's suit, mittens. Bring to the nest a bucket of water, gently lower the nest there, which hangs under the roof. The wings of insects get wet, they can not fly. Kills the whole family. Get rid of this way can be very quickly, but dangerous. Care must be taken.
  • Bees under the roof of the house are placed in a tight plastic bag, then gently separated from the base, where the nest is attached. The procedure is similar to the first, the only difference is that the hive remains to live. If desired, it is released far away from its plot, or killed - thrown into the fire, water.
  • To get rid of wild bees in the house, you can use foam. This method is great if the nest is in a hard-to-reach place. It is only necessary to ensure that all the holes are filled with foam. When it hardens tightly, insects will die from lack of air.
  • Bees in the attic can be cleaned with a regular vacuum cleaner. The procedure is carried out early in the morning when the whole family is assembled. Direct the pipe to the vacuum cleaner in the socket, turn on the device at full capacity. When there is no one inside, the bag is carefully removed.What to do next with the prisoners, the decision is individual. The nest for complete confidence is dipped in a bucket of water.

If the bees are wound up at their summer cottage outside the house, economic structures, the situation is easier. To get rid of them, you need to throw a nest of kerosene, gasoline, set on fire. Or use a special insecticide.

On a note!

If you can't get the bees out of a wooden house, you have to wait for winter. In late autumn, working individuals die; only the young uterus remains to winter, hiding in different crevices of wooden buildings. The old nest must be carefully removed, destroyed. In the early spring carefully inspect the house, so as not to miss the new nest wood bees.

Folk methods

You can drive away a swarm of bees or a family of sharp smells. In the immediate vicinity put a basin with kerosene, gasoline, engine oil, Domestos, any chlorinated agent. The bee family will disappear in a few hours.

Methods of dealing with wild bees
Methods of dealing with wild bees

To remove the bees from the land, it is necessary to expand the foam. Bees are afraid of this smell, will not be able to endure for a long time, will fly away to a more favorable place.The remedy for bees in the country - lemon balm, mint, wormwood. These plants are recommended to be planted around the perimeter of the site or in places where insects like to build nests.

Bees folk remedies caught. They build special traps, attract insects with honey, jam, sugar, fruit syrup. The easiest trap from a plastic bottle. The neck is cut off, turned over in the form of a watering can, glued with scotch tape. Suspended on a tree, in any convenient place. It is impossible to get rid of the whole family in this way, but the number will decrease.

It is possible to smoke wild bees out of the shed. Lay out in the immediate vicinity of the fire in which to throw the foam. A few evenings to burn such a fire, there will be bees in the garage, house, shed. On sale there is a special device - flue, acts similarly.

Professional preparations

How to get rid of bees in the wall of a wooden house, if nothing helps, start to poison. In this case, more suitable poisonous bait, which poison the ants. Bees not only collect nectar, they can eat other food. In the immediate vicinity of the house of insects spread out the gel bait.Gradually, the number of the bee colony will diminish.

Bees in the garden house poison insecticidal drugs in the form of a solution. Buy a concentrated emulsion, prepare a solution immediately before use. Pour into a household spray bottle, sprayed the nest. If the bees are wound up outside the house, just pour poison from the bucket. The extermination of the entire family of insects will occur within a few hours.

Means for the destruction of bees - Tetrix, Fufanon, Hangman, Geth, Karbofos, Kukaracha. It is allowed to use any poison with a wide spectrum of action. During work, you must use personal protective equipment.

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Bed bugs

