What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee
- Bee sting on cats
- First aid for bee sting
- Antihistamines
If a cat is bitten by a bee, it is necessary to provide first aid, then proceed according to circumstances. When the deterioration of the pet's health should be shown to the veterinarian. The most dangerous bites in the face, neck, nose. With the development of a strong allergic reaction, the animal risks dying.
Bite symptoms
If a bee bit, the reaction in an animal is the same as in humans. When poison in the blood, on the spot bite there is swelling, swelling, redness, pain, burning, itching over time. In some cases, the symptoms disappear on their own within a few days, without special treatment. In another situation, an urgent appeal to a specialist is required. The photo is presented below.
If the cat is bitten by a bee, a severe allergic reaction can occur, which is manifested by a general deterioration of the animal's well-being.
- vomiting;
- lack of appetite;
- convulsions;
- lacrimation;
- increased salivation;
- trembling through the body;
- temperature rise;
- loss of consciousness;
- hard breath;
- laryngeal edema.
Allergy occurs within the first 20 minutes after being bitten by a bee. But complications can occur the next day. If, after rendering first aid, the condition of the cat does not improve, you should take the pet to the vet or consult by phone.
First aid
What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee, there is a certain mechanism of action. Insect leaves in pet's body stingwhich continues to allocate poison, it needs to be removed. If, after careful examination of the affected area, the bee’s sting is not detected, it means that cat was bitten by a wasp.
- The sting should be removed carefully using tweezers. Nails can damage the structure, leave a part of the body in the body, which is highly undesirable. Surgery will be required for extraction.
- Further, the sore spot should be treated with any antiseptic to neutralize the effect of the poison. For these purposes, use drugs, folk remedies.
- After disinfection, you need to remove edema, reduce pain. In this case, use a cold compress or ice cubes wrapped in a towel. Finally, the swelling will come down in a few days. The procedure is recommended to be repeated several times a day.
If signs of a severe allergic reaction are present, it is permitted to give the cat an antihistamine, activated charcoal, to remove toxins until examined by a specialist.
Pest Control
Treat the wound, if the bee stung the cat, you can medical alcohol, ammonia, any alcohol tincture, hydrogen peroxide.
- Soothes the pain, removes edema tincture of valerian, motherwort, calendula. A small amount is applied to the cotton wool, applied to the sore spot.
- If there is no alcohol, prepare a paste of soda. Mix in equal proportions table salt, baking soda, diluted slightly with water to form a slurry. Apply to the skin. Soda helps relieve swelling, pain, burning, itching.
- You can disinfect the wound with orange, lemon, onion and potato juice. Another effective remedy is laundry soap or acidic solution. Table vinegar and citric acid are added to the water. Make lotions, apply a compress, wipe the skin.
In the future, to eliminate edema using decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, mint, lemon balm, calendula. The potion is poured boiling water, insist half an hour. Treat sore spots need several times a day. The swelling goes away completely in 3 days.
Cat bitten place actively licks tongue. Not only because it hurts the animal, it is unpleasant, but to sanitize the wound. Saliva is a natural antiseptic. Wild, homeless cats treat themselves independently. The sting eventually falls without help.
After a bee sting in the cat's nose or another place on the face, an antihistamine should be given to avoid severe allergies. There is no special feline preparation. Experts advise:
- PrednisoneAt home, give 0.5 tablets. It is ground into powder, diluted with water, and poured into the cat's mouth. If instantaneous relief of an allergic reaction is required, an injection is given intramuscularly, 0.5 ml of solution is injected.
- Dexamethasone More suitable for obvious signs of allergy - vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath. Make an injection with a solution of 0.2 ml.
- Diazolin It is recommended if the bee has bitten a kitten, an adult cat, a cat. Dose - 0.5 tablets at a time. On the first day they give an antihistamine three times.
- L-zet. Modern antihistamine drug is produced in the form of suspensions, tablets. In the first case, give 0.5 teaspoons per day, in the second - ¼ part of the tablet.
To save the life of a cat after a bee sting, you can give any antihistamine drug that will be in the home first aid kit, but then you should show the pet to a specialist. To carry out further therapy under the supervision of a veterinarian.
If a bee has bitten a cat in its paw, there is no particular cause for concern. But an animal may have individual intolerance to bee venom. In this case, the consequences are unpredictable, the foot swells noticeably. To avoid complications, an antihistamine should be given immediately after the bite is detected.
Cat treatment
The bite passes completely within a week.Pain, swelling are gradually replaced itching. There is a risk of attaching a secondary infection if the pet begins to scratch the itchy wounds. To avoid suppuration, development of ulcers, it is necessary to treat wounds after a bite daily to reduce itching.
It is allowed to use creams, ointments of local action: balm Asterisk, Fenistil Gel, Beinval. Or use folk remedies:
- juice of fresh parsley leaves;
- a leaf of plantain, yarrow;
- dandelion roots;
- lemon slice;
- a slice of raw potatoes;
- decoction of tansy;
- aloe juice;
- chopped onion, garlic;
- salty water.
Medicines applied to the skin, make lotions, compresses. If the situation does not improve within 3 days, you should seek help from a specialist. In most cases, in order to alleviate the suffering of a pet, it is enough to provide first aid, to observe the cat's well-being for several days.