What is useful bee sting for a person?

It's hard to find a person who would not have experienced in his life. bee sting. Unpleasant burning sensations, pain, unbearable itching and swelling - manifestations of poison, which introduces at the time of the bite the insect on the tip of the sting. The attack of a bee, which ends with a bite, usually becomes fatal for an enraged individual.In the process of attacking the female so tightly pounds sting into human skin that is not able to extract it back. As a result, it comes off, and with it a significant part of the insect's intestine, which leads the individual to inevitable death. In this way, females protect themselves and their nests in moments of danger. However, along with pain and disappointment, bee sting carries tremendous health benefits. It is about how the treatment of bee stings applied in medicine and will be discussed in this article.

The components of bee venom

Bee venom is produced exclusively by female individuals, accumulating it in special tanks. And before you figure out what the benefits of a bee sting are, you need to know what constitutes bee venom. The main components of this unique substance are:

  • melitin is the basic and most dangerous toxic component of the poison, contributing to the destruction of red blood cells and disrupting metabolic interstitial processes, which leads to muscle contraction;
  • apamin - a protein substance that acts on nerve cells, which leads to an increase in motor activity;
  • Histamine is a toxin that causes an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by the appearance of redness, pain, swelling and vasodilation;
  • hyaluronidase - an enzyme that promotes the rapid spread of toxic composition and the appearance of edema;
  • phospholipase is a component that destroys cell walls.

The basis of bee venom also make up such elements as magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and acids (formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric).

Harm or Benefit of a Bee Bite

Harm from bee sting
Harm from bee sting

A bee sting can have both a negative and a positive effect on the human body.

About harm

The consequence of a single bite of a bee in a healthy person is a local reaction, which is expressed in the form of severe burning pain. Also at the site of the bite, swelling and redness occur.

Mild bee sting allergy manifested in the form of urticaria. On the skin there are many bright blisters that cause itching and burning.


Heavier consequences are accompanied by the development of angioedema. Its characteristic features are edema not only of the neck and face, but even of the tongue, larynx and trachea,which can lead to suffocation. The deadly consequence of a bee sting is anaphylactic shock. With this type of allergy, blood pressure drops rapidly, and convulsions or loss of consciousness may occur.

The most serious consequences are accompanied by bee stings in eyes, lip or language. Possible consequences are not only conjunctivitis, blepharitis or panophthalmitis, but also difficult breathing.

It is especially hard to bear the attacks of stinging insects. children and women during pregnancy. This is largely due to the restriction of receiving various medications.

About the benefits

The benefits of bee sting
The benefits of bee sting

The question of whether a bee sting is good for a person is confused by many people. For some, it may seem strange, but the toxic composition can be not only harmful, but also useful. Treatment of bee stings, referred to in medicine as apitherapy, involves the use of a kind of natural toxin - apitoxin. The latter has the appearance of a thick and transparent yellowish liquid with a characteristic sharp aroma. With prolonged exposure to air, the poison quickly thickens.Toxic mixture is very resistant to both high and low temperatures and is able to retain its properties even for decades.

As it turned out, all of the above components that are part of bee venom and negatively affect the human or animal organism can also have a therapeutic effect. Their usefulness is not only to improve metabolism and restore the work of the cardiovascular system, but also to normalize microcirculation and hormonal levels.

On a note!

Bee venom also reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, preventing the development of harmful microorganisms, and increases the content of red blood cells. Bee sting treatment has beneficial effects on the peripheral and nervous systems.

How to be treated with bee stings

Bee venom treatment
Bee venom treatment

Apitherapy includes various types of treatment, including the use of preparations prepared on the basis of bee venom.

Bee sting

The process itself is quite simple and not much different from the natural attacks of insects. A live bee is taken with tweezers and brought to the surface of the skin, where it takes a bite.The treatment scheme for bee stings is made individually. The duration of the recovery process can be up to 1.5 months, during which up to 200 stings are performed. In one session, up to 40 insects are used, and one should start with one bite, gradually increasing their number.

The procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a week. The sting is pulled out of the skin after a quarter of an hour, so that bee toxins can be absorbed into the bloodstream as much as possible. The effects of a bite becomes an allergy in the form of redness, swelling and burning. Over time, this process is addictive, with the result that the discomfort becomes less pronounced.

On a note!

This method of treatment of bee stings has two major drawbacks: pain when in contact with an insect and the lack of control over the amount of poison injected by the pollinator of flower plants into the human body.


The procedure differs from the above in the absence of pain. Treatment is carried out by injecting purified poison under the skin near the affected area of ​​the body or the diseased organ. Dosage, frequency of procedures and the duration of the course are selected individually.In addition, the nature and stage of the disease, as well as the weight of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies should be taken into account.


This procedure involves the inhalation of toxic fumes, whereby the healing components enter the human body through the lungs. Absorbing into the blood stream, they spread throughout the body and have a healing effect on it.

Bee venom treatment
Bee venom treatment


Used to treat radiculitis, as well as neurological diseases. The tablet is kept under the tongue until it is completely absorbed. It is not recommended to swallow the drug, as this may lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.


One of the most simple and safe methods of apitherapy is the use of a cream or ointment, which is based on bee venom. The gel consistency means is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin with soft massaging movements. The duration of treatment depends on the individual characteristics and the degree of disease of the patient.


An effective method of treating diseases of the joints and blood vessels is bathing using powdered bee venom.Such healing procedures are also prescribed in the rehabilitation period.

Combining and alternating these methods of treatment can achieve an effective result.


However, apitherapy can not be used by everyone, and it is even more unsafe to treat bees with home bites at home. This method of treatment cannot be used by people suffering from liver diseases, since destructive changes may result from the appearance of toxic substances in the body.

Apitherapy is also contraindicated in case of heart failure, since the components included in the composition of bee venom contribute to an increase in heart rate. It is strictly forbidden to be treated by bee stings to diabetics, since when released into the blood, toxic components contribute to the destruction of blood vessels. In this connection, there is a need to consult an experienced doctor.

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