What to do if a child is bitten by a bee

Every year in the spring and summer, many people are attacked by stinging insects. And more often children suffer from them. This problem should not be disregarded, because the consequences of bites can be very diverse, ranging from a slight redness and ending with the development of anaphylactic shock.Therefore, every caring parent should know what to do if a bee bit the child.

What is dangerous bee venom

Bees are hymenoptera from the family Apidae. The owners of the sting, which after contact remains in the body of the victim, are exclusively females. In this way, female representatives are trying to protect themselves.

On a note!

Containing allergic components, the poison enters the blood stream, rapidly circulating throughout the body. The toxic composition prevents the passage of nerve impulses, which often results in allergic reaction local or system value.

Local reaction occurs in the form of redness and swelling at the site of the bite. As a result, the child in this part of the body experiences severe itching and pain. A particularly severe form is characterized by a systemic reaction, which is subdivided into the following types of severity:

  • Grade 1 is accompanied by the appearance of urticaria and severe itching. The child is naughty, becomes lethargic and weak.
  • Grade 2 is characterized by the appearance of itchy blisters, puffiness, difficulty breathing and nausea.Possible violations of the digestive process, which may result in pain in the abdomen and loose stools.
  • Grade 3 is characterized by the presence of shortness of breath and noisy breathing that occurs as a result of laryngeal edema.
  • The hardest 4 degree. When it is observed a sharp decrease in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. In rare cases, the nervous system, heart and kidneys are affected.
Bee sting
Bee sting

Bite symptoms

Not every kid is able to explain the cause of the pain. The cause of concern can be understood if you know what a bee sting looks like in a child. Signs indicating a stinging insect are:

  • the appearance of swelling and hyperemia of the skin;
  • the temperature of the child after a bite may increase;
  • burning sensation and intense itching;
  • increased heart rate and shortness of breath;
  • manifestation of weakness and gag reflex;
  • skin rashes.

In addition, the baby becomes irritable, capricious and whining (photo of a bee sting in a child is presented below).

Bee sting
Bee sting

What not to do

Before talking about giving first aid to a baby with a bee sting, you should know what you can not do in such situations.

  1. You should not go in search of the offender. If the bite is caused by a bee, then a repeated attack can be eliminated, since the insect dies immediately after it is stung. If the baby was attacked by a wasp, then with sharp movements it is possible to attract the attention of a stinging insect and not only its one, but also along with its congeners.
  2. You can not rub the bitten place.
  3. You should also not press on the wound, trying to squeeze out the sting or especially try to pull it out with your fingers.

The above actions will contribute to the rapid spread of the toxic composition throughout the body, and may also lead to infection of the wound.

We provide assistance

Help the child with a bee sting
Help the child with a bee sting

First aid to the child when a bee bites involves the following manipulations.

  1. We take out bee sting. To do this, it is preferable to use tweezers and a needle, which should be disinfected with alcohol. This should be done very carefully, so as not to damage the bag of poison at the end of the sting. In the absence of the desired effect, any product from the freezer should be attached to the damaged area. The cold will prevent the spread of toxic components in the body,will reduce pain and irritation.
  2. Removing poison is the next step that should be taken when a bee bit the child. It is enough to crush one tablet of aspirin and activated carbon, apply the powder to a damp cloth and apply to the wound. At home it will help to do this slightly soaked sugar cube, which has excellent adsorbing properties. No less effective in such situations, a solution of salt, which is prepared in a ratio of 1 tsp. per 200 g of liquid.
  3. Disinfection of the damaged area. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide - the answer to the question of how to treat a child a bee sting.
  4. Lemon or apple juice will help to neutralize itching.
  5. Pain crushed analginum, which sprinkled the damaged place, will help to relieve pain and burning sensation.
  6. As a preventive measure, pediatricians recommend taking antihistamines (Suprastin, Claritin, Fenkarol), which are used in accordance with the age of the baby. To treat a place where a bee or a wasp has bitten a child, use an anti-allergy ointment or gel (Soventol, Insectline, Psilo Balsam, Fenistil, and others).
  7. Drinking plenty is another prerequisite that parents must abide by if a child is stung by a bee. Liquid in any form will contribute to the removal of toxic substances from the body.


It is important to take into account the place where the insect attacked. You can treat your child at home if the bee has bitten a child by the finger, leg or hand. The worst case when insects sting in the eyethe face lip. In this situation, you should immediately give antiallergic drug in the required dosage and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Specialist assistance is also necessary if the child affected by the bee’s attack has not yet reached the age of three, or if several insects have bitten it.

The use of folk remedies for bee sting

The use of folk remedies for bee sting
The use of folk remedies for bee sting

Folk remedies will help to relieve your baby from unpleasant sensations:

  • Bow. The bee sting of a child, or rather the pain associated with it, will help remove onions. It is enough to cut a small onion in half and attach half the juicy part to the affected place.
  • Parsley.No less effective in this situation, crumpled parsley leaves. They are applied as a compress for 15-20 minutes several times a day.
  • Garlic. Garlic juice helps relieve burning sensation. It is also used to extract the sting from the wound, applying a pounded tooth to the problem area.
  • Plantain. Plantain has similar analgesic properties. The leaves of the plant are slightly crumpled and applied to the wound.
  • Vinegar. Vinegar helps in such situations well. The swab moistened with 3% of the composition is applied for 10-15 minutes to the damaged area of ​​the body.
  • Basil. Basil decoction is able to relieve the feeling of itching. 2-3 sprigs of the plant pour 500 g of water, and boil for 3-5 minutes. The healing solution needs to treat the damaged area of ​​the skin several times a day. Concentrated composition can also be added to the bath while bathing your baby.
  • Aloe. Prevents the development of the inflammatory process and the removal of itching after a bee sting cut along the aloe leaf. It is applied to the affected area and fixed with a bandage.
  • Cabbage and burdock. Remove the swelling will help leaf burdock. Use only its delicate part, which is pre-doused with boiling water.Then a small amount of honey is applied to the sheet and applied to the injury site. It is preferable to do such a compress at night. A similar method is used and the sheet of cabbage.

If a child is bitten by a bee, it is important not to panic, but to provide competent and immediate assistance to your child.

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Bed bugs

