How to destroy a shashel in a wooden house

Shashel is the enemy of wood. The beetle of a small size is wound up in beams, wooden coverings, window sills, window openings. Prefers wood with a humidity of at least 14%. Drifter lays eggs in the conquered territory, after some time, the larvae are born, which are the main pests.

Appearance Description

In our area there are several types of shashel - furniture, brownie. Each of these pests causes significant damage to wooden structures, furniture, even books and leather goods. Many people know what the shashel looks like, but they do not realize that it is he himself:

  • elongated body with durable armor;
  • color brown or black;
  • pest size is a few millimeters;
  • long curled mustache on head;
  • three pairs of long, fairly powerful limbs.

By itself, the woodworm is harmless; it does not pose a danger to human life and well-being. But living with him under the same roof threatens serious damage to property.


The larva of the chapel is a thick caterpillar of a dirty yellow color with a well-developed oral apparatus. It does not leave a hole, so it is problematic to see it. But give out the presence of characteristic sounds.

The photo of the shashel is presented below; you can visually examine all the features of the body structure, color range.


Features of life

The presence of a shashel in the tree is indicated by a specific sound, similar to the ticking of a clock, chirping. It is reproduced during the mating of beetles. Look for them on the surface of the wood.Because at the time of mating, woodwindlers leave their holes.

The sound determines the location of the nest, as well as the degree of infection. The more intense and louder the ticking, the more pests in the house. Another characteristic sound is created by the larvae, which with special appetite gnaw wood on days and nights. Minks are filled with excrement, which eventually peel off, resemble sawdust, wood dust.

Adult beetles spend most of their lives in the nest, doing more and more moves in different directions. But the main pests are the larvae that do not leave holes at all.

On a note!

Infection of the house occurs during construction, using material with larvae, chickens' eggs, in old wooden houses with cracks in the wall, window sills, doorways. And also in the new design, if no attention was paid to the careful processing of wooden components.

Features of life
Features of life

Development of larvae

In an egg, a shashel develops from 1 to 4 weeks. The larva of the first stage is a caterpillar. Starts sabotage immediately after birth. Gnaws through numerous moves. Periodically passes molting, gradually increasing in size.The larva of the last stage reaches 4 mm.

It is difficult to say how long the shashel beetle lives in the larva phase. According to various sources. develops in the conquered territory from 3 to 15 years. At the last stage, it goes deep into the tree, pupates. It is coming to the surface by a borer that has already formed. But after mating, he returns to the tree again to build a nest, laying eggs.

Methods of struggle

Insect control methods
Insect control methods

How to get rid of the shashel, there are several methods. The choice depends on the degree of infection, financial opportunities, personal preferences.

  • Insecticide treatment. Antiseptics, broad-spectrum drugs are used.
  • The use of folk remedies. Prepare a special mixture that blocks the access of oxygen to the larvae, adult individuals, causing death.
  • Microwave exposure. It is carried out by specialists with the help of modern equipment. The generator produces microwaves that are sent to contaminated wood. It warms up, kills the larvae of the shashela, the beetle. The disadvantage of the method is the complexity, high cost.
  • Dry steam treatment. By action recalls the previous method.Dry steam heats the wood, reduces moisture. In such conditions, the larvae of the shashel die, the beetles themselves.
  • Fumigation - fogation, fumigation. Phosphorous hydrogen is used, which is able to penetrate into the deep layers of wood, destroy the larvae of shashel, adult beetles.

At home, using a chemical method with the use of insecticidal drugs, folk remedies.

Proven recipes

If the crab is wound up in a wooden board, it is problematic to get it out. But you can make it so that he either crawls out himself, or ends his life in a hole. Initially, you can use folk remedies.

  • Boil 10 liters of water, mix hot with 250 g of potassium fluoride. Stirred for 5 minutes, poured into a spray bottle. Treated wood from shashelya. Work should be done in rubber gloves.
  • In 10 l of lime turpentine add 500 g of wax, paraffin, 300 g of creolin. Mix to a uniform consistency, process the wood.
  • 3 liters of turpentine mixed with 1 liter of gasoline. With the help of a brush, a tree is processed from the shashel.

A significant drawback for all popular methods is an unpleasant pungent smell.It is better to fight shashel in such a way in an uninhabited house or from the outside. The gas impregnated with kerosene, gasoline becomes fire-hazardous. Therefore, before using the tool, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Professional preparations

Professional pest drugs
Professional pest drugs

Wood processing from shashel is produced by antiseptics and insecticides.

  • Antijuk. Universal preparation for all wood pests. Destroys adult shashabel, larvae at different stages of development. Handle carefully once. But to fix the effect, it is recommended to re-treatment after 14 days. Used for prophylaxis. The remedy for chickens in the house is not highly toxic, but it is necessary to work in rubber gloves.
  • Antisheckeline. Destroys all types of tree borers. In the composition there are silicones that can penetrate into the deeper layers of the tree, destroy the shashel and its larvae. Used for processing old wood, fresh, furniture, antiques, floor, any wooden structures. Preserves the integrity of the tree, does not spoil the appearance.
  • Drevoteks. According to customer reviews, one of the most effective drugs.Helps to destroy the shashel, protects against reinfection six months. It is recommended to process several times a year, every 3 months. The tool is poured into the strokes of the shashel syringe. Top holes are filled with petroleum jelly, paraffin. For prevention, the procedure should be carried out in the middle of summer and winter. In case of severe damage to the wood, the surface is treated with a brush, a thick layer of the preparation is applied.
  • Lignofix. Antiseptic does not contain toxins. After application does not lose its properties for 10 years. Destroys chitin-containing insects. It enters the body, violates biological processes, leads to death.

In order not to think about how to quickly and effectively get rid of the shashel, it is necessary to inspect wooden structures twice a year, to carry out preventive processing.

Shashel in the kitchen

Often, housewives are found in flour, croup of small dark-colored bugs, similar to shashel. In the kitchen, the woodworm lives only in wooden structures, and is not interested in food supplies. This is a different type of pest that looks like a shashel.

The methods of struggle are extremely simple. Throw away the contents, carefully wash the container in which the stocks were kept,general cleaning in the lockers. Wash the furniture with a solution of vinegar.

Shashel does not live in croup. This is a perfect different kind of pest. Therefore, the use of antiseptics, insecticides in this case does not make sense.

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