How to deal with hornets
- Hornets
- Means to combat the hornets
- Trap against hornets
- Plates and smoke bombs from hornets
Do I need to destroy
Before getting rid of hornets nests, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Not everyone knows that members of just one family can destroy up to half a thousand harmful insects that pose a serious threat to garden crops. The fact is that these Hymenoptera use caterpillars, bedbugs, butterflies and other pests as food. Human predators insects attack only in exceptional cases, feeling threatened.
On a note!
However, there is absolutely no need to choose if representatives of this species started in the attic under the roof, in the wall of the house or in the apiary. In this case, insects are dangerous and are able to attack the inhabitants of the house, and the bees will not be good. A swarm of adult individuals is able to quickly destroy bee hives in the apiary. Therefore, in such situations, the struggle with the hornets is simply necessary.
How to get the hornets out of the apartment
Most often, the attention of hymenopterans is attracted to the house by the aroma of ripe fruit, vegetables or various delicacies. Having flown into the human abode, the insect can no longer find a way out. And in order to drive him out of the room, it is not necessary to run around with a newspaper in his hand. You should not try to kill the hornet, making sharp movements with his hands. Such behavior of the abuser will be regarded as an attack, and then the insect's attack cannot be avoided.
If in the house there is only one randomly flown individual, then it is sufficient to arm yourself with a usual glass jar. She neatly covers the "uninvited guest", using the lid, the container is closed. Open the trap only on the street. Similarly, you can use a matchbox or work gloves made of thick fabric.
If the hymenoptera in the house is a regular phenomenon, then it is necessary to find nests where the population of fearsome insects lives.Usually they prefer quiet places: attics or sheds. Hymenoptera housing can also be located on a tree standing next to the house or under a shed. If the nest is in an accessible place, then you can get rid of the hornets at home in the following ways.
It is possible to corrode hornets by means of insecticides. It is enough to put a plastic bag on the nest, after having sprayed its inner surface with a toxic substance. Hornets are especially afraid of Dichlorvos, Tetrix, Geth, Karbofos, Raptor or Sinuzan. No less effective drugs for agricultural pests such as Sail or Aktara.
Using poison for hornets, you must arm yourself with scotch tape and glue the edges of the package to the surface of the ceiling. If the pests have settled in the wall partition, they can be brought out of the wall in a similar way, using any insecticide intended for the destruction of bugs and cockroaches.
If the pest nest is located on a tree, then the polyethylene trap must be fixed on the branch so that the toxic composition does not erode.
Folk remedies
However, it is still better to use folk remedies for hornets rather than toxic chemicals:
- Effectively discourages hornets from the house red pepper. It is enough to hang it near the nest to drive away from the site of insects.
- Boric acid is another effective remedy for hornets and wasps. 1 tbsp. l funds are mixed with 3 chopped fly agaric, then the composition is poured with water (200 g) and boiled for 3 minutes. As bait in the mixture add 1 tbsp. l honey This kind of poison for wasps and hornets is poured into small containers that are placed in places where pests congregate.
- Alcohol-based mint lotion is another effective way of scaring off insects. Hornets will not build a nest if planted on a plot of mint, lemon balm or geranium.
- Water trap. A nest bucket filled with water is brought to the nest so that all its inhabitants get wet and soon die. For achievement of the maximum effect the bucket with water is propped up by a step-ladder or a wooden level.
- You can fight hornets in the apiary as described above, however, using boiling water. A large amount of boiling water is poured on the nest from all sides, which is usually enough to get the desired result.
- Polyurethane foam.To destroy the hornet in the attic, or rather all of his "den", it is important to fill all the outlets in the nest with foam. This procedure should be carried out at night, when all the inhabitants are in a cocoon. And it is preferable to do it together, while filling all the holes. Insects that do not have access to light and oxygen will soon die, after which the nest can be removed from the ceiling and disposed of.
- No less effective on insects and carbon dioxide. Foam from a fire extinguisher carefully process the nest, as a result of which its inhabitants quickly die. Without signs of life, the hive is knocked down and discarded.
- Petrol. Another of the most effective ways to deal with the hornets at the dacha is spraying the nest with gasoline or other flammable means. After which the insect shelter is set on fire. However, this method is unacceptable if the nest is located indoors or is at high altitude.
Particularly popular among summer residents is the method of breeding hornets through traps. They are made from ordinary plastic bottles.The upper part of the tank is cut off and placed neck down in the lower half. As bait, beer, kvass or jam are poured to the bottom of this design. The insects which have got on a smell of a delicacy cannot get out of a trap any more.
On a note!
You can get rid of this way only from a small number of insects. If the site is a whole family headed by the queen-womb, then this method is not acceptable.
One of the newest developments in the fight against insects is the ultrasonic repeller of wasps and hornets. The impact on individuals occurs through ultrasound, not audible to the human ear. But for wasps and hornets, these fluctuations are quite tangible, forcing insects to go in search of more favorable conditions.
How to get rid of hornets under the roof of the house
From uninvited neighbors who have settled under the roof of the house, will be able to get rid of if you try to remove the hive in the cold season. During the winter, all individuals living in beehives die, with the exception of the queen and her brood, which do not pose a threat to humans yet. It is enough to clean the nest from the surface, and pack it in polyethylene, dispose of it.
They will help to remove repellent plates from the roof of hornets, designed to fight mosquitoes and flies. They are cut into small strips and placed in a metal container, then set on fire. When insecticidal elements smoldering, smoke will be emitted that negatively affects the individuals living in the nest. To achieve maximum effect, the destruction of hornets in this way should be carried out daily for several days.
To kill the nest of hornets can be any of the above methods. However, in order to avoid getting a bite, a prerequisite for such a procedure is the presence of a mosquito net, gloves and heavy clothing.
Smoke bombs
If insects have chosen a place to live under the floor and it is not possible to reach the nest, it is possible to poison the hornets at home with a smoke bomb. An example of this is the smoke bomb from wasps and hornets. A quiet evening. In the course of its action, a toxic substance (permethrin) is released into the air, negatively affecting insects. However, after burning in the air for a long period there is a strong pyrotechnic smell,In this connection, before using the product, it is necessary to take out bedding and things from the room or pack into dense packages.
To the hornets did not return
Knowing how to get rid of the hornets in the country, many people wonder why insects appeared in the same place again. Situations when “undesirable neighbors” come back again often arise due to the fact that this area was sufficiently favorable for insects. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to change the terrain in some way: to cut off a branch or open the surface of the wall on which the hive was located with a layer of paint. If the hornets built their nest in a cavity, it is enough to seal the hole that they have chosen.