How to remove bumblebees from home

Bumblebees by their nature are completely harmless insects. They are good pollinators of garden and vegetable crops, and it is impossible to overestimate their work. Therefore, before getting rid of bumblebees, you need to analyze how dangerous their neighborhood is. If the probability of being bitten is high, you need to remove the bumblebee's nest.


Bumblebees - These are stinging insects that in rare situations can bite a person.And when their nests are found in or near the house, the risk of getting into trouble increases. These furry insects prefer to build nests in burrows under the ground or in hollows of trees. But some founding females of the bumblebee family choose unusual places for their nest arrangement:

  • lofts of houses;
  • outbuildings and barns;
  • porch;
  • penthouses, balconies;
  • the gap between the floors of the building;
  • arbors;
  • benches and benches;
  • the gaps between the boards of the wooden house and others.

On a note!

Such a neighborhood can be unpleasant and even dangerous to humans. Bumblebee bite very painful and often causes a strong allergic reaction. If bumblebees bred in close proximity to a person’s dwelling, their hatching cannot be postponed.

Ways to fight insects

Means for fighting bumblebees
Means for fighting bumblebees

Means against bumblebees should be chosen in accordance with the task. If you need to get rid of bumblebees in the house or in the wall of a residential building, you should choose radical methods using insecticides. In difficult cases, it is recommended to call in insect extermination specialists who will be able to poison the bumblebees quickly and efficiently.

Independently deal with bumblebees using the following tools:

  • aerosols and sprays with insecticidal solution;
  • powders or dusts containing cypermethrin;
  • restriction of air access to the nest using plastic film or water;
  • exposure to smoke;
  • special chemical solutions for spraying the nest;
  • hive ignition;
  • transfer the bumblebee to another place;
  • Velcro for insect fishing.

All these methods are suitable for certain cases of finding the nests of bumblebees. To facilitate the fight against insects, you need to know what the bumblebees are afraid of and what they are trying to avoid. Sharp sounds, the smell of smoke, bright light, vibrations and shaking are unpleasant for them. Therefore, they always choose a secluded and dark place for their houses. Finding such a house and a way of penetration of insects there, you can begin to take decisive action.

Bumblebee nest in the house

The most dangerous and unexpected place to create a bumblebee hive is a house or cottage. A bumblebee female could fly through a window or an open door and find a secluded place to lay eggs. And in a few weeks the nest will already be swarming with dangerous insects.

It does not make sense to drive away insects or crush them manually.Angry shaggy hummers can attack the master of the house. In such a situation it is important to choose an effective way to quickly get rid of a dangerous family.

Bumblebee Sprays
Bumblebee Sprays

To get rid of bumblebees in the wall of a house or in another hard-to-reach place, you can use aerosols or liquid solutions containing pesticides:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raid;
  • Gett;
  • Ksulat;
  • Bros;
  • Trapsiel;
  • Empire and others.

Before starting to process the nests in the house, everyone needs to leave the room, close the windows and doors to restrict access of fresh air and prevent insects from escaping from the room. Before you get rid of the bumblebee nest in the country or in the house, a person must wear thick clothes, a special beekeeper mask, gloves and a respirator.


People with hypersensitivity are not recommended to poison bumblebees with chemicals. Insecticidal agents can cause an allergic reaction.

All activities for getting rid of insects should be carried out in the evening or at night, when all individuals are in the nest. It is at this time that they are the least active. Sprays Raid, Dichlorvos, Bros need to be sprayed into the hole where the bumblebees fly from, and process the whole room with them.Liquid solutions Xsulat, Gett, Trapsiel sprayed the place of dislocation of the bumblebee family and leave the room.

Remedy for bumblebees in the house can have an effect on insects for up to three days. Only after this time, all arthropods should perish. But you still have to enter the house in a protective suit in case there are survivors. After the discovery of dead insects or in the complete absence of them, you need to ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. The slots and holes, which penetrated the bumblebees, be sure to cover the building material.

Disposal of bumblebees in utility rooms

Bumblebee treatment
Bumblebee treatment

Bumblebees in a wooden house can settle anywhere: in the pantry, in the attic, in the basement, in the attic or balcony, under the porch, in the barn. The presence of gaps between the floors and boards creates favorable conditions for the bumblebee family. And you can also get into these rooms through the gaps and gaps of the building. Often there are bumblebees in the barn or in the garage, where the insects do not penetrate.

After you managed to find the entrance to the nest, you need to start preparing the poison.The easiest way to destroy a hive is to spray it. In non-residential premises, you can use strong drugs Troapsil, Moskitol. Liberally spraying the product onto all possible entrances to the bumblebee house, immediately leave this place and wait for the results.

On a note!

In back rooms it is more difficult to provide enclosed space. Therefore, only very toxic or concentrated products can expel insects.

To remove the bumblebees from under the porch floor or in the basement of the house will help liquid solutions of pesticides. To any solution you need to add a liquid or laundry soap. This soap mixture needs to be cracked in the floor or on the side of the porch. Sensing danger, arthropods will try to crawl out, but will be smeared with soap poison and will not be able to fly away.

Bumble-bee hives on the ground

Ways to fight insects in the garden
Ways to fight insects in the garden

The most common place to create a colony of bumblebees is the upper layers of the soil. Usually the former burrows of rodents become bumblebee nests. Such an underground house is difficult to notice right away. It is given out by shaggy relatives of bees buzzing above it. Among them there are different types of arthropods:

  • earth bumblebeeswho prefer to settle in layers of soil;
  • stonewhich are different from others in black color;
  • field - the most common in central Russia;
  • garden workersconstantly pollinating fruit trees and berry bushes;
  • city ​​bumblebee. He has a pronounced red color. It is found almost throughout the territory of Russia, eats pollen and nectar of plants, as well as fresh honey.


In no case should one try to get rid of bumblebees in the ground by mechanical means. Digging with a shovel or a motor-cultivator will not destroy all individuals at once, but will definitely anger them. Insects will certainly begin to attack the culprit of destruction.

It is better to choose a toxic remedy for bumblebees in the country or in the garden, containing permethrin. Perfect liquid solution Gett or ordinary insect powder Dust. The solution needs to be poured over the earth at the entrance to the hole and into the hole itself too. The powder also crumbles near the entrance. Insects crawling in on themselves will carry part of the poison into the nest, thereby infecting all family members.

For a more humane way to evict unwanted neighbors from the site, scaring with smoke will do.Need to smoke in dry and windless weather. To do this, near the entrance to the nest you need to organize a place for a fire. As the smoking materials fit green branches of trees, grass, unnecessary rags.

On a note!

Such a way to drive the bumblebees out of the nest may not like the nearest neighbors in the country and other residents of the houses nearby. Before lighting a campfire, it is better to warn them about possible inconveniences.

A column of acrid smoke will help get rid of black bumblebees and their other relatives. Smoke bumblebees in this way from an open porch and garage. Only the fire needs to be kindled in a strong metal bucket or basin. Smoke will expel all insects from buildings and help drive out the bumblebees without killing them.

Separately hanging nest


Sometimes bumblebees build an open nest in the form of an irregular ball, which is suspended in a tree branch, under the roof of a house, a gazebo or any canopy. Such a hive may appear imperceptibly to the owners of the buildings, as it is often located high above the head and hidden behind the eaves.

You can try to scare away the bumblebees with smoke, but they will most likely return to their cells with eggs.In order not to drive them away constantly, there are cardinal methods of dealing with such hives:

  1. Exposure to open fire is an effective method of destroying an entire family at one time. It is necessary to pour over the hive with gasoline or bonfire and set it on fire. This method is not suitable for wooden buildings.
  2. Dipping the hive into the water is an equally effective way to exterminate the bee's hairy relatives. It is necessary to carefully dismantle the nest and immediately immerse in a deep container with water. To prevent the hive from floating up, it is pressed down with a load.
  3. Wrapping with polyethylene will entail a lack of oxygen and the death of insects in the nest. For a quicker effect, it is recommended to make a small hole in the film and spray there with a strong aerosol preparation.

These methods will help solve the problem of those owners of houses and cottages, who did not know how to get the bumblebees out from under the roof. But in place of one nest of bumblebees destroyed, new ones may appear. In such situations, it is advisable to accept the fact that this place is so popular among bee counterparts. If these beneficial insects do not create serious problems, it is better not to touch them.

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Bed bugs

