Funds from gadflies
- Funds for people from gadflies
- Protecting animals from the bites of bloodsucking insects
- Folk remedies for cobwebs and gadflies
Such an attack as gadflies, disturbed in the summer, both people and livestock. Consequence bite bothersome insects become painful, itching and burning, as well as thickening and reddening of the damaged area. In some people, the attack of the pest causes an allergic reaction, which is expressed in the form of a rash, puffiness and even an increase in temperature.It is very difficult to hide from these obsessive insects and their painful bites if you do not purchase a special remedy for gadflies. Such protection will provide an opportunity to work quietly in his garden, as well as remain safe pet.
Protecting people
The question of how to protect yourself from gadflies is a concern for many people living in rural areas. On the shelves of markets and shops you can find a lot of drugs designed pest control. They come in the form of a cream and an aerosol.
Off! Extreme
Protection from gadflies will be guaranteed if you use an aerosol Off! Extreme. Special composition based on diethyltoluamide has a repellent effect and is able to protect a person from gadflies when applied to the skin for 4 hours. If a means to spray clothes, then its protective properties are preserved for a month.
On a note!
The aerosol has a wide spectrum of action: it is also effective against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, biting midges and even fleas.
Gardex Naturin (cream)
Gardex Naturin cream, created on the basis of the active substance, as well as lavender and verbena essential oils, is also capable of scaring away horseflies.The effect of exposure against various bloodsucking insects persists for 3 hours. The gentle texture of the cream allows you to quickly and easily distribute it over the surface of the skin, contributing to its protection and moisturizing.
Mosquitall aerosol helps with gadfly as well. Its composition, which is based on DETA (50%), repels not only mosquitoes, but also gadflies, ticks, midges, mosquitoes, biting midges. The product is sprayed on the palm and applied on the exposed surface of the skin with a swatting motion. Duration of action is about 8 hours.
On a note!
The advantage of the aerosol is safety for human health and the absence of greasy marks on clothes.
Animal protection
No less affected by the bites of bloodsucking insects and pets. Due to the fact that there are no specialized means for the fight against gadfly, drugs with a wide spectrum of action are usually used in animal husbandry practice. These include the following means.
An effective remedy for gadflies for cows, which is produced in the form of a solution. The active substance in it is cyfluthrin.The drug is not recommended for small calves whose body weight does not reach 300 kg. Use is contraindicated in the presence of skin scratches and wounds. The composition is applied evenly on the surface of the animal's skin.
Water soluble white powder is used to combat gadflies and gadflies. For processing, use 8% of the composition, which is treated cow's torso. The solution is prepared at the rate of 200 g per individual.
It is an injectable preparation, which includes ivermectin and auxiliary substances. It is administered to the cow subcutaneously in a dose corresponding to the weight and age of the animal. The advantage of this tool is the possibility of using milk from a treated cow without any restrictions.
Biofly pur-it
It is one of the most effective insecticidal repellent drugs, which is very popular among livestock breeders. Available in the form of an oily transparent liquid, which is applied along the spine of the cow (no more than 10 mm). The residual effect of the drug lasts for 1-1.5 months, after which it is necessary to conduct re-treatment.
The treatment of cows and other livestock from ticks and gadflies can also be carried out with Butox. It must be diluted with water in accordance with the proportions given in the instructions. Then treat the animal with a solution with a spray. The effect of the composition is maintained for 1-2 days.
On a note!
The list of water-soluble drugs against gadfly also includes: Deltox, Sebacil, Entomozan, Neostomian, Aversect and others. When using these tools every time you need to prepare a fresh solution.
In particular, tender areas of the animal's body suffer from the bites of gadflies and gadflies, above all this concerns the udder of the cow. For these purposes, use the ointment Sanofit. It is based on chlorophyllipt, a mixture of essential oils, camphor and menthol. It is enough to smear the cows udder with horseflies 2-3 times a day with a rubbing motion.
Folk remedies
In the absence of the opportunity to purchase veterinary drugs to protect cattle use traps and folk remedies from cobwebs and gadflies:
- Tar. They are afraid of blood-sucking pests of the smell of tar.It is enough to treat the cow with an aqueous or oily solution of tar, and insects will not disturb the cattle.
- Soap. Do not harm the health of the animal soap solution. It is prepared at the rate of 200 g of liquid soap with 4.5 liters of water. With such a composition, a cow is sprayed to rid it of gadflies. You can use soap in another way. A mixture is prepared from lemon soap and mint conditioner for the oral cavity, which is treated with a horse-infected animal.
- Carnation The carnation has an excellent repellent effect. It is crushed to a state of powder and combined with cologne. The mixture is infused for 10 days, after which it is used to process the barn.