How to withdraw crickets from an apartment or house

Having settled in the house, a cricket can bring not only happiness and well-being, as promised by folk signs. Musical "arias" at night not always pleasant for residents and often interfere with normal sleep. There are several methods to solve the problem, how to get rid of the cricket in the apartment, which will help in this situation.

The reasons for the appearance of a cricket in the house

There are 2 types of crickets on the territory of Russia: brownies and fieldin the warm season they prefer to live in natural conditions, dwelling in the forest or near buildings. However, with the onset of the cold season, insects often move closer to human housing in private homes or high-rise buildings, where they are waited for by warmth, food and comfort.

Appearance and habitat conditions:

  • cricket belongs to the order of orthopteran insects and prefers to live in warm and fairly humid places: boiler rooms, basements, less often in apartments;
  • house crickets look like grasshoppers, body color is gray-yellow, size is up to 2.5 cm, field ones have black armor, both types are decorated with long whiskers;
  • insects have 3 pairs of limbs: rear - for jumping;
  • at home, crickets feed on food waste and small insects (cockroaches and moths); when starving, they can attack their relatives;
  • in the daytime, they are clogged in crevices in the floor or in window frames, under plinths, in dark nooks, and at night they hunt, emitting their own specific sounds.

Ways of crickets in the house:

  • may come to light at night;
  • love the smell of garbage, especially rotting, feeling it from afar;
  • in the hot months, insects are looking for places with high humidity;
  • Easily jump into open doors or windows.

Cricket control methods

Cricket trap
Cricket trap

One of the safest ways to get rid of cricket in the house is to dry and air the room, which insects do not like and make them leave the habitable places.

When the landlord thinks about taking the cricket out of the apartment, the first thing that comes to mind is the desire to catch him. It seems that according to his "songs" you can easily determine the location, then quickly find a cricket. However, this is not easy to do because insects are very sensitive to the sounds and vibrations of the air, especially when the “hunter” approaches, and quickly hide.

An effective way to catch crickets is to hang sticky tapes or insect traps that can be hung in a few pieces.

Folk recipes for making cricket traps are recommended:

  • Make a feeder in a deep tank, where they pour a solution of sweet syrup with water: insects will come to eat, but they will not be able to get back.
  • “Catching pit” for crickets is made from a container consisting of 2 levels: put a bowl of milk, sugar and cornflakes at the bottom, and alcohol is poured at the top. Attracted by the smell of sweets insects will jump around the container, and alcohol fumes will affect them destructively.

On a note!

Under favorable conditions, a female cricket who lives in an apartment or house can breed throughout the year. Moreover, during the season it is able to lay up to 180 eggs, of which the larvae will appear rather quickly, gradually growing to adult individuals. And then the number of "singers" in the room will increase dramatically.

If insects in the house began to multiply, then the traps in this situation will not help and will have to use other measures:

  • folk methods of scaring away insects;
  • chemical insecticidal preparations for the destruction of pests.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for crickets
Folk remedies for crickets

In order to drive crickets out of the room, folk methods recommend the use of herbal decoctions based on odorous herbs:

  • Wormwood has a pungent odor that can scare away many insect species.For cooking broth take 2 tbsp. l chopped herbs and boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a lid and insist 2 hours. After straining, the solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed the floors, walls, window and door frames, baseboards.
  • Pyrethrum - sold in the form of a powder made from Dalmatian chamomile, which is a good deterrent against pests. It must be scattered in places where the cricket is supposedly hiding to drive out.
  • Another method is the use of fumigation with burning wax: a sharp, unpleasant smell appears that will cause insects to leave the room.
  • The old way that can be used to remove a cricket from a private house: catching sweet fruits, in which the pest should be lured, and then caught with a can, and its habitat should be filled with boiling water. The further fate of the "singer" depends on the bloodthirstiness of the person: if you kill the cricket is a pity, then he can be released free from the house.


To get rid of the annoying “singer” from the room, it is not necessary to use poisonous aerosols. Perfectly and odorous hairspray or deodorant with a pungent smell.It is sprayed in the cracks where the insect lives. After that, it will come out, and then you have to catch the cricket, applying effort and manual dexterity.

Chemical control agents

Aerosols against crickets
Aerosols against crickets

When crickets start in the house, which are unknown how many and cannot be detected in any way, and there is a possibility of reproduction of pests, then they can be fought only with the aid of insecticidal aerosols or sprays designed to destroy flying and crawling insects.

Effective means against pests:

  • Dichlorvos is the most popular, odorless aerosol. When spraying such insides drugs, be sure to wear a respirator or protective mask. Price - 75 rubles.
  • Tornado - designed to kill insect pests: cockroaches, spiders, crickets, cost - about 90 rubles. per 100 ml bottle.
  • Dr. Klaus is a universal spray against insects that needs to be sprayed in their habitats, the cost is about 230 rubles.
  • The raid is an aerosol to combat small insects, the balloon has a special nozzle for processing hard-to-reach places, after spraying it is necessary to ventilate the room.Price - 120 rubles.
  • Taraks - a means for the destruction of insects, the price of 120 rubles.

Destroy cricket nests

To get rid of the cricket in the house forever, it will not be enough just to catch or destroy the “singer” himself, but it is necessary to take into account the options for making the female nest so that the next generation of “musicians” does not appear in the house.

Therefore, be sure to examine all the places in the house where eggs can be placed:

  • basement;
  • check all the gaps of wooden surfaces on the floor, in baseboards, furniture, in dark corners and hard to reach places.

To get rid of nests, you need:

  • vacuum the slots, floors, carpets and corners at maximum power;
  • if necessary, you can invite experts in the destruction of pests in the house;
  • basement and plinth spray with an aerosol to destroy harmful insects, preferably twice.

Preventing cricket in the house

To avoid the reappearance of crickets in the house, it is necessary to block all paths of their penetration into the room: seal all the cracks, put a grid on the ventilation holes, prevent high humidity in the apartment.

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