Description and photos of the Crimean cricket

Crimean cricket
Crimean cricket

The fauna of Crimea has always amazed with its grandeur and diversity. Only here you can find many unique species of birds, animals and insects. The trumpeter ordinary, better known as the Crimean cricket, deserves special attention. This insect belongs to the order of Orthoptera and is a direct subspecies of the common cricket. In the literature, you can also find his other names: trumpeter ordinary or ordinary stem.

Where dwells

Trubachik prefers to settle in the steppe zone, where there is enough sunlight and food.You can also meet representatives of the Crimean cricket in other territories of Russia, Ukraine, Japan and China. Especially large populations are found in the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, the south of Western Siberia and Kazakhstan.

External differences

Crickets in the Crimea have small body sizes that do not exceed 15 mm. Body color mostly greenish shades, often sand-green.

On a note!

A characteristic difference is the presence of a black thin strip running along the entire abdomen.

In the photo of the Crimean cricket is clearly visible the difference between the male and the female. A female has a formed ovipositor, which is about 8 mm long. After fertilization, the female cuts through the stems of the plants and lays eggs in them.

In the photo of the Crimean cricket, you can also see his other differences from the usual field representative. The body of the trumpeter is narrow, stretched forward. On the head there are very thin, but long antennae that serve as an organ of touch for an insect.


Crimean cricket is predominantly nocturnal. With all their thermophilicism, representatives of this species prefer to wait out the intense heat of the peninsula under the leaves or in the shade of bushes.


At night brilliant musicians lead a more active lifestyle. They are filled with their characteristic chanting, which should attract the female.

Life expectancy is short and is usually limited to the summer season. The larvae that grow from laid eggs successfully hibernate and by the beginning of the new summer season they turn into mature individuals. When the temperature drops below 21 degrees, adult individuals hibernate and stop singing.


Like all representatives cricket family The trumpeters feed on plant food, looking for plant seeds, stems and leaves. They are also able to eat egg-deposits left by females. Less commonly, crickets in the Crimea attack smaller and weaker insects.

A particular addiction to grape and tobacco leaves, which trumpeters have, can lead to negative consequences for farmers. With the development of large populations of the Crimean crickets can cause significant harm to the craft.

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