Voyoedy in guinea pigs

Everyone who made the decision to get a guinea pig should know that in her wool lashes can be wound up - insects from the order of lice feeding on scales of the epidermis and secretions of glands. The presence of parasites on the pet's skin gives him great discomfort in the form of itching and even hair loss. Therefore, if lice are found in guinea pigs, it is necessary to take urgent measures to combat pests.

Features of the parasite

The question of how the eaters look worries every owner who has found living creatures in his pet's fur. The parasite has a flattened body, which consists of bristle-covered segments. Its length does not exceed 2 mm. Against the background of dark wool, the parasite looks slightly yellowish, in white wool it appears gray.

On the large head of the eater, the shape of which resembles a shield, in addition to the eyes and articular antennae, there is a gnawing oral apparatus. Powerful jaws covered with teeth. On the chest there are 3 pairs of paws, which end in claws. The combination of such clues and teeth on the jaws allows the insect to stay on the wool hairs. The photo of the lashing of guinea pigs is presented below.


Pests multiply very quickly: one female lays up to hundreds of eggs, which she sticks to the guinea pig fur with the help of a special substance secreted by the glands. After about a week, the larvae appear from them, which differ from the imago in a smaller size. In the process of growth, the larva undergoes 3 molts, which takes about three weeks.

Ways and symptoms of infection

Voyoedy more active in the cold season, when the conditions for their habitat as comfortable as possible - the hair of guinea pigs becomes more dense and long.If the pet is contained in a clean cage, then the risk of infection with parasites is small. Usually, the external environment acts as a source of infection: lashing eaters can be transmitted to a fluffy pet when in contact with another animal or during a walk. Another way to infect the larvae of the parasite can be purchased in the store sawdust or hay.

Symptoms in guinea pigs, indicating the presence of lashes, are as follows:

  • Itching is the main sign of the presence of pet pests in pet hair. The animal constantly scratches itself, it constantly bites its fur, trying to gnaw the parasite. Subsequently, abrasions, wounds and crusts appear on the skin surface.
  • The rodent becomes very restless, it loses its appetite and sleep, which can lead to a decrease in immunity, the development of anemia and beriberi.
  • Swarming eaters and their eggs can be seen with the naked eye, if you push the pet's fur.
Voyoedy in guinea pigs
Voyoedy in guinea pigs


Vlaoyeda pose a serious danger to the guinea pig, as they carry various diseases, including helminthiasis, fungus, viruses and bacteria. However, it’s not worth worrying that parasites will pass to its owner. man-eaters can not be, as the parasites of animals are not transmitted.

Treatment and Prevention

Do not panic when detecting parasites in rodent hair. Today there is a mass of drugs available for the destruction of pests. Funds from lining for guinea pigs are in the form:

  • spray, drop;
  • emulsions, shampoos;
  • collars and powders.


You can effectively deal with the pest with the help of sprays. They are based on insecticidal components and have a simple method of application. It is enough to spray the rodent's hair with the solution, then rub it with massage movements over the entire surface of the skin. Most often, just one treatment with an aerosol is enough to completely rid the guinea pig of parasites. An example of such a tool is Frontline spray.

Spray Frontline
Spray Frontline


Treatment in guinea pigs from the jaws is also carried out with droplets that contain an insecticide. The drug helps to get rid not only of lashing, but also ticks, lice and other skin parasites. The solution is dripped onto the spine in the neck area so that the rodent cannot reach it.Such tools are the most effective, as they not only destroy the lumps, but also prevent their redistribution. Drops of Stronghold, Bars, Advantage or Green-fort brands are in particular demand among consumers.


Emulsion - another cure for lashes. The concentrated suspension is diluted with water in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. She is treated with animal hair. Many consumers prefer the drug Neostomosan.


Shampoos are the safer way to treat guinea pigs. Such detergents are preferable to use as a preventive measure. Since it is not always possible to achieve complete destruction of insects after one application. Shampoo Lugovoy, Lesnoy or Phytoelite are very popular among consumers.


Collars not only get rid of pests, but also prevent re-infection with lickers guinea pigs. The disadvantage of this accessory is the possibility of an allergic reaction and irritation in the pet.

Collar of Celandine-1
Collar of Celandine


Powdered powder in the form of powder can not only get rid of pests, but also cure the inflammatory process on the skin, as well as reduce the feeling of itching.Powder sprinkle the body of a rodent, trying to rub it into the skin as much as possible. The effect of the drug lasts for one and a half weeks.

To get rid of the eaters, it is necessary to process not only the guinea pig, but also the cage in which it is contained. A similar procedure should also be subjected to household items with which the animal is in contact. To do this, you can use a solution of Butox 50.

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