Dog biting
- Dog lice
- Blasters
- Dog lice
- Meadow Shampoo
- Spray Frontline
Dog biting - a very urgent problem that many owners of four-legged friends face. Given the rapid pace of development and reproduction of parasites, it becomes doubly serious. After all, the presence of pests in the fur of an animal gives him great discomfort, the consequence of which can be significant health problems of the pet.Having found wounds on the body of the pet, which are a consequence of the habitat of the lashing, it becomes clear that it is necessary to take urgent measures to combat the pest.
In nature, there are about 100 species of various parasites that live in the hair of animals. Dog leach infected only dogs. This can occur during a walk or in contact with his relative. An individual can also infect a pet by bringing a pest into the house on his clothes or shoes. Even lashes can be detected in a puppy, which are transmitted from the mother.
Due to the fact that the infection paths with eaters are quite diverse, only regular inspection of the pet can prevent a similar problem. If this moment is missed, the recovery process will be more protracted, since it is difficult to cure the disease if there is excessive accumulation of insects.
What are the parasites
The presence of eaters on the dog's body provokes a dangerous disease called trihectectosis. And before you start fighting with parasites, you need to know what they look like.
Vlaoyed - small insect, parasitic on the body of warm-blooded animals.Its flat flattened body does not exceed 2 mm in length and most often has a grayish-transparent or pale yellow tint. Therefore, detecting a pest is not always easy. Externally, lashing very much like lice. Their distinguishing feature is the head. In wingless insects, it is quadrangular in shape and much larger than the breast. Below you can see how the jaws look like in dogs in the photo.
The pest feeds on particles of skin and wool, which is why it is also commonly called kozheedom, lint, or itch. Attracts him and dried blood, which is formed as a result of the grueling scratching of the animal.
Reproduction in parasites is quite active: one female is able to lay about 6-7 dozen eggs, which she firmly attaches to the hair with the help of adhesive liquid. That is why the eggs of the eaters wash with water or combed is not easy. After 5-10 days, the larvae of the eater appear from them, and before becoming sexually mature individuals shed at least three times. This process takes about a month.
What danger pose
Ectoparasites are carriers of tapeworms, as well as various dangerous infections.After all, lashes in animals cause severe itching, which results in irritations, scratches, dermatitis, and even eczema. The presence of parasites causes a decrease in immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, allergies and anemia may occur. However, worrying about the fact that insects can be dangerous for people is still not worth it - the lashing dogs are not transmitted to humans.
Signs of infection
Symptoms of dog eaters in dogs are as follows:
- persistent itching that causes wounds;
- the presence in the dog's hair of small white grains resembling dandruff (only upon close inspection one can notice their movement);
- the pet's coat loses its healthy appearance - it grows dull, coalesces, or even the removal of the hair during the lisper;
- Especially often the inner surface of the thighs, the base of the tail and the head of the dog are exposed to baldness. Such areas become swollen and reddened, may become crusted;
- lack of appetite and thirst leads to weight loss;
- disturbed behavior of the dog, itching becomes the cause of its insomnia.
How to get rid of parasites
The question of how to get rid of dog eaters, many owners are puzzled. After all, trichodectosis is a very dangerous disease. To prevent the development of infection, it is necessary to conduct immediate treatment of lashing in dogs.
Only an effective remedy will be able to correctly remove the dog of lashing. The same drugs are used that allow get rid of fleas in dogs. Today, manufacturers offer a lot of antiparasitic products that come in the form of sprays, drops, shampoos and even collars. All of these drugs from the eaters make it possible to carry out treatment at home on their own. They can be purchased at any veterinary clinic or a specialized store in Moscow.
Pediculicidal shampoos - this is what you can treat lice with even puppies. Such detergents also provide effective disposal of lice, ticks and fleas. They have a moisturizing effect, due to which the pet has reduced itching. The dog's coat takes on a healthy appearance, combs well, becomes smoother and silky. Most of these detergents have a pleasant aroma and do not cause allergicreactions. Shampoos are recommended for use of different breeds and ages:
- The shampoo is applied to the dog’s wet coat. Especially carefully it is necessary to process the polluted and fallen places, using bigger amount of means.
- Do not allow cleaning solution in the eyes of an animal.
- The solution is rubbed with massage movements and left on the body of the dog for the time specified in the description to achieve the effect (usually it is at least 5 minutes).
- After that, the pet's hair is thoroughly washed with water, dried with a hair dryer, and combed off the dead insects.
Zooshampooes are of great demand among consumers: Lugovoy, Phytoelite, Demos-Lux.
On a note!
Shampoos do not have a long period of protection, therefore, in their application without repeated treatment is necessary.
Drops from the eater, contain insecticidal components in their composition, due to which they have a detrimental effect on the parasites. This method of struggle is one of the most effective. Besides drops have a long period of protection: the tool is capable not only of removing lasters that are already present in the dog's coat, but also prevents the possibility of re-infection for a long time (up to 6-8 months).The medicine needs to be dripped to places inaccessible for licking (on the withers or spine). Many owners prefer drops of the following brands: Dana, Bars, Irbis, Advanced.
Remedies from the lice in the form sprays have a similar drop composition. Their distinguishing feature is the concentration of the insecticide and the method of application. In order to save the pet from parasites, almost all its hair is sprayed with aerosol. Particular attention is paid to the back, hips, abdomen, neck and head. The most popular sprays are Frontline, Defandog or Decor 1.
It is also possible to heal from lashes with injections, it is only necessary to bring the dog to the veterinary clinic. To save a pet from the invasion of parasites will help the collar. However, this method of struggle has many contraindications, so consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. There are also insecticidal suspensions that need to be diluted to treat a dog.
Whatever means of struggle you prefer, its use must be made in accordance with the instructions, weight and age of the dog.
Folk remedies
Treatment of folk remedies dogs can give a positive result in the fight against lashes. The man has long discovered the healing properties of the series, wormwood and chamomile. It is especially useful to apply decoctions of these herbs to small puppies. However, their use is effective only at the initial stage of infection with a pet's parasites.