Woodwalker beetle in home control measures


A serious danger is wood and objects made from it, are borer beetles. Pests can affect not only wooden floors, furniture or walls, but even plywood, paper, cardboard and books. They may appear in the house of chopped wood. In addition, some species of this insect are not particularly picky in their diet and can eat bread and tobacco products, dried cereals and wallpaper glue. This article will discuss how to recognize the presence of pests in wood and how to get rid of tree beetles in a house.

Types and features

Not everyone knows how dangerous drevototsy. The size of the damage in the house depends on the type of tree beetle. Below is a grinder beetle in the photo and the most common species of this insect.

Furniture Grinder

Furniture grinder larvae
Furniture grinder larvae

Furniture Grinder - borehole up to 5 mm dark-brown color with golden splashes on the back. It is dangerous for all types of wood. The insect lives primarily in dry domestic furniture, but can also feed on the walls of wooden houses. In addition, the pest is able to hit any items that are based on cellulose (frames of pictures, pages of books and the like).

It is difficult to find grinders, as they are very shy and hiding in the most dark, hard-to-reach places. One can only guess about their presence in the furniture through the bored holes, from which the remains of wood eaten by the beetles from time to time pour out. After some time, the females lay eggs in the existing holes, from which a new generation of pests will emerge.

House Grinder

This woodworm differs from its counterparts in that it feeds exclusively on raw wood. Therefore, more often the pest can be found on the outside of wooden structures. Insect dimensions in length do not exceed 5-7 mm. Below is a photo of a wood borer.

Comb grinder

Comb grinder
Comb grinder

A distinctive feature of this wood stove is its unique mustache, because of which it was called so. The length of his body varies from 3 to 5 mm. It is enough for a beetle to penetrate into the thickness of the wood, and he will not leave this habitat until its complete destruction.

On a note!

Beetles grinders prefer to dwell in old dried wood. However, not adult individuals spoil the tree, but their larvae, making zigzag passages in it and turning it into dust.It is also surprising how many years a wood borer larva lives: it can live in wood for 5 to 20 years.

Bread grinder

Bread grinder
Bread grinder

This beetle grinder differs from its kindred by selectivity to food. The favorite delicacy of its larvae is not wood, but dry food: cereals, cereals, pasta, and even dried fruits. therefore bread grinder is a no less dangerous pest than previous species.


Do not eat foods that are infected with a bread grinder. According to experts, elements of vital activity that this beetle leaves on cereals or pasta can be toxic and pose a risk to human health.

Black Brown Barrel

Black Brown Barrel
Black Brown Barrel

Housebird or woodcutter prefers to feed on coniferous wood. This tree grinder loves to dwell in dry and warm places. Females lay eggs under the bark of conifers in the warm season. Interesting is the fact that this woodworm beetle does not live in living trees, because it does not like moisture. The pest prefers to settle in harvested coniferous wood or objects made from conifers.

How to detect grinder beetles

If the walls of a wooden house are not plastered and not treated with special protective mixtures, then very soon they may suffer from the pest beetle. You can understand that a tree grinder is sharpening a wood grinder using the following signs:

  • The presence of winding paths on the surface of wood and yellow dust, resembling flour or dry mustard;
  • Isolation of a borax with a sharp odor of liquid from the drilled holes;
  • An insect-prone tree easily separates the bark;
  • The presence of caterpillars under a wooden structure or plant, crawling on another object;
  • In the house where the bug settled down, sounds similar to the ticking of the clock are heard at night.

If the beetle grinder in the house has covered these or other wooden objects, you should start immediately to fight with it, since pests multiply quickly enough. Otherwise, the woodworm larvae will cause tremendous damage to your reserves or real estate, piercing in it of infinite length moves.

Methods of struggle

Pest control measures are quite diverse, you can use:

  • Insecticidal preparations;
  • Folk remedies;
  • Impregnation and mixture of protective properties for coating surfaces;
  • Temperature exposure method;
  • Removal of contaminated tree plots;
  • Smoke bombs and fumigators;
  • Microwave processing;
  • Professional treatment of contaminated premises.


In cases of severe damage to the wood surface grinder, the use of insecticidal preparations is recommended. This method of struggle is effective for both adults and larvae. It is important to comply with security measures that imply the presence of a protective suit (rubber gloves, respirator, goggles, maximum closed clothing).

Highly toxic insecticides are destructive for insects from the first minutes of use, they are also unsafe for people and animals. Therefore, return to the treated room should be no earlier than 4 hours. The most popular brands are Prima, Woody doctor or Empire-20, they can be purchased at many hardware stores in Moscow.

Grinding Agents
Grinding Agents

Microwave processing

This method of struggle is based on the way the microwave oven works. Living quarters get rid of tree borers with the help of a beam-forming generator.Such treatment is absolutely safe for further residence of a person.

Impregnation protective action

Wood protection by impregnation - this method is used as a preventive measure, it is not suitable for pest control. The clean, undamaged surface of the wood is treated with various impregnations, which subsequently will not allow the stepmongers to wind up in it. After which it can also be plastered, which will provide double protection against grinders. When processing the tree already infected with pests, the effect will not be observed.

Temperature effect method

Another remedy for tree borers is exposure to temperature. You can get rid of pests by freezing damaged wooden surfaces, especially if the insect is in the larvae stage (the temperature should be kept below -2 degrees for two days). You can also use the heating of individual objects in a special chamber, with which it will be possible to evaporate moisture from wood and rid it of pests. The disadvantage of the method is the inability to protect against beetles grinders surfaces of large areas.


Fumigators are an excellent means of fighting beetles with grinders in the house. For example, a woodworm larva does not tolerate the smell of phosphine, so the use of this chemical will help to easily save the room from pests.

Remove infected area

This method of dealing with wood boring is effective with a slight infection of a wooden surface. With a high prevalence of insects, other methods of destruction should be selected.

Folk remedies

One of the easiest methods of fighting beetles with grinders is the use of petroleum jelly. The syringe filled by it is entered into an opening which then fill in with paraffin, wax or window putty.

Folk remedies from grinders
Folk remedies from grinders

It is possible to get rid of these harmful bugs using a mixture of turpentine (3 hours), kerosene (1 hour) and naphthalene (8d). These components should be dissolved in gasoline (90 g). The resulting solution is necessary to treat the infected surface with a brush.

Reliably prevents penetration of woodcutter larvae into wooden elements by impregnation with brine. For this purpose, you can also use the infusion of vinegar with chopped garlic.The wooden surface can also be painted or plastered.

Professional processing

Professional treatment is effective in case of large infestation by dvuhtotstsy premises. This method uses a method of hot and cold mist disinfection, as well as gas treatment with phosphine, from the smell of which insects will instantly die.


Starting the construction of the house, you need to know what to process the tree from the beetle. But first it is necessary:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection of the prepared wood for the presence of a tree beetle;
  • Sanding logs and poles. The bark removed from the wood must be burned;
  • For the treatment of wooden elements use antiseptics of a complex nature such as Phoenix, Pinotex or Senezh;
  • There will be no insects in the wood if you plaster the house.
  • Wet rooms such as a bath should be regularly dried using ventilation;
  • You can save furniture in the apartment from grinders with the help of caring tools such as Gloss or Polish. Their composition will not allow the wood beetles to start, and will help to keep the cabinets or tables in a good condition.

Such preparation of lumber guarantees in the future complete protection from tree borers.

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