First aid for wasp stings
A wasp sting is a dangerous allergic reaction. In some cases, it leads to angioedema, anaphylactic shock, death. Treatment is carried out by folk remedies, ...
What to do if a wasp or a bee bit
The sting of a wasp or a bee can be determined by the presence of a sting in the wound. The bee always leaves it, the wasp does not. The rest of the symptoms are similar ....
What and how to scare away wasps in nature
Wasps do not tolerate persistent odors. What are the wasps afraid of - plants, their essential oils, vinegar, ammonia, as well as smoke, insecticides, ...
Disinsection of wasps and wasp nests
The destruction of wasps can be done independently or entrust the work of specialists.Addresses of services can be found on the Internet, there is an approximate price rates ....
Wasp bite, benefit or harm of wasp venom
Poison wasp is dangerous allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity. In severe cases, it leads to angioedema, anaphylactic shock, coma, death. Poison...
Who dies after being bitten: wasp or bee
Whether a wasp dies after being bitten is not in most cases. Death occurs if a person intuitively slaps her. Bite on duration ...
What wasps eat
What feeds the wasps on depends on the stage of development, the species. Insects get most of the nutritional components at the larva stage by eating protein foods ....
Description and photo of black wasps
Black wasps are classified as solitary, pitiful, road or sandy wasps. Eggs are laid on the body of the victim, often spiders of different species. Poison...
How to poison the wasps
Means from wasps are used for extermination, scaring insects. Apply traps, poisonous bait, ultrasonic devices. The most effective are insecticides, safe ...
How and how to relieve the itch of a wasp sting at home
If it hurts wasp's bite, you can use folk remedies, pharmaceutical preparations.When exacerbation of an allergic reaction, the accession of infection using special drugs.
Mosquitall aerosol from wasps and wasp nests
Moskitol from wasps - an aerosol with several active ingredients, with rapid efficacy. Permitted to use from a distance of 6 m. It is used in the open ...
How to deal with wasps in the country even in the inaccessible place
Get rid yourself of the wasp nest in the country, the whole family can be in different ways. Use poison, physical methods of struggle, folk remedies. BUT...
Why do we need wasps in nature
The benefits and harms of the wasp are related to the feeding of insects, the way of life. The main danger to humans is bites, for garden ...
How does the uterus look like
The uterus of the wasp serves as the queen of the public, paper species. Always larger in size, different massive jaws. The main mission is to extend ...
Life expectancy os
How many wasps live depends on various factors. Genetic data rarely coincide with practical data. The uterus lives the longest. Males and ...
Ammophile Digging Wasp
The digging sand wasp of ammophilos is distinguished by its refined body, dark color.An adult individual eats nectar and juices. Larvae lay on the body of larvae scoops, ...
Description and photo of a forest wasp
A forest wasp builds nests from wood, therefore it often settles in the forest, but can settle in a man’s domain. Builds paper nests ...
Bags of wasps for grapes
Bags from wasps to protect grapes are sold on the Internet, specialized stores. They are made of fine, but durable mesh. Put on each ...
Insect like a big wasp
An insect like a wasp can be related to bedbugs, bugs, flies, and even butterflies. Many representatives of the fauna imitate the color in order to ...
Parasites wasp horse rider
Wasp rider got its name because of the parasitic lifestyle. He catches a victim, paralyzes, lays eggs in her body or on the belly ....
Differences of wasp, bee and bumblebee
Wasp and bee differ in appearance, behavior, lifestyle. The largest representative of the bee family is the bumblebee, the wasp is the hornet. Different from ...
What to do if a wasp is bitten by a pregnant or breastfeeding woman
A wasp sting during pregnancy causes an allergic reaction of varying intensity.Actions depend on the overall clinical picture, the individual characteristics of the organism. life, development ...
Wasp warrior
The wasp warrior is a relatively new species found on an island in Indonesia. It has an unusual appearance, frightening color. Lifestyle leads ...
How to get rid of the wasp nest on the balcony
Get rid yourself of the wasps on the balcony in several ways. The choice depends on the location of the nest, personal preferences, balcony design. Insect ...
What if a cat or cat was bitten by a wasp
In the case when a cat was bitten by a wasp, it is necessary to provide qualified assistance. It is necessary to sanitize the wound, neutralize the effect of the poison. Further actions depend ...
How to get rid of the wasp from the house, apartment, room
There are several safe ways to drive a wasp out of a room. The choice depends on the situation, your own preferences. Use cans, cups, matchboxes, ...
How to make a trap for wasps from a plastic bottle
Wasp traps can be easily made by hand. It will take a minimum of time, materials, skills. The most common and most effective are traps ...
Breeding wasps
How wasps multiply depends on their variety. Public wasps build nests, lay eggs, feed the larvae. The mating season begins at the end ...
Can wasps see, sleep or fly at night
Whether wasps sleep at night is one of the most interesting questions. What insects do during the day is described in various sources, about how ...
How to get rid of wasps in the apiary
The fight against wasps in the apiary is different from the methods of extermination of the wasp family in the territory of the garden, garden, and house. It is forbidden to use insecticides, the benefits ...
How to deal with wasps in the house
There are many ways, methods, tools, how to get rid of wasps indoors, outdoors, outbuildings, garages. Use means for ...
The dog was bitten by a wasp, what to do at home
If a wasp has bitten a dog, first aid should be given. Disinfect the wound, apply ice, treat with a means to eliminate pain. With allergies ...
First aid for a child with a wasp sting at home
If a child was bitten by a wasp, it is necessary to provide first aid - to sanitize the wound, to neutralize the effect of the poison. Further behavior, therapies depend on ...
Wasps make honey or not
Wasp honey is not as useful as bee honey. It has a different composition. Wasps prefer to eat it, but not to accumulate in large quantities. Besides...
Description and photo of a paper wasp
Paper wasps are the object of research for many scientists. They are surprised by their social life, the ability to build unique nests, transmit signals and much more ....
How to destroy the hornet's nest, even in a remote place
How to get rid yourself of the wasp nest, there are several proven ways. The procedure requires compliance with safety rules, an individual approach in each situation.
What are wasps, photos and descriptions of different types of wasps
Wasps are spread all over the globe. They differ in size, color, lifestyle, behavior. They live in large families either alone ....
How to destroy earthen wasps and wasp nests in the ground
Earthen wasps settle in the holes of rodents abandoned by anthills, under old stumps, tree branches. Aspen poison is dangerous due to the development of allergies. In heavy ...
What and how a wasp bites
The sting of a wasp has the shape of a sharp needle. After puncture of the skin in the wound instantly enters the poison.Use weapons wasps for self-defense, protection.
Description and photos of giant wasps
The big wasp - scoliosis spotty or giant scolium reaches in size 55 mm. It is the most beautiful representative of large wasps. Despite...
How and what wasps make nests
The wasp nest is a unique structure that amazes with the number of honeycombs, the location of the cells, and the size. Above the structure, the extension of the hive, working wasps are constantly working ...
How to protect grapes from wasps during its ripening
You can get rid of wasps on grapes in several ways. They use mechanical methods of destruction, folk remedies, professional preparations. Do it yourself ...
Allergic reaction to wasp sting
An allergy to wasp stings occurs absolutely in all victims. Complicated symptoms develop in the absence of antibodies in the body to wasp poison, ...
Where and how wasps winter
Public wasps winter in wood - crevices, under bark, rotten stumps, abandoned hollows. Only fertilized young females survive the winter. AT...
Brazilian Wasp Poison
The poison of the Brazilian wasp has the ability to kill cancer cells in oncology of the prostate, blood and bladder.On the surface of diseased cells, the poison creates ...


Wasp Information.

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