What and how to scare away wasps in nature

What wasps are afraid of - sharp, persistent odors. Some plants, smoke, vinegar, ammonia and much more scare away insects. To get rid of wasps in nature, using special repellents, folk remedies will help scare away wasps from home.

How to scare wasps on the site

If in the garden, in the garden, in the garage, in the country it was got wasp familyaccommodated nestYou can get rid of the smoke. The method will be much more effective if you ignite certain "ingredients".

  • If you set fire to rubber, an unpleasant smell will last for a very long time. In just one evening, you can drive a wasp family out of the nest forever. To fix the result, repeat the procedure the next day.
  • In the courtyard, in the garden, in the garden lay a fire from pine woods. Wasps do not tolerate the smell of pine. For a man, this flavor is neutral, you can safely continue to work on the site, while the fire smokes pests out of the nest.
  • In order to scare the wasps away from the table in the gazebo, on the terrace, picnic, they set fire to a spruce, pine, and wormwood.

The special spiral scares off wasps, which, when burned, release an insecticidal substance. Different brands produce the product - Raptor, Clean House, Off, Moskitol. It burns completely in 2 hours, provides protection in the vicinity of 5 m, smokes out insects from the nest.

On a note!

Wasp families are often wound up near the pool. To get rid of them, apply insecticides, pour boiling water over the nest, use repellents. From the wasps near the pool help Dichlorvos, Super Fas, smoke bombs, essential oils.

Fighting wasps and their nests in the room

Attracts insects smell sweet, sour. Pests on fruits, berries, lemonade, jam, honey. They enter the house through open doors and windows. To prevent the penetration of pests, using folk remedies. Wipe with broths, solutions window sills, frames, or leave the cotton wool soaked in aromatic substances.

Fighting in wasps folk remedies
Fighting in wasps folk remedies
  • Table vinegar. If you want to drive away the wasps, wipe the window frame with a solution. Prepare at the rate of 1 tsp per 200 ml of cold water. To create a saturated odor soaked with concentrated vinegar cotton wool or poured into a saucer.
  • Ammonia. Insect repels the smell of ammonia. Pests feel the persistence of a fragrance for a few meters, do not approach the house. To prepare the solution in 1 liter of water pour 1 tbsp. spoon of alcohol. If you want to drive out a swarm that strives to get into the house, leave soaked cotton wool on the windowsill. The main disadvantage is that the smell is unpleasant to a person; when inhaling concentrated vapors, headache and dizziness appear.
  • Essential oils will help from wasps and bees.The tool is applied dotted on the window openings or leave the soaked cotton wool. The solution is used for spraying the walls from the outside, as well as near the nests. Aroma pleasant for the person, it is authorized to splash in any room. Wasps do not like mint, lemon balm, lavender, basil, geranium.
  • Pyrethrum. It is obtained from a specific type of pharmaceutical chamomile. It is a natural insecticide. In insects provokes paralysis of the muscles, with prolonged exposure causes death. The component is used in many children's line repellents. Sold in the pharmacy. As an alternative - pharmacy chamomile.

On a note!

Bees and wasps looking for food with flavor. If the former are looking for floral nectar, they get into the room by chance, the latter fly purposefully to the smell of fruits, berries, juices, and jam.

Professional products from wasps and their nests in nature, near the house

The destruction of wasps with a large accumulation is carried out using an insecticidal substance. Sprayed exterior walls of the premises, outbuildings. When using concentrated insecticide protection lasts for 30 days. Effective remedies Geth, Executioner, Tetriks, Tsifoks, Medilis Tsiper.The drug from wasps in the form of a spray lasts no more than 5 days. Use Dichlorvos, Karbofos, Clean House, Raptor, Reid.

Professional remedies for wasps
Professional remedies for wasps

To protect against wasps in nature will help repellents. Active substances are essential oils or insecticides of a broad spectrum of activity.

  • Off Spray from wasps and other flying insects. Used for processing open areas of the body, clothing, tents, bags. Actions last a maximum of 4 hours. The active substance is insecticide N, N-diethyltoluamide -30%. Complements the composition of perfume, alcohol. The cost of funds 200 rubles.
  • Bros. Spray wasp based on insecticidal substance. Before use, shake the can well. Used for processing terrain, wasp nest. It acts at a distance of up to 5 m. It is suitable if an swarm of wasps unexpectedly descends from it, you need to get rid of it. Sprayed into the air. Wasps, bees are extremely sensitive to the action of insecticides, so the death occurs almost immediately. Price about 400 rubles.
  • Drugs Klaus. Universal remedy for flies, wasps, hornets, mosquitoes, other parasites. The special design of the cartridge allows you to attach a hose, spray on the site.Also used for spraying premises, outbuildings, tents, nests. After disinsection, it is necessary to ventilate the room in just 15 minutes. Price aerosol 375 rubles. Drill concentrate is also available. Klaus. The price of 1 l 1000 rub.
  • Garlic tincture. Scares wasps in the country, in the economic yard. Pour garlic heads with water, insist day, use for wiping, spraying sills, doorways, walls.

Wasp repellents based on essential oils are prepared from:

  • anise;
  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • lemongrass;
  • orange;
  • basil;
  • garlic;
  • bergamot;
  • vanilla;
  • geraniums;
  • carnations;
  • grapefruit;
  • oregano;
  • cedar;
  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom;
  • lemongrass;
  • lemon;
  • juniper;
  • pasuli;
  • fir;
  • rosemary;
  • sandalwood;
  • daisies;
  • pines;
  • thyme;
  • yarrow;
  • thyme;
  • citronella;
  • eucalyptus;
  • sage
Essential oils for wasp control
Essential oils for wasp control

Apply the product to clothing, exposed areas of the body. From the wasps on a picnic choose any flavor from the above ingredients. It is allowed to combine several oils, creating a unique aromatic composition. Very easy to prepare spray. Use medical alcohol.Add essential oil, poured into a bottle with a spray. Conveniently means to take with you to nature.

On a note!

Plants planted on the site will help avoid the settlement of the wasp family, the formation of nests. Pests will be driven away throughout the warm season. For scaring use plants that can smell for a long time. Mint, lemon balm, chamomile, parsley, basil, garlic, lemongrass.

Smells attracting wasps

Sometimes, to get rid of the wasp family, you need to eliminate the flavors that attract them. In the house in the open access should not leave the traditional dishes of insects - ripe fruit: apples, pears, apricots, melons, grapes, watermelon.

Also attracts wasps:

  • lemonade;
  • kvass;
  • Braga;
  • yeast sourdough;
  • syrup;
  • sugar;
  • jam;
  • the juice;
  • beer;
  • honey;
  • spoiled meat, fish.

Stronger smell from rotting, fermented products. Therefore, we must get rid of them in a timely manner so as not to attract pests. Protein food insects carry the larvae. Therefore, along with sweets they hunt meat.

If you can not scare away the pests, prepare a simple plastic bottle trap. The neck is cut off, turned over in the form of a watering can, fixed with staples. Inside put any bait. During the day several dozens of individuals gather in one trap. Wasps fly easily, but units are selected back. It should also be remembered that the destruction of insects is permissible in case they threaten health.

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Bed bugs

