How to destroy the hornet's nest, even in a remote place

Vespiary insects can justify on a plot of land, under the roof of economic buildings, in the attic, in the garage, greenhouse, walls of a residential wooden house, on a tree in the garden, under the floor. How to get rid of the wasp nest depends on its location.

The appearance of the nest

To correctly calculate the pests, you need to know what a hive looks like. Disadvantages to a person are often delivered public paper or tree wasps. They live in a swarm, build nests of various sizes. The bite of a normal wasp is dangerous by an allergic reaction of varying severity, in severe cases it can be fatal. Especially dangerous wasp venom for little children, allergy sufferers, people with pathologically weak immunity.

Construction material workers are mined from wood. The process is entertaining, fascinating, amazing. The wasp spits out a special secret, after a while a thin softened layer is scraped off with powerful jaws. Belongs to the nest, chews until a sticky mass is formed. It builds new cells from it, envelops the outer walls of the nest.

Externally, the structure resembles a sphere. Cocoon of an oval form, gray or brownish color. Can be hung under the roof or placed under the floor, in the wall, the soil. The average size does not exceed the size of an apple, but in some cases it reaches 50 cm in diameter.

On a note!

The complex structure serves as a summer house. With the onset of cold weather, the swarm leaves the dwelling. Fertilized young females seek shelter for wintering in wood, the old womb, the working individuals perish.In spring, females have the peculiarity of returning to their former place, organizing a new swarm. To prevent this from happening, you need to remove the empty hornet's nest, destroy it in any convenient way.

It is possible to find a wasp nest in an inaccessible place, having observed insects early in the morning or in the evening. At the end of the day, the working individuals return to the hive for the night, with dawn, each taking off on his own business.

Beehive in the land

Wasp hive
Wasp hive

To destroy the hornet's nest in the ground, use several proven methods.

  • Burning. Pour flammable substance, poured into the hole of the hole. Use gasoline, kerosene, engine oil. Set on fire. Even if not all members of the family are in the hive, they will not live there any longer, the removal of pests will end. Working individuals die within 1-2 months.
  • Pouring boiling water. This way you can fight with the wasp nest in the greenhouse, greenhouse, garden, in the garden. Pour into a hole bucket of boiled water. The next day you need to fill the wasp nest again. Then destroy. Dig, get, throw into the river or burn. Or they are piled up with earth in large quantities to remove entrances and exits.
  • Smoke wasp hive can be acrid smoke. An ordinary bonfire is made in the immediate vicinity or a piece of rubber is set on fire. He will fester for a long time, filling the hive with acrid smoke.
  • Application of poison. In order to eliminate the family, the poison is either poured into the hole in the hole or near the entrance in the form of powder or the solution is poured insecticide. Dusts have contact-intestinal action, remain on the surface for up to one month. The destruction of pests occurs gradually. The family dies within 1-2 weeks. The actions of the solutions last for several days, but they kill the family much faster. The solution is also added to bait, which is placed directly at the entrance.

Means for the destruction of the wasp nests, located in an inaccessible place, must be odorless, so as not to scare away the wasps in advance. Effective preparations Pure house in powder form, Lambda Zone, Geth, Delta Zone - concentrates for solution preparation.


To destroy wasp nests in the open air should be early in the morning or in the evening. Be sure to be careful. Act clearly, quickly. Protective clothing should be worn,not to become a victim and not get numerous bites.

Hive under the roof

Wasp hive under the roof
Wasp hive under the roof

To remove the wasp nest in several ways. Each one requires caution. Be sure to protect against possible bites.

  • From the attic, the easiest way to remove the hive after pouring water. Use hot or cold. Fill the bucket, pre-set the ladder to make it easier to get to the hive. Carefully immerse the aspen house for a few minutes. To increase the efficiency of the method, some soap is added to the water. Half an hour later they remove the cocoon, destroy it in any way.
  • Kill hornet's nest in the attic can be a poison. In this case, use a poison bait. Wasps love juice, kvass, jam, honey, lemonade, beer, sugar syrup. In these products add poisonous, odorless, boric acid. Poured into saucers or make a homemade trap from a plastic bottle, hung near the hive. In the first case, insects bring poison inside the nest, feed the larvae, the uterus. In the second, they come across themselves.
  • In a wooden house to get rid of the family, to destroy the wasp nest in the barn, you can use a regular vacuum cleaner with a bag.They turn on the vacuum cleaner at full capacity, they pull the wasps inwards until they remain inside the house. The bag gently pull, immersed in water. After half an hour, get rid of the contents.

Display the hornet's nest on the balcony can be in similar ways. The situation is simplified by the fact that the hive is located at a small height, it is easier to reach it. To remove the wasps from the window, you must first pour hot or cold water over it.

Hornet's nest in a difficult place

Insects often show ingenuity, build housing in the most incredible places. If the slot is not available, you can use several methods.

  • In the wall of a residential building, the gaps are filled with any suitable material. Often use mounting foam.
  • You can remove insects from cracks in the wall with a vacuum cleaner, but in this case there is no guarantee that the uterus will get there. If she remains in the same place, the colony of insects will quickly replenish. There remains a small percentage of the fact that the female will leave her former place of residence, considering it to be life-threatening.
  • In an inaccessible place, the easiest way is to poison the hornet's nest. Lay out poisonous bait in the place where insects fly from.It is necessary to take into account the fact that adults eat juices, sweets, lemonade, honey, jam, larvae prefer meat, fish.

With the help of poison get rid of pests under the floor, in the wall, on the roof.

On a note!

Remove the wasp nest in the house can be gradually boric acid. Pour the powder in the gap or add to the bait. To prepare the solution, the sachet of powder is diluted in 1 liter of water and thoroughly stirred. In the bait pour no more than 1 tbsp. spoons. Otherwise, the taste will be bitter, wasps will not eat such food.

Fight in the garage

Wasp nest in the garage
Wasp nest in the garage

To clean the wasps nest in the garage, use different methods, suitable for pest control in the open air, indoors.

  • A fire is laid out near it, where a long smoldering material is set on fire. Often used for smoking rubber. A few hours of gas attack, the wasps will begin to leave the hive. A couple of days of such procedures, the wasp nest is completely empty.
  • Another quick way to get rid of pests in the garage is to fill it with foam. It quickly hardens, does not give a single chance to survive. The same method is used if the nest is in the wall.
  • Standard method with water.Immerse in a bucket or pour boiling water. Neutralize the family can be half an hour.
  • To destroy the family using a vacuum cleaner. Exterminate pests in this popular way can be quite quickly.
  • To neutralize the entire population, to get rid of wasps as soon as possible by using poison. Often use poisonous bait. Hang traps from plastic bottles or pour treats in saucers, lids.
  • Scare off wasps in the garage with engine oil. Pour it into the nest, process the wall, the floor, where insects were spotted.

Effective agent for wastes in powder form - Pure house, Baygon, Trianon, Global, Thiuram. The best preparations in the form of concentrates - Geth, Delta Zone. Sprays with a pleasant aroma - Raptor, Combat, Clean House. Especially popular Moskitoll.

If the hornet's nest is located outdoors in the depths of the garden, the end of the garden, you can do without disposal. The wasps at the site in the summer destroy many pests, so they are benefited from their presence.

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Bed bugs

