What if a cat or cat was bitten by a wasp
- Cat bite wasp
- Folk remedies for wasp stings
- Allergy Remedies
- Cat bite wasp
If a cat was bitten by a wasp, first aid should be given. Further actions depend on the state of the animal, symptoms. An insect bite causes an allergic reaction of varying severity. A slight reddening does not cause concern, does not require special therapy, a strong allergy is dangerous with serious consequences, even fatal.
Bite symptoms
A person may not always notice when a cat is bitten wasp. You can suspect the fact of attack on the behavior of the pet, appearance. The animal mews plaintively, tries to lick, bite a sore point. When viewed on the skin revealed a red spot, swelling, as well as scratches from trying to scratch the cat sore spot.
The wasp injects a sting poisonwhich provokes severe swelling. The degree of inflammation depends on the age of the pet, the place of the bite. Stronger swelling is manifested in kittens, if poison in the region of the muzzle - the nose, cheek, eyes.
Symptoms when a cat or a cat was stung by a wasp do not differ from the manifestations in humans. Normal body reaction:
- redness not more than 10 mm in diameter;
- edema;
- burning;
- pain;
- in a few hours itching.
To determine the presence of a strong allergic reaction after an attack of a wasp can be on the external signs on the skin, systemic:
- severe swelling;
- redness of more than 1 cm in diameter;
- additional rash;
- persistent itching;
- increased salivation;
- lacrimation;
- breathing problems, lack of air;
- laryngeal edema;
- diarrhea;
- weakness;
- fever;
- vomiting;
- convulsions;
- lack of appetite.
Symptoms of allergy in a cat, cats can disappear on their own after a few days, but there is a possibility of a strong reaction involving the respiratory organs in the pathological process. Laryngeal edema happens in a few minutes, a cat, a cat dies without emergency assistance.
On a note!
Manifestations of allergies in the cat, the cats appear immediately after the bite, the immunity reacts to damage to the skin, the ingress of poison instantly. Severe allergic reaction occurs within 5-20 minutes. At this time, you need to watch the animals in order to quickly respond to the situation, if necessary.
What if a cat or cat was bitten by a wasp
Initially, you need to examine the site of the bite, since such symptoms occur after the attack of the bee, but have their own characteristics. The bee on the site of the defeat of the skin leaves a sting, a small part of its own abdomen. For some time sting continues to pulsate, delivering poison to the blood. Therefore, initially you need to get rid of it. Do it neatly with tweezers or a needle. Get out like a splinter. Further actions are identical.
It is necessary to sanitize the wound. Use medical alcohol, liquid ammonia, any tincture with alcohol content. Valerian, motherwort, calendula, in addition to disinfection, antibacterial properties also has a soothing, painkillers. Liberally moisten cotton wool, wipe sore spot.
If the bite was found at home, you can use the pharmacy drug or use folk remedies.
- Pasta from baking soda. Excellent disinfects, relieves pain, itching. A little water is added to the soda, the paste is applied to the affected skin.
- Laundry soap. Well foamed, treated skin.
- Toothpaste, shaving foam. Means perfectly soothes, disinfects, eliminates puffiness.
- Ice cubes, cold meat. First aid for severe edema. Apply for a few minutes.
With a normal reaction of the body to the ingress of wasp venom, these actions are enough to alleviate the condition of the pet, speed up the healing process. Unpleasant symptoms disappear every other day, the epidermis is fully restored within a week.
Allergy treatment
If a cat or a cat was bitten by a wasp in its paw, nothing terrible will happen. You just need to give first aid, to observe the behavior of the pet for an hour. The most dangerous consequences of an attack in the area of the muzzle. If you bite in the nose or in the lip increases the risk of severe edema. In a few minutes the larynx swells, which prevents the flow of air. In this case, the immediate introduction of adrenaline, an antihistamine solution is required.
If you are bitten in the eye or on the cheek, you should immediately give your pet antiallergic agent in the form of tablets, drops. Use drugs for people - Claritin, Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenistil, Eltset. The medicine must be given to the victim if the wasp is bitten by a kitten of different ages. The very first bite in his life is dangerous, since there are no antibodies to the poison in the blood, and also a second one. The risk of developing allergies increases with repeated ingestion of the allergen in the blood.
To eliminate the local allergic reaction, use antiallergic, antihistamine ointments or preparations based on natural herbal ingredients, if the allergy is mild.
On a note!
Do not panic if the cat ate the wasp.An animal can swallow an insect during the game. In the stomach, it does not sting. A bite while in the mouth is determined by the state of the tongue, if it does not swell, everything is in order. Otherwise, you must give your pet an antihistamine.
Photos of animals that were bitten by a wasp are presented below. The severity of allergy symptoms directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the state of the immune system. Pedigree pets are prone to allergic reactions. Domestic cats, cats suffer the bites of wasps without any problems. The day will heal a sore spot, will begin to heal. If a sphinx was bitten by a wasp or another short-haired pet, the help of antihistamines would be needed.
Feline medicines are not special.
- To eliminate minor allergies use creams based on herbs, tinctures, balm Asterisk, Bepanten, Menovazin.
- To eliminate allergies of moderate severity apply Fenistil gel.
- With a pronounced clinical picture, antiallergic hormonal ointments are required - Advantan, Elokom, Betamethasone, Triaccutane.
- When it gets into the wound infection, sore spots are treated with a local antibiotic - Levomekol, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Gentamicin.
Treat the skin of a cat should be 1-4 times a day, as the symptoms disappear, the dosage is reduced. Therapy lasts no more than 5 days. If the situation does not improve within 2 days, you need to show the cat, the cat to the veterinarian.