How to poison the wasps

Modern remedy for wasps operates on the basis of insecticides, ultrasound. At home get rid of wasps You can by making poisonous bait based on boric acid. They make effective traps from the funds, as well as continue to use folk recipes to scare away and destroy insects.

How to poison the wasps

Whether it is worth reminding once again that it is necessary to apply toxic substance in extreme cases, with extra care. The poison is absorbed by the green part of the plant, the roots remain in the soil. The poison for wasps is finally neutralized after 20 days. All this time will die insects that do not bring harm to humans. The absence of side effects in humans after using a toxic substance does not mean that it is safe.

When choosing a poison, you must also take into account the method of its use, which will reduce the negative impact on the environment. The poison for wasps is made in the form of a spray, aerosol, powder, poisonous bait, concentrated emulsion or liquid. Especially popular are sprays, ready to use. You just need to shake the bottle, spray it in the right place. Wasps extremely sensitive to insecticides, so the smallest number causes their death.

Poisonous bait in most cases is prepared independently on the basis of boric acid. The product does not contain odor, so it does not deter insects with an extremely fine sense of smell. When properly applied, it does not taste.Once inside, disrupts the nervous system, provokes paralysis, death. Boric acid from wasps and other pests is sold in a pharmacy in powder form, 10 g per pack.

Remedies against wasps
Remedies against wasps

Means against wasps in the nest - insecticides in the form of a spray, aerosol. The choice is extremely wide. Sold in specialized stores, economic departments of supermarkets, even in food stalls. It is possible to order via the Internet.

On a note!

Spray is treated directly nest or plastic bag, and then put it on top of the cocoon. In the latter case, it is possible to avoid a negative impact on the environment, other insects, the efficiency of the method increases. Wasps inside nests die in a couple of hours without being able to get out.

Preparations from wasps with regular raids on the house - concentrated insecticides. The solution is prepared immediately before use, diluted according to the instructions with water. Sprayed exterior walls of the building. The poison remains to act on the surface for about 20 days in the absence of heavy rains. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours.

How to poison the wasps depends on the specific situation, the number of insects, personal preferences of the person. An effective tool is available in any category, if used correctly.

Traps and poison baits

Convenient, productive, simple, cost-effective - plastic bottle trap. A few dozen wasps are collected inside a day. When placing several at the dacha, you can get rid of a whole colony of the wasp family.

The cooking process is extremely simple:

  1. From the bottle to cut the neck, turn, insert like a watering can.
  2. Secure with staples, tape, tape, any convenient way.
  3. Thread a ribbon, rope, thread, wire from above so that you can hang it anywhere.
Traps from wasps
Traps from wasps

Inside the bait is placed for wasps, not necessarily poisonous. This may be lemonade, kvass, beer, fruit juice, syrup, diluted yeast, compote, jam with water. The pest freely climbs inward, but units are selected back through the thin neck. Bottle traps - one of the most effective methods of dealing with wasps in the apiary. Bees do not fly on the sour smell, wasps feel it for tens of meters.


Last year, wasps were bred at the site, and could not find nests. I decided to catch traps, made from a bottle. I hung near the porch. Every day there were a few dozen. A week later, mass flights ended.

Andrey, Voronezh

Poisonous bait is prepared from the same drinks that are used in the traps, but add boric acid powder. It’s not worth it to be zealous with concentration, because the remedy gives bitterness, this discourages wasps.

On a note!

The use of poison in early spring on pieces of meat, fish will allow to get rid of the larvae, which adults feed on protein food.

Insecticides from bees and wasps

The method of application of the poison depends on the location of the nest, the number of insects. Very often, the pests are settled in the domain of a person: household buildings, on the balconies, attics, in the garage, garden, under the rubble of firewood, in the walls of wooden, even concrete structures.

Chemistry from wasps always acts quickly, but its use requires special care. An angry swarm bites from head to foot in minutes. The destruction operation is carried out in the dark when the insects are less active,going to the hive for the night.

Spray the nest with a means or splash inside a plastic bag. Then quickly put it on a cocoon, tied. Poison and lack of oxygen - deadly components that allow you to get the desired result in a few hours. In the morning they remove the nest, destroy it in any way: they crush it, drown it, burn it, throw it into the trash can.

Insecticides from bees and wasps
Insecticides from bees and wasps

On a note!

If the nest is not available, a plastic bottle trap or poisonous bait is placed in the immediate vicinity. When the hive is located in cracks in the wall, under the floor they spray the surface with poison and pour it into the holes.

You can destroy wasps yourself using one of the following means:

  • Raptor. Spray with a wide spectrum of action based on several active ingredients. Due to the presence of fragrances does not have an unpleasant smell. Economically consumed, fast acting. Protection against wasps when processing window frames, walls from the outside is about a week. The cost of 250 rubles.
  • Dichlorvos from wasps is produced by different companies. Differs in the design of the cartridge, the composition of the active components, but acts the same.The drug does not contain an unpleasant odor, so if necessary, it can be used inside for spraying window frames, window sills, doorways. When using the method of destruction with a plastic bag, the wasp family dies within 2 hours. The price of the tool is about 250 rubles.
  • Karbofos is a structural analogue of Dichlorvos, has similar advantages and disadvantages. There is a pungent smell, so you should not use inside. It is suitable to light the wasps on the balcony, attic, and outbuildings. In contact with poison or inhalation of vapors, the wasp dies almost instantly. Price karbofos does not exceed 230 rubles.
  • Spray Moskitol for wasp nest and wasps operates on the basis of several insecticides, a synergist. According to the manufacturers, it is allowed to spray the nest from a distance of 6 m, which allows you to protect yourself from wasps and their bites in the process of destruction. Means sprayed exterior walls, window, doorways, hive, and also sent to the flying insects.
Insecticides from bees and wasps
Insecticides from bees and wasps

Insecticides can quickly poison the wasps, as well as bees, if the need arises. To protect the territory from annoying pests.


I had to fight the wasps under the roof of the house. Immediately bought Dichlorvos. They waited for the evening, framed the stairs. He sprayed poison into the bag, threw it on the nest, and quickly tied it up. None of the insects flew out, left without bites. The next day, completed the destruction. Everything is quite simple.

Igor, Moscow

Modern appliances

Get rid of the wasps, to protect themselves from their attacks, some experts suggest using ultrasound. The fumigator works from an electric network with the minimum consumption of energy or rechargeable batteries.

A device that looks like a radio radiates certain waves. Ultrasound is not felt by man, insects cause a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, forced to fly away from unfavorable territory. The repeller wasp maximally acts on insects after continuous work for 14 days. If a nest was established on the territory, the pests will hurry to leave it.

Ultrasonic repeller is used to get rid of rodents, flies, mosquitoes, dogs, birds, which often causes many questions to consumers. As the same device can act on insects, animals with equal efficiency,having a couple of modes of changing frequencies. The effect of the proposed devices is doubtful, not officially confirmed. Ultrasound does not pass through the walls, is ineffective if the nest is grounded there.

Wasp Scarers
Wasp Scarers

On a note!

The idea with ultrasound is not new, the method can be effective. But for this you need to use powerful equipment that costs a lot of money. At the same time, the question arises about the appropriateness of the use of such funds in the dacha, own possessions. Small wasps do not harm berries, fruits, do not attack people without endangering their own lives. Pollinate plants, destroy a large number of harmful insects.

Devices for scaring wasps on the modern market:

  • Jobar;
  • Air comfort;
  • X-BIRD;
  • Riddex

The range of the electric fumigator from a few meters to a kilometer, according to the manufacturers. The average price of an ultrasonic repeller is 1000 rubles.


Wasps are always collected at the dacha in the autumn, they do not live on the site itself, but they often fly in. Attracts their garden with apples, pears. I decided to try a new modern tool - a repeller. The result had to wait a long time, and did not wait.Wasps were buzzing around the yard, as before. But the mosquitoes in the evening became less. I will try other ways that will help in the fight with the wasps in the country.

Stas, Perm

Insecticides in combination with traps, baits, physical method of destruction are the most effective means in the fight against wasps. It is possible to erase pests without much effort in a few hours, but you need to know why wasp was afraid. You can scare plants with a strong odor - basil, geranium, peppermint, acrid smoke.

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