Life expectancy os

How many wasps live depends on seasonal factors, species, sex, habitat. The theoretical data may not coincide with the practical ones, so averaged values ​​are often used. Conditionally wasp divided into 2 large groups - public or paper and single. For the former, there is a complex hierarchy in the hive, the latter live independently of each other.

How long insects can live without food

Under certain circumstances, wasps are able to live without food for several months.With the onset of cold weather, males, working individuals freeze, fertilized females - the uterus hide in wooden crevices, under the bark, old hollows. Metabolic processes slow down, the insect stops moving, wasting energy. In this state, the wasp lives from November to April. It leaves the state of anabiosis with the first warm days.

In the season of activity, the wasp is constantly in need of food, replenishment of energy reserves. Food for adults, nectar of plants, juices of ripe berries, fruits, vegetables, bee honey. And also lemonade, jam, sugar, kvass, beer, syrup. Wasps live without food for no more than one day, but it is quite difficult to leave an insect without food. In an apartment in unnatural conditions, but with the presence of food, the wasp will live for several days, but at the first opportunity it will fly out into the street.


On particularly difficult days, the larvae feed on adults. They spit up a special secret that licked the imago. Food for posterity may be in the nest in special chambers as a reserve or for “black days”.


Digging, sandy, earthen wasps of their larvae provide food to the full development cycle.The victim is paralyzed by a victim - a spider, larvae of beetles, butterflies, they lay eggs on their body. Close in the mink. After a few days, the larva appears, which devours the prey alive for 14 days. In the state of cocoon, the larva winters, in spring a young individual comes out to the surface, ready for mating and procreation.

How many wasps live depending on the species

Single wasps in the adult stage are able to live for about 6 months. The female all summer engaged in the reproduction of offspring - digs mink, finds a victim, lays eggs. The rest of the time flies among flowers, plants, hiding at night in the trees, in the grass. With the onset of persistent cold weather females, males die. A new generation of mature individuals will appear in the spring.

The life expectancy of a wasp is polista or paper, the public is directly dependent on gender. Most of the wasp family are working individuals. The maximum term of their life is 60 days. Wasp society is constantly updated due to active behavior. uteruswhich is able to live much longer.

Sexually mature female continuously lays eggs. Late August nests finish building special large cells.There the uterus lays special eggs, from which males, sexually mature females are born. Mating is done in the fall. After which the males die, young females are looking for a reliable place for wintering.

On a note!

Working individuals at the end of the summer, having fully fulfilled their functions, devour the eggs, underdeveloped larvae, leave the nest, on the construction of which they worked all summer. With the onset of cold weather, the wasps perish en masse. According to some data, the old queen dies with them, according to others - it also mates, it remains to spend the winter.


Life expectancy of paper wasps - general data:

  • working individuals - 30-60 days;
  • males - up to 40 days;
  • uterus - 1-2 years.

The largest representatives of the os - hornetsliving a life likewise. The queen lives the longest - 1 year.

Similarities and differences with the bees

Live wasps and bees almost the same, if we are not talking about domesticated bees in the apiary. The theoretical data may not coincide with the practical. The sources provide different data.

The maximum age of a working bee is one year. However, the insects that work on the honey plant in the warm season, die a natural death after 40 days.In the spring, in the fall, when the activity is somewhat reduced, they live up to 60 days. The bees, born in the fall, tolerate the winter well, bring up the larvae, live up to 9 months.

The life span of bees in the active period from March to October is a maximum of 40 days, the passive from November to February, 180 days. Drones live up to 6 months. A uterus in the wild can live for 5-8 years, beekeepers change their queens every 1-2 years, if this is not done, the fertile female will live for about 4 years.


In critical conditions, when the uterus dies, working individuals can live for longer than the usual period of 1 month.

The enemies

Kill wasps ahead of time insecticidesused by humans to combat various agricultural, forest pests, directly with wasp families. Among the main enemies of the usual wasps are the hornets, as well as some species of birds. In the fall of inactive insects eat animals, spiders, large beetles.

The life span of the wasp family also depends on weather conditions. Destroy nests, flood hives, forest fires, premature frosts. A wasp can live genetically for a long time, but in practice the terms are shortened several times.

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