Where and how wasps winter

Where wasps overwinter is one of the most common questions of victims who are faced with an invasion of pests on their own plot, under the roof of a house, on a balcony. Nestwhere in summer the “social” life was actively boiling, in the fall it is getting empty. However, with the onset of summer days, it begins to come to life again, if it remains in the same place.

How social species wasps winter

The familiar hornet's nest is a summer house, which becomes empty with the onset of cold weather.Where wasps winter in the winter, as they do, depends on the species of insects. The most common and well-known public, or as they are called paper wasps. In their family, the division into castes, the fertile female at the head, is practiced.

The greatest number of insects of this species appears in the middle of summer when vegetables and fruits ripen, a persistent warm temperature is maintained outside, there is an abundance of food. However, with the onset of cold weather, around the middle of autumn disappear. wasps from their nests, do not show activity in the wild. The main question is whether these insects fall asleep or die, where they can go.

On a note!

The wintering of wasps requires females to search for suitable places, does not provide for the storage of food stocks, the construction of special shelters. Wasps winter in nature under rotten stumps, in abandoned hollows, under the bark of trees. The home inhabitants who built the nests under the roof of the outbuildings, in attics, on the balcony, hide in the cracks for the winter.

Swarm extinction - where is the winter wasp in winter


With the onset of autumn, the cold nights, the wasps leave the nest. Fly around the neighborhood, stop swarming. Each lives on its own.Insects do not show activity, become inactive, sleepy, vulnerable. The fate of each of them develops differently.

Working females live their lifetimes with the completion of warm days. In mid-autumn, they numb, freeze. Young fertile females mate at the end of summer, hibernate to continue the race with the onset of spring. At the end of the season, working individuals, males, old die uterus. In some families, only at the end of August fertile females appear that will be able to justify their family in the next season.

By the end of summer, metabolic processes in the uterus slow down, preparations are underway for the wintering of wasps. Body temperature drops to a critical level, which prevents freezing in cold winter days. Insects tolerate harsh, snowy days, provided they find a secluded place.


In winter, wasps feed on substances that have accumulated in the body during the last summer days. Special stocks do not. Eat in winter only that managed to accumulate in the body.

Wintering process

In winter, wasps live in places hidden from human eyes. In most cases, in wood.They can hide and fall asleep under the bark, in old stumps, abandoned hollows, crevices. Snow winters contribute to successful wintering. The thaw acts adversely when the ice surface melts, the gaps become open to wind and frost. Overwhelming insects do not give adverse weather conditions, as well as natural enemies.

In the wild, insects are prey to birds, animals. Bears specially tear up old hollows, eat prey, even before insects can get out in the spring. Wasps sleep or not in winter, a moot point. This is a unique state, as a result of which activity is lost, metabolic processes are slowed down, nutrition as such stops. Wasps for the winter become inactive, save power. With the onset of heat, they awaken, continue their normal activity.

When wasps are sleeping


Insects lead an active lifestyle during the day, each individual performs its functions. With the onset of dusk, they return to their nests or seek a secluded spot among the grass, flowers, and trees. They gather in groups or they can fall asleep alone. Wasps in summer sleep all night, before dawn. Outdoors cling to the base of the legs, jaws.In the hive can spend the night in a free position.

A similar condition occurs in winter. However, in this case, sleep lasts much longer, was called anabiosis. Insects are able to hibernate at certain temperature indices. Insects awaken only with the onset of warm days.

On a note!

The temperature at which the wasps begin to gather for wintering ranges from +15 - +10 degrees Celsius. Working individuals with such indicators begin to die, without waiting for the winter. They wake up in the spring with temperature increases up to +10 degrees Celsius.

Initially, the young female is looking for a favorable place for arranging the nest. In most cases, it returns to where it came into being, begins to settle, to settle. The behavior of the young uterus unobtrusively. She is busy laying eggs. Only after the appearance of the first adult working individuals begins an active life. Insects fly around the neighborhood, get food, perform their duties. The peak of activity falls on June-August. Working females live no more than 3 weeks. Males die after mating.

To avoid re-colonization of the wasp family, summer residents, owners of private houses destroy empty nests autumn, winter.

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