How and how to relieve the itch of a wasp sting at home

If after a bite of a wasp a red spot appears and itches, you do not always need to panic, smear a sore spot with anti-allergic ointments, drink antihistamines. It is a normal reaction, if a wasp bites itch for several days, the wound heals this way. In the case when every day the symptoms do not decrease, but increase, new ones are added, you need to sound the alarm, immediately respond.

Causes of itching after a wasp sting

In most cases, people are attacked. public paper wasps, which often appear in the domain of man, are common in the wild. A weapon for attack or self-defense is a sting that connects with a poison gland. By the look sting resembles a sharp needle. Well stuck in the skin, easy to get. After the bite, the wasp injects portion of poisonand then rushes away.

At the scene of the attack instantly there is pain, redness, swelling, swelling. This is a natural reaction of the immune system to tissue damage, the entry of an unwanted toxic substance. After the disinsection of the wound, the application of a cold compress relieves pain, swelling, but itching comes to replace it. In the normal reaction of the body, the place of a wasp sting for several days itches as the wound heals. To alleviate the condition of using drugs, folk remedies. Within a week, the skin is completely restored, the unpleasant symptoms disappear.


In some situations, redness and swelling, and then severe itching is associated with the development severe allergies, getting into the wound of a secondary infection during scratching, with non-compliance with the rules of disinfection.The situation is typical of children with weak immunity, adults with individual intolerance to wasp, bee venom. If the affected area is scratched for several days, and an additional rash has appeared, and the area of ​​redness has expanded, a qualified therapy should be started.

Remedies for itching during normal reaction

Anoint a wasp sting, so as not to itch at home, you can pharmacy drugs, folk remedies. In the wild, for these purposes they use their own saliva, which is a strong antiseptic, cold water, juice of celandine, dandelion, lemon. In the presence of an alcoholic beverage, treat the bite of a wasp to them. Best of all for this purpose suitable quality vodka.

Means for relieving the itch of a wasp sting
Means for relieving the itch of a wasp sting

How to relieve the itch of a wasp sting at home:

  • To get rid of unpleasant sensations, paste from baking soda is applied to the sore spot, left to dry completely, shaken off. In a soda add a small amount of water, stir.
  • To remove the itch is capable of toothpaste with menthol or shaving foam. Apply for 5 minutes, wash off.
  • Redness and swelling, as well as itching, removes ordinary cold water.Substitute sore spot under running water, immersed in a basin, take a shower or apply a compress.
  • Used lemon juice, onions, garlic, which are strong antiseptics. Remove not only itching, but other symptoms of local irritation. Squeeze out the juice, smear the bite.
  • Herbal properties have a herbal tincture with a calming effect, disinfectant. Use valerian, motherwort, glod, hawthorn, calendula. Treat with a cotton swab moistened with solution.
  • To get rid of the itch of a wasp sting, you should use alcohol - ammonia, boric, and medical. If you sanitize the wound within 20 minutes after the attack of the wasp, you can avoid the appearance of itchy sensations in the future.
  • Will provide emergency medical care when biting a solution of vinegar - table, apple, wine. In a glass of water diluted with 1 tsp. Wipe or apply a compress for a few minutes. It is allowed to treat redness, swelling, swelling, if the sore spot does not cease to itch.
  • Citric acid relieves discomfort almost instantly. Wipe a wasp sting with a slice of lemon juice or a solution of citric acid.For 100 ml of water is used the agent on the knife broomstick

It is forbidden to comb the wounds, because the infection penetrates, the condition will only worsen, the inflamed area will increase. You should immediately use one of the above tools or special pharmacy drugs.


I always treat the wound with ammonia. A couple of days, everything goes. Once, during a picnic, a wasp bit, grabbed what was at hand. Rubbed a sore spot with a slice of lemon. The pain subsided, the swelling disappeared, the house began to itch, anointed with alcohol.

Anna, Tver

Therapy without expert advice

Preparations based on extracts of herbs, oils, safe components are used for minor manifestations of allergy to eliminate pronounced itching. Apply a thin layer of dots up to 4 times per day if necessary. The duration of therapy during the normal reaction of the body to wasp venom does not exceed 3 days.

Wasp Bite Treatments
Wasp Bite Treatments

Effective means:

  • Balm asterisk;
  • Boro Plus antiseptic cream green, purple;
  • Ointment or solution Menovazina;
  • Calendula Ointment;
  • Balm Gardeks Family;
  • Moskitol after insect bites;
  • Balsam Picnic Family;
  • Children's antiseptic cream containing celandine, calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile.

Allowed to use for children from birth, the cost in pharmacies from 100 rubles. Sold without a prescription.


Calendula ointment helps me a lot. I smear a wound, and the next day there is practically no stain. Itching goes away in 5 minutes. The drug has many beneficial properties - antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating. Well heals wounds, soothes the skin.

Alina, Moscow

Treatment of itching after a wasp sting with severe local allergies

Symptoms: irritation, swelling, redness, rash, severe carding. Unpleasant manifestations do not disappear when using natural creams, folk remedies. Antihistamine and antiallergic drugs are used for therapy.

  • Fenistil gel. Allowed to children after 1 year. Stops the production of histamine, thereby eliminating all unpleasant symptoms. Treat affected areas need to point from 1 to 3 times per day. As the symptoms disappear, the dosage is reduced. The course of therapy is not more than 5 days. The cost of a tube is about 250 rubles, it is spent economically.
  • Psilo balmAntipruritic gel works on diphenhydramine. Stops the inflammatory process, stimulates tissue regeneration, anesthetizes, cools. The action is similar to the previous drug, but in addition instantly soothes. Use from 1 to 4 times a day. The cost of 292 rubles.
  • Hydrocortisone. Ointment based on the hormone glucocorticosteroid group. Instantly eliminates the symptoms of allergies, promotes healing of wounds, stops the inflammatory process, removes itching. It has restrictions on age, duration of use. From wasp stings it is allowed to use no more than 5 days. In most cases, relief comes from the first days of therapy. After 5 days at the site of the lesion does not remain. Price within 70 rubles.
  • Soventol. Hydrocortisone cream. Is analogous to the previous medication. Effectively eliminates the manifestations of allergies, urticaria. The cost of funds 2000 rubles.
  • Advantan. Hormonal medication is allowed for children from 2-6 months. Dotted from 1 to 2 times per day. Unpleasant symptoms disappear in 5 minutes, restoration of the skin occurs in a couple of days. Price - from 570 rubles.
Preparations for the treatment of wasp sting
Preparations for the treatment of wasp sting

In case of a strong allergic reaction to the poison of the wasp, additionally prescribed antihistamines for oral administration in the form of drops, tablets. Effective remedies - Fenistil, Claritin, Suprastin, ElCet, Eden, Diazolin. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, the average duration of taking antihistamines is 10 days.


My son's allergy began to appear from 2 months. When bitten waspI was frightened in earnest. Immediately shoved an antihistamine pill, and began to treat the sore spot with Advantan. The spot decreased in front of the eyes, the child stopped scratching the wound. The next day there was a small spot, on the third day the skin recovered completely.

Irina, St. Petersburg

If a child or an adult through negligence was able to comb the wound, an infection got there, swelling, suppuration, inflammation, itching appears. The skin may turn red around the wound over a large area. And also formed ulcers, suppuration, oozing eczema, as the consequences of reproduction of the pathogenic microflora. Scratching the sores is contraindicated so that the infection does not spread further, the use of local antiallergic drugs is prohibited.The treatment is carried out with local antibiotics - Levomekol, Tetracycline, Elok with a combined action.

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