First aid for a child with a wasp sting at home

What to do if a child was bitten by a wasp, there is a clear sequence of actions. Every mother with him should be familiar.After the bite, do not panic, but provide qualified assistance. A further mechanism of action depends on the body's response to the ingress of poison. Children, especially small children, increase their risk allergic reaction varying degrees of intensity.

What does an wasp bite look like?

First you need to determine - bitten wasp or bee. There are no special differences, but there is one nuance - the bee always leaves a sting with a part of its own body. The thing is that bee sting differs from wasp external structure - has notches that do not allow him to get back. With a sharp movement of the insect detached body. Soon the bee dies, but the sting left on the child’s skin continues to pulsate, injecting poison. It is necessary to immediately stop this process, remove the sting, and only then proceed to further action.

On a note!

Wasp able to sting many times, remains alive, does not leave a "weapon" in the wound.

Typical situation

The reaction to the bite of a wasp in a child may be different. It depends on the age, the individual characteristics of the organism. Moreover, it should be, because the blood enters poisonwhich is a strong allergen. With an adequate response of the body, the bite is as follows:

  • sharp pain in the process;
  • swelling;
  • redness
  • dark point in the center.
Reaction to a wasp sting in a child
Reaction to a wasp sting in a child

Over time itching. The spot size does not exceed 1 cm. With a normal reaction of the body, the symptoms go away on their own within 2 days after first aid. Does not require special treatment. Finally, the skin is restored in a week.


If a wasp bites a child, the risk of an allergic reaction increases. This is especially true for babies under one year old, newborns, children who have never before encountered insects, with a tendency to allergies, genetic predisposition. Is dangerous wasp sting for a child, the development of a local, systemic reaction, up to laryngeal edema, anaphylactic shock.


  • A strong redness of more than 1 cm. Such a reaction of the body should already be alerted. It should immediately purchase an antihistamine.
  • Swelling, noticeable swelling not only at the site of the bite. If a child was stung by wasps by the finger, in the case of allergies, the whole hand swells, in the eye it is impossible to open the eyelid, etc.
  • Additional rash.The reaction to an allergen in the blood provokes a rash with itching, burning.
Systemic allergies after a wasp sting
Systemic allergies after a wasp sting

Especially dangerous systemic manifestations of allergies, which can also manifest themselves differently in each individual case.

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • lack of coordination;
  • slurred speech;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • low pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • diarrhea;
  • difficulty breathing, lack of air;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • fever;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness.


Especially dangerous is a bite in the head, neck, and the attack of several insects. Swelling can not only bite, but the entire limb, a separate part of the body.

Standard first aid for a wasp sting a child

To stop the effect of poison, you need to get rid of it, as soon as possible. It is impossible to completely prevent the penetration of the allergen, since an insect can bite a child when an adult does not see it. If it happened that the bite was literally on the eyes, you should immediately suck out the poison from the wound, spit out. In other situations, they act according to the following algorithm.

  1. Rinse the wound with running water to wash off the remnants of the poison.
  2. Disinfect the wound to prevent secondary infection. For this purpose, ammonia is used, any alcohol tincture, high-quality vodka, laundry soap, even its own saliva. To neutralize the poison also use the juice of lemon, orange, plantain, celandine, dandelion.
  3. Treat the wound with a means of accelerating the healing, restoration of the skin.
First aid for a wasp sting a child
First aid for a wasp sting a child


Further treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the child is prone to allergies, you must immediately give an antihistamine drug in the form of drops, tablets. Effective remedies - Claritin, Fenistil, Eltset, Diazolin, Eden. When choosing a medicine you need to take into account age. For the one-year-old child drops are more suitable. Fenistil will do.

Help with mild allergies

Allergic reaction occurs within 5-20 minutes. If it is limited only by the local reaction on the skin, the treatment is carried out at home with folk, pharmaceutical means. A bite is not particularly dangerous for a baby in the arm or leg, limited to unpleasant symptoms on the skin, does not reach a systemic reaction.

Folk remedies

Provide treatment of the wound juice, wiping decoction, compress. How to smear a bite, in most cases, depends on the environment in which the adult and injured child will be.

  • lemon juice;
  • vinegar solution - 1 cup cool water 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar;
  • baking soda paste - add a small amount of water, stir, put on the bite before drying;
  • toothpaste with menthol;
  • decoction of chamomile, lemon balm, mint;
  • tincture of calendula, valerian, motherwort;
  • laundry soap;
  • shaving foam;
  • juice of dandelion, parsley, cucumber, celandine, plantain;
  • own saliva;
  • alcohol;
  • vodka.
Folk recipes for mosquito bites
Folk recipes for mosquito bites

Any remedy with an antiseptic, antibacterial, disinfecting, soothing property is suitable.

Pharmacy drugs

It is better to treat a wasp sting in a child in the presence of a pronounced allergic reaction on the skin with pharmacy drugs that have anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-pruritic, healing properties.

For children under 1 year old:

  • balm asterisk;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Psilo balm;
  • Rescuer;
  • Bepanten

If the child has combed his wounds, the infection has joined, use:

  • Ointment Solcoseryl;
  • Levomekol;
  • Vishnevsky ointment.

On a note!

Komarovsky offers to smear the Fenistil tumor with a gel, to add treatment with drops with the same name.

Antiallergic drugs with severe allergies

Have age restrictions. Used if the children were bitten by wasps, as a result there was a strong immune response on the skin. Hormonal preparations, it is recommended to use from wasp stings no more than 5 days. Apply only on the affected areas with a thin layer. The frequency of wound treatment 1-2 times per day.

  • Advantan;
  • Dermoveit;
  • Elok;
  • Betamethasone;
  • Fluorocort;
  • Triaccutane;
  • Cinaflane
Antiallergic drugs with severe allergies
Antiallergic drugs with severe allergies

Additionally prescribed inside are antihistamines that stop the pathological process - Claritin, Fenistil, Diazolin, ElTcet, Eden.

Dangerous bites and not very

A wasp sting in the neck is especially dangerous as the risk of laryngeal edema increases. In this case, you must immediately give the child an antihistamine drug, if you feel unwell, call an ambulance or go to the sanitary inspection room on your own.

If a wasp bit in the forehead, in the ear, the reaction will be minimal, since the likelihood of poison entering the systemic circulation in large quantities is reduced. It is enough just to give first aid to the child, to treat the wound with an antiseptic.

The bites of wasps in the lip, the eye also do not carry any particular danger, but almost instantly there is a strong swelling, the eye, the mouth does not open. To cure swelling, you need to put ice cubes, make cold compresses. When biting in the leg, arm, the reaction may be different, the methods of therapy depend on the complexity of the symptoms. Biting a wasp is capable of different areas, up to 5 times in one attack.

To avoid serious consequences, you need to give first aid, watch the baby carefully for 1 hour. When the state of health worsens, if the body begins to swell or a separate part of it, immediately call an ambulance.

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Bed bugs

