Differences Ascaris from pinworms and other worms
- Pinworms
- Worm species
- Preparations from worms
Parasitic diseases - helminthiasis have a high prevalence and are found, according to statistics, in every second person on the planet. Among the worms that affect the human body, roundworms and pinworms are most commonly detected.Diseases caused by these parasites remain unnoticed for a long time, although it is usually enough to pass only a stool test to determine them.
Species Features
In order to understand the difference between ascaris and worms, it is necessary to find out the characteristics of each of them, how the representatives of the species look and what they need for their vital activity.
Pinworms are worms that have a rounded shape and a grayish color. Their length ranges from 5 mm in males to 12 mm in females. On the surface of their bodies, pinworms have a special tubercle, through which they are attached to the human intestines. This type of worms carries out its livelihoods in the small intestine of a person for a month, after which they die, leaving their offspring.
On a note!
Females lay about 13,000 eggs in the anus area and die. The larvae emerge from them already after 6 hours and immediately find themselves in a favorable habitat for themselves. Parasites are more common in children, but are also found in adults.
Roundworm painted in white and pink. Their body is translucent. The length of adult females reaches 40 cm.The eggs of these helminths enter the human body from the external environment, and the hatched larvae penetrate through the intestinal membranes into the blood and spread throughout the body. Ascaris lives for a year and lays eggs in the intestines, from where they come out in feces and wait for the next applicant for settlement.
Species differences of helminths
In the photo, ascarids and pinworms can clearly see that their appearance varies greatly due to their size. Ascaris in length far exceeds the size of pinworms. They have one way of getting inside a person - unwashed hands, but roundworms differ from pinworms with a high degree of survival, due to which their eggs can be in any environment (soil, water, plants, etc.), and pinworms are transmitted only from person to person and through personal care products.
Symptomatic nuances
The difference between ascaris and pinworms is also manifested in the form of symptoms that developed in response to helminth infections in humans.
When infected with ascaris symptoms can be quite violent. These worms, traveling through the human body, affect everything in its path. Because of this, patients report nausea,weight loss on the background of sometimes increased appetite, upset stools, cough, shortness of breath and other intoxicating symptoms, including unreasonable fever.
Symptoms that are caused by pinworms are not so numerous. Sometimes it is only one - intense itching in the anus, which lasts for three days, then disappears and resumes after two or three weeks. The reason for it is the release of the female pinworm for laying eggs. In addition to the symptom described above, abdominal soreness and stool disorders may occur.
Untreated pinworms in women can cause diseases in gynecology, penetrating the vagina and uterus.
Danger of species to humans
The effect on the human body in ascaris and pinworms is also somewhat different. Ascaris affects all organs and systems, leads to respiratory disorders and provokes the occurrence of leukemia due to the fact that they feed on blood cells. They are also dangerous for pregnant women, as they absorb all the trace elements and nutrients necessary for the future mother and her baby.
Enterobiasis caused by pinworms, in a state of neglect, leads to the formation of dysbacteriosis and various intestinal diseases, and also inhibits the body's immune defense system.
Features of therapeutic effects
It is not difficult to find medications against parasites in a modern pharmacy with high efficiency. But it is better not to engage in self-treatment and, at the very first symptoms, to seek qualified medical assistance. To clarify the type of parasite and the severity of the disease will help diagnostic methods. Medicines for pinworms and ascaris - this is the surest way to cope with helminthic invasions in humans.
On a note!
The preparations are used the same in both cases, but there is information that it is preferable to choose Albendazole for ascariasis, whereas Pirantel acts better on pinworms. Medicines are available as tablets or suspensions. Usually the first option is preferable for adult patients, and the second for babies.
It is also important to use symptomatic treatment depending on the pronounced manifestations.For this purpose, they use drugs such as mucolytic and bronchodilator drugs, antihistamines, immunomodulators, multivitamins and sorbents for the accelerated elimination of helminthic toxins.
Traditional healers also offer a wide range of simple and complex tools, proven by people of several generations.
- Pumpkin seeds. To eat these healthy seeds with a healing effect, they must be cleaned, ground into a pasty state and mixed with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Preference to give olive. Eat the mixture should be in the morning before a meal for four days.
- Garlic water. To make it, add crushed two garlic cloves to 100 ml of water, previously boiled and cooled to ambient temperature. Take this drug should be at bedtime for 8 days without interruption. Children are not allowed to use.
- Vegetable juices. A good effect in the fight against worms in humans is having freshly squeezed juices from such vegetables as carrots and beets. They should be taken on an empty stomach, 150 ml per day without a break for two weeks.
Prevention of helminth infections
Measures to prevent helminth infection are common to both species.
- Vegetables and fruits before eating should be thoroughly washed and, if possible, pour boiling water over it.
- Drink water only after heat treatment.
- Wash hands thoroughly when coming from the street or after using the toilet.
- If there are pets in the house, disinfect their resting place and regularly de-worming.
- If someone in the family has become infected, then provide daily change of bedding with high temperature treatment and sterilization of commonly used hygiene items.
- There is also the option of drug prophylaxis every six months. Especially doctors recommend such measures for children attending pre-school institutions.